“The Old Lady vs. the Young Kid”

Converting targeted traffic to cash can be boiled down to 4 lessons. Let me tell you a story that demonstrates these lessons.

At the park an old lady went up to the pigeons and wanted to get them to feed from her hand. Initially, the pigeons flew away. As she gently showed the seeds and the pigeons would come towards her. When she turned down to get more seeds, the pigeons would fly away. Until one pigeon put his beak on her hand when she was grabbing seeds. All the other pigeons saw this and flocked to her. The miracle was the next day when she came back she didn’t have to go through that dance again. She simply had to show the bird seed and pigeons flocked to her and ate to their hearts content.

Then a kid tried to feed the pigeons from his hand, but he jumped at the pigeons and they flew away. When the pigeons came at him, he ran at them and threw the bird seed at them. He was unsuccessful in getting the pigeons to feed from his hand.

What does this story have to do with traffic conversion? Everything!
Lesson #1: Attract your prospects, don’t chase them. The old lady learned how to attract the pigeons. It is not the intention that counts, but the response you elicit.

Lesson #2: 3 reasons why people buy from you – they know you, like you, and trust you. The woman got the pigeons to know her, like her and trust her. The little boy didn’t establish these 3 things.

Lesson #3: 3 reasons why people won’t buy from you – they don’t believe you, they don’t understand you, and/or it’s not the right time. Timing is everything. 83% of the buying decision is in your control. The only part that is not in your control is bad timing.

Lesson #4: You will convert more first time visitors through the process of seduction. The woman in the story pulled the pigeons in by offering the seeds in her hand. Note that this is not the same as salesmanship.

So act like the old lady when it comes to your traffic and you will earn more profit. If you act like the kid then you will miss out on piles of cash.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: http://www.internetmarketingdirt.com/

“This way of talking can be the difference between success and failure.”

If you think about it, your thoughts turn into your language. Your language turns into action, and your action turns into results. You may have heard that before and most people say, “Oh yeah, I might know that.” But, here’s the deal: there are two different types of language people use. I want you to be aware of this and aware of how you use language.

Some people have Indecisive language…. They are saying things to themselves right now like, “Well, I already know this stuff.” Well, maybe you have heard something like this before, but it is very important that you understand it. So here is the kind of words or phrases that indecisive people say: “I’ll try to do it.” “I may do it.” “I might get around to it.” Here in the South, we might say, “I’m fixin’ to.”

That’s indecisive language, and that’s going to stop people from getting into Action to get the Results they want. What you want to have is Decisive language. You want to be thinking and saying, “I will do this. I must do this.” You will often hear me say, “I will make that happen.” This is an example of me using decisive language. You want to have those types of words coming out of your mouth. Not only coming out of your mouth, but also coming out of your head.
You have to have this mindset to succeed.
Start monitoring the way you think. Are you thinking positive and decisive thoughts? Turn these positive and decisive thoughts into positive and decisive language. Use the positive decisive language to take positive and decisive actions. From these positive and decisive actions you will gain positive results. And, by results, I mean MONEY!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

Here are some cool links I found…


"The Accidental Millionaires"

I want to share with you two great examples of Internet Millionaire accidents.
Have you heard of Armand Morin? Armand Morin is called the generator guy. He is a great internet marketer and a good friend of mine. Armand Morin created a toolbar.

The toolbar he created put together the websites he used and other sites he found useful. He saved them, similar to our saving web sites in the Internet Explorer’s Favorites, except he put them into a toolbar. He started selling these toolbars, which were… just his Favorites list… and in less than three months, he made over a $1 million dollars. He did not expect it to happen, it just happened. Accidentally because he was in an action state of being.

Have you heard of Morgan Westerman? You have probably seen his Interviews with God movie.

Interviews with God is a public domain poem. Public Domain are books and movies, etc. that are so old they no longer have a copyright in force. They can often be found on the internet for use. There are an infinite number of topics & books for the taking. You can actually go to these sites, find materials, and after making certain that the copyrights have expired, you can use them for your own. You can slap on the title Think and Grow Rich. Ever heard of that book? The book is in the public domain. You can get a copy of it, take off Napoleon Hill’s name, and put your name on it.

So, Morgan Westerman took a public domain poem and he turned it into a flash movie. The “movie” showed breathtaking landscapes with inspirational music and then lines of the poem would pop up. This movie was delivered to millions by email, it became viral because people loved it and passed it on. You may have received it several times. In the course of six months, he made a $1 million dollars.

Morgan and Armand never realized this would happen. There are so many opportunities out there for you to make a lot of money. Think about the stories I have told you; think about the statistics I’ve given you. Think about the skills and knowledge that you have. What can you create to make your first million dollars?

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

"Boo!…Happy Halloween!"

I just wanted to send you a quick
email and say “Happy Halloween” If
you celebrate it, and…

To let you know that the lines are almost
all reserved for tomorrow’s LIVE web training
with Online Real Estate expert Lou Castillo.

If you have not yet registered you
need to reserve your spot right now:


I know that we’re all always looking for
the easiest way to make more money.

I’ve made a career of it! (and so has Lou)

Listen in tomorrow as he reveals how he leveraged
the SPEED and POWER of the internet to make more
money in real estate in less time and with much
less effort.


This is by far the most information
Lou will have ever shared with the general public
about his system.

Get over to the page below and register before it’s too late!


Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Not sure if this is for you? I understand your
hesitation. But consider this: Think about all the
top investors you know for a moment.

Do you see them doing more and more online? Are they
using sites to buy and sell deals? Do you see any
change in the marketing strategies at all from what
they were doing even one short year ago?

Of course you do!

Do they know something you don’t know? Or do you think
they’re losing money hand over fist? You obviously
recognize the importance of bringing the internet &
real estate together.

So why in the world haven’t you registered yet?

Don’t be one of the unfortunate few that are left behind!

Go here ->> http://www.promotingtips.com/onlineempire.htm

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

"Powerful Promoting Tip #17"

Alot of people always ask me…

How do you get work done for cheap?
Where can I go to get help with my tasks?
Who should write my articles?
Who can transcribe my audio?
How can I get a website done cheap?
And many more just like that…

Well, I respond, try elance…

Today’s promoting tip is a article I just wrote called:

“Hiring the Perfect Fit Through eLance.com”

Go here right now to see this article:



Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

It’s Time to Remove the "VooDoo"

Yes, remove the ‘Voo Doo’!

The truth is many of the old school trainers may
have hypnotized you into believing you have to
follow all those frustrating techniques for making
money in the worlds most profitable niche.

(Real Estate)

…It’s simply Not True!

What if you could make it easy? What if you
could stop looking for houses, and start
letting deals come directly to you?

What if you could name your profits?

Imagine getting $10,000 – $30,000 – $50,000
a month – every month.

Would that interest you?


If so, keep reading and find out exactly
what my friend and business partner Lou
Castillo has discovered.

When he started in the business, he wasted
18 agonizing months trying to create deals
in all the traditional ways. A lot of work
and no results because those techniques
just don’t work!

Then he realized how to make it easy to:
Find the deal – Fund the deal – Find the Buyer

That realization took him from $0 to
$360,000 in profits the very next year.

Now, 15 years later after controlling over
$30,000,000 of real estate, his newest discovery
is blending real estate investing with the
power of the internet.

Join me Thursday night as I GRILL Lou and
force him to share his secrets with you:


You’ll hear him discuss the details for
creating an OnLine Real Estate Empire.

– How to sit at your desk and attract motivated
sellers – they’ll beg you to buy their house!

– How to sell your deal in 24-48 hours with less
than an hour’s work!

– How to build millions in equity for retirement
with others’ cash and credit!

– How to get all these “gurus” to pay you
$1,000 – $5,000 – $10,000 for 90 minutes of
YOUR time!

Don’t miss this profitable LIVE webinar.


Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. I believe in finding the easiest paths to
riches because life is about “enjoying” not about
“working”. Find out how to enjoy more & work less.


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Rd, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097

Do you take this simple step to insure your own success?

I set goals for myself. I remember my first goal on the internet was to make $100. It wasn’t to make a million. My next goal was to make $1,000. Then after that was to make $10,000. When I made my $10,000, I decided my next goal would be to make $ 100,000.

When I made my first $100,000, I didn’t do it in a year. No. I didn’t do it in a month. I did it in one hour. After that happened so suddenly, I just said to myself; “I figured it out, all I have to do is do this 10 times and bam! I make my goal.” And you know what? I made my first million in less than three months after I made my first $100,000 in that hour.

Now the cool thing is that I set new goals. The reason I’m sharing this with you has nothing to do with me. It’s about you, because I want you to get your goals straight. So that you know that your first goal is not; “oh, I wanna make $1 million.” Because if you haven’t made a $1,000 on the internet, how the heck are you going to make your first $100,000 or first million? You have to make $1,000 before you can make your $100,000 dollars. You have to make $100,000 before you can make a million dollars. However, you have to set your goals.

My first new goal is to do $1 million in one day. I already have that day planned; I know when I’m going to do it. After that, my goal is to make $1 million in an hour, then to make $1 million in a minute. Can it happen? Absolutely, I know it can!
By setting goals for yourself you can begin on your way to making your own millions in minutes. Can it happen for you? Absolutely, I know it can!

Set some goals for yourself today and start achieving them!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

Do You Know The Right “F” Word for Success?

One of the biggest things to stand between most people and success is fear. Fear can be defined in many ways. There is only one “F” word which you should consider if you want to be successful. That word is…This article will show you what FEAR should stand for in your thinking.

Once you have begun to think positively and use decisive language, you will need to learn how to move from thoughts and language to action. When you begin to take action there are two important “F” words. The first word, FEAR, can stop you from reaching your goals, stop you from super-sizing your lifestyle.

You may have heard this before – probably from Brian Tracy. You hear many speakers saying it…

They say that FEAR is False Evidence Appearing Real.



Well, I thought about that and they are right. But here’s my spin on it, it’s not only False Evidence Appearing Real, but it’s also, False EDUCATION Appearing Real.



Some people are educated the wrong way. That is why I want to share this information with you. If you live in FEAR, you will never get the results that you want.

The other “F” word is FAITH. You’ve gotta have faith. Have faith in yourself. Have faith in you husband. Have faith in your wife. Have faith in your kids. Have faith in your business. Have faith in your idea. You will see results! Have faith in other people, too. Not having faith in other people is a huge problem that many of us have. You have to have faith. Your Faith moves you forward through action and leads you to the result that you desire.

Let me ask you a question. Do you know your personal cost of not developing the Internet Millionaire Mindset? Do you know the actual hard cost? I’ll tell you one of the costs for me, was looking in the eyes of my child and my wife at Christmas and knowing that I couldn’t give them what I wanted to give them. I couldn’t give them what they wanted or needed.

The thing that changed my life, and I do not often share this story. I grew up in a small town outside of Youngstown, Ohio, a hard working steel town called Cortland. We didn’t have much money. My parents gave me a budget. My parents told me, “If you want to buy expensive shoes, and the cool clothes that the other kids are wearing. You have to earn the money for yourself. You have to go out there and make it happen.” I said, “Okay, I will.” I went out and got a couple of paper routes.

One of the last stops on my paper route was an assisted living community (or as I called it then, an old folks’ home). I would sit around and talk to them. The old people would say, “Boy, if I was your age” and “I wish I would’ve done this” or “I could’ve done this and I should’ve done that.”
They were telling me all the things and they wished they had accomplished in their lives.

I remember many of them saying to me “If I had the money I would have invested in stocks, or I would have started business because I could have made a lot of money.”

I remember one day, I was on my way home from my paper routes. Instead of passing by the waterfall at the old mill, I rode my bike down to the water with my paper-bag on my shoulder. I threw it on my bike; I ran underneath the waterfall and made a promise to myself: “I will never end up like those people – full of regret. I do not want to end up like that. I don’t want to ever say, ‘I wish I had done this, or I wish I could’ve done that.’”

I want to live life without regrets. I want to emphasize that to you. Think about all of the things you could have done, you should have done, and you would have done, but you did not. It was fear that stopped you from doing those things. I want to challenge you to start moving in faith, because absolute miracles will happen for you.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

Your "second chance" is here…

I just wanted to remind you that the “2nd Chance” offer Ryan Deiss made for his “30 Days To $10K” program expires TONIGHT (Monday) at Midnight:


So, if you want to learn my secrets to starting your own passive cash-generating membership site, you need to check out the page above.

The first group sold out in under 8 minutes so this “2nd Chance” offer is your last chance to get in on this training. If youmissed it once, I know you don’t want to miss it again:


Talk soon,

Matt Bacak


P.S. I said it once and I’ll say it again…
I sincerely believe that anyone…ANYONE can build a 5-figure business in just 30 days. If you want to be one of those people, I suggest you check out Ryan’s “2nd Chance” offer before it’s too late:
