"Powerful Promoting Tip #16"


In today’s busy world, whether your business is large or small,
it is easy to become over whelmed with day-to-day tasks.

Suddenly you realize that you need to update your web presence
content or you need to have a processes and procedures manual on-
hand in case of key personnel being out.

It just becomes too much to handle!


Or perhaps you need to produce articles to promote your business,
but writing simply isn’t your forte. What do you do?

It’s simple; hire a ghost writer to assist
you in performing your writing tasks.

In todays promoting tip, you’ll discover
“How to Effectively Hire a Ghost Writer”

Go here right now to find out exactly how:

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak


“8 Tips for the Million Dollar Blueprint Platform”

Have you written your million dollar blueprint platform? Are you sure it is the best it can be? Following is a list of 8 tips that you should know to ensure that you have written the best possible million dollar blueprint platform. If you already have incorporated these tips then hats off to you. If you haven’t then you have some work ahead of you.

Platform Tip #1: You don’t have to use every single part of the million dollar blueprint formula. Use what you need.

Platform Tip #2: Don’t be afraid about getting your platform done perfectly. Just do it. You don’t have to get it right, you just have to get it going.

Platform Tip #3: The most common mistake is that every single time people give a presentation they change it. Don’t do that. Simply repeat your presentation. Do strive to make it better based on feedback and experience, but keep the core of presentation the same.

Platform Tip #4: Script out your presentation in advance. You can use bullet points or write it out word for word. It depends on your preference. Either way it will be a great guide during the presentation and help your confidence. Just don’t read the script too closely or you can appear rigid and boring.

Platform Tip #5: Be enthusiastic. People will like you better. They will be more apt to believe you and invest in your product.

Platform Tip #6: Don’t think about yourself, think about your audience. You are there for them. Your job is to provide your customers with the best information you have and to let them know how they can find out more about your product or service.

Platform Tip #7: Use this million dollar blueprint platform formula every time you create a presentation for a new product. It is used by highly successful Internet marketers. You can mix and match the order of the blueprint if you want. Just make sure that you aren’t only being a salesperson, but that you also provide a good deal of valuable content.

Platform Tip #8: It’s not about the hard sale; it’s about the heart sale. Sell from your heart. Be yourself. People will like you for who you are.

So here’s your homework:
1. Grab the million dollar blueprint. Find a quiet place to sit down and start writing out your presentation.
2. Write out your answers to these questions. Write out the meat of the presentation.
3. When you put it all together you will have a great presentation. You will be ready for a presentation, conference, or teleseminar.
4. So what are you waiting for? Sit down and get it done!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“The Million Dollar Blueprint Platform – Part IV”

Are you still working on your million dollar blueprint platform? You are almost at the end. You can see the finish line. There are just a few more steps to go. Read on to find out steps 13-16 and how to apply them to your business.

Step #13: It’s really important to sell when you get in front of people. You are giving customers ways to continue their education and learn more. It is your right and obligation to provide information to your customers through your products and services. So sell, sell, and sell some more! Don’t just talk, but sell at the end of your presentation.

Step #14: You want to address the most common objections for moving forward. Determine this ahead of time. Ask yourself – “What stops people from buying the product?” Ask people this too so you can get feedback. Then figure out the answers to these questions as to why these objections can be overcome by your product or service. Incorporate this into your presentation.

Examples of objections:
– Spouse and family members object to the purchase.
– I don’t have time.
– I don’t have the money.

Step #15: Just do it! Don’t sit around and think about it. Get up and take action. NOW!

Step #16: The absolute most important thing is to give people clear instructions on how to respond to your presentation and sales pitch. For example you can say, “What I want you to do right now is get your purse or wallet, pull out your credit card, fill out the form, and send your money to…go to the website and click on this button”

You have to be direct. People will be confused unless you give them the specific steps. Don’t just assume that they know how to get your product. You have to hold their hand. The more you do that, the more sales you will get.

Once you finish working through Step #16 then you can pat yourself on the back because you have created your million dollar blueprint platform. Congratulations!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“The Million Dollar Blueprint Platform – Part III”

So you’ve accomplished the first 9 steps of the million dollar blueprint platform. Guess what? You’re not finished yet. Read on to find the ins and outs of steps 10-12.

Step #10: Prove there is an abundance of opportunity and profit potential. The one way to prove this is to say there are tons of people searching for you on the Internet all the time. Download the piece of software called “Good Keywords”. You can find out the number of people that search for your niche everyday. Give examples. Then your customer will start seeing dollar signs in their minds.

Give plenty examples of successful applications of your product, service, or system. For example, let’s say your niche is real estate. Tell customers that hypothetically your system showed people how to make $10,000 on every deal that they do. Let’s say that you did two deals a month. That is easy to achieve. This means that you would make $20,000 a month and $240,000 per year. But let’s be more conservative and you have 1 deal per month. That would be $120,000 per year. Then ask your customer to imagine how better their life would be if they earned this extra $120,000 per year.

Tip: Make sure to be as detailed as possible when you give these examples, especially real life examples of you or your associates. Give numbers. Give the niche type. People like detail because it helps them to better evaluate what you are talking about. Plus, more details are much more convincing.

Tip: If you don’t have associates that have real examples of success with your system then you can use common public figures like Donald Trump. Talk about how they applied certain techniques that are similar or the same as your system.

Tip: Don’t be salesy the whole time. Give some valuable content so there is meat in your platform.

11. Give examples of refusal to take the offer. Examples include profit loss, time loss, and legal problems. For example, if they don’t use your product or service then they might go into a deal and get sued because they don’t know what they are doing. Your product or service will help them avoid these negative side effects. You need to explain that people don’t know what they don’t know which could hurt them.

12. Important! Use scarcity and urgency. Disclaimer: Use these for good, not for the bad.
These should be in your presentation to be convincing. This will get people off their lazy couch and buy your product or service.

Examples of scarcity and urgency include:
– Limited Availability. This works well with bonuses. For example, you have a promotion for a home study course. You can limit how many of the home study courses you want to produce. For example, you could just make 500 home study courses. Explain that there is a limited availability so people are more likely to take action.

– Limited time. This works well on teleseminars. For example, “If you order before midnight you can get a discount..”

– For the first “X” amount of people, you’ll get a bonus. This will get people to buy your product as soon as possible so they don’t miss out.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

"This is a Turnkey Business…"

Whatever you’re doing, I want you to stop,
turn up your speakers, turn off your phone
and clear the next few minutes of your day.


Because my friends Shawn Casey and Jeff Paul have
just posted a video online that reveals how you can
potentially participate in Local Search, Paid Search
Engine Advertising And Website Design Industries,
which have combined sales in the billions![1]

As you’re about to see, 25 million small businesses[2]
are already spending billions of dollars in their quest
to generate customers and leads from the Internet. And
these sectors are growing.

Now you may be able to join the relatively new profession
of being an Internet Marketing Consultant for small businesses
without needing to be a programmer or having experience with
website design or Internet marketing!

You should go watch this video right now to get more
information and find out if this might be exactly what
you’ve been looking for:

Go here –>> http://promotingtips.com/video

By the way, this is a turnkey business – an actual
franchise opportunity – aimed at helping local small
businesses finally take advantage of the tremendous
potential marketing power of the Internet. It is
probably not similar to many things you have seen,
bought or been pitched about the Internet.

Jeff and Shawn are looking for serious, committed
entrepreneurs who would like to be with them on their
mission to turn local Internet website marketing on
its ear.by helping small businesses to join the Internet
marketing big leagues where they want to belong.

If you have a car, an Internet connection, a computer
and a telephone. and are comfortable talking to and helping
people, then you may be able to help them reach out to the
25 million small businesses that may want your help.

And you’re not required to turn into some web code
monkey to do it because their company handles all the
technical stuff so you can concentrate on what’s
important – marketing and getting customers.

So drop what you’re doing. Shut down your email.
Close the door. Turn off your phone and visit

Go here –>> http://promotingtips.com/video

FYI – There’s absolutely nothing to buy today and no
commitment to make. But there is a heck of a lot to learn.

Yours in success,

Matt Bacak


eSpider Squad, LLC
1218 N. Bridge Street, Ste. 125
Yorkville, IL 60560


“We are presently not authorized to offer or sell franchises in or to residents of the following states: Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, New York, North Carolina and Washington. OFFERS BY PROSPECTUS ONLY. This advertising is not directed to any person in the above states by Internet Experts, LLC d/b/a “eSpider Squad,” or anyone acting on our behalf.”

[1] Marissa Gluck and Aram Sinnreich, Radar Research, LLC
“The State of Search Engine Marketing 2006 Executive Summary”, (http://www.sempo.org/home), January 30, 2007
Search Engine Marketing Professional Organization (SEMPO), August 2007.
Methodology: Search Engine Marketing Professionals Organization (SEMPO) contracted with Radar Research, LLC and Intellisurvey to conduct
an industry-wide survey during November and December 2006. According to this study, the combination of paid Internet advertising and local
search advertising totaled 9.4 billion dollars in 2006. There are no statistics currently available for the size of the website design industry.
Therefore, we have not included any sales figures for the website design industry in these numbers. Paid Search Engine Advertising for Google,
Inc., a search engine company, reported paid search engine advertising revenues of $10,492,628,000 as reported in Google’s Form 10-K filed
with the United States Securities and Exchange Commission for the Fiscal Year — Ended December 31, 2006.

[2] According to the Small Business Association (SBA) Office of Advocacy, Census data shows that in 2006, there were 26.8 million businesses in the United States. (http://www.sba.gov/advo/stats/sbfaq.pdf, (p. 1) August 2007.

"I Hope You Make It In Time…."

From the desk of Matt Bacak

MEMO: Internet Money On Demand

As promised, here’s the email
you’ve been waiting for.

Turn up your speakers and go to:
==> http://www.InternetMoneyOnDemand.com

Read down to the middle of the
webpage and watch a special video
I recorded for you.

It’ll make everything crystal clear.

The ‘little guy’ CAN succeed!

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak


“The Million Dollar Blueprint Platform – Part II”

So you’ve started working on your million dollar blueprint platform. You’ve completed steps 1-4. Now find out the next five steps and how you can apply them to your business.

Step #5: Answer the question “Why should anyone spend money with you instead of the alternative?” It is common for people to think that the alternative is just direct competition. Actually, that is not the only alternative. If people have money in their pocket they are going to spend it one way or another. So another alternative is to put their money in the bank. You have to tell customers why your product or service is better than the alternative. You have to point out exactly why investing in your product or service is better than investing in things like the direct competition, CDs, stocks, etc.

Give an example: If you invested $2,500 in a CD and the CD gives you 3% per year than you’re only going to earn $60 per year. That’s not much money. Show how your product and service will earn them much more than that in one year.

Give another example: The customer thinks they can learn this information in college. Show that education can take much longer and will cost more than investing in your product or service.

Give yet another example: The customer wants to take their money and invest in a vacation or car. Show how an investment in your product or service will yield much more money. If you go on vacation you will spend all your money and have no money left when you return from vacation. With that same amount of money they can invest in your product and earn much more money.

Step #6: Answer the question “What is the value that somebody receives when they move forward with you?” You have to talk about where they are right now in their life and then show how your product will change their life for the better.

Step #7: Answer the question “What is the cost of not taking action?”

Step #8: Answer the question “Why is it more dangerous and expensive to do it alone?” Example: It can take you 3 years and $65,000 to learn the secrets of the product.

Step #9: Answer the question “How can you minimize the risk involved in performance of the act?” For example, let’s look at real estate product. You can buy a property in a great deal. You can possibly lose money and get sued. However, if you have the right paperwork then you can earn money and avoid being sued.

Now it’s time to work on your answers to these tips. Take the time to write out this information.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“The Million Dollar Blueprint Platform – Part I”

You can make a lot of money in teleseminars and speaking from the platform. A teleseminar is a platform. If you are speaking at events then you can extract a lot of money from crowds.

Imagine that you had a group of people hot and hungry who want to listen to you talk. They want to buy your products and services. If you get in front of a group of people, give them information, but don’t sell to them then you are dropping your ball. It is your job, duty, and right to go there and offer continuing education through your presentation and the products you sell. You have to sell! Not only to make money, but to help your customers.

I did 3 speaking events at 1.5 hours for a total of 4.5 hours of speaking and I produced over $250,000 in profit! How exciting is that?

Another example is to do a teleseminar and have a guest on your call. This guest can give a presentation and you both make a lot of money. If that happens then ask that guest to come back. You can have an encore presentation.

What happens if the teleseminar doesn’t go correctly? For example, what if your guest can’t make it to the teleseminar that you set up? The answer is that you will have to take the reigns and give the teleseminar content yourself. Where can you get information for your presentation? You should have a powerful platform template that you can follow. This will help you in a pinch and when you talk on your own.

Million Dollar Blueprint:
1. Make a detailed list of all the benefits and features of the product you are selling.
2. Make a detailed list of all the benefits and features of the concept and strategies you are selling.
3. Use the information from step 1 and 2 to create your content.
4. Answer the question “What gives you the right to talk about this product or service?” Possible answers include how you created the program or how you used the program and how it worked for you. You explain the process it took to create the product or the process it helped you with if you are a user.

These are the first four steps of the million dollar blueprint. Take time to write down your answers and content for these steps. You don’t have to get it right, just get started.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“One Email = $87,500 Profit”

Did that headline grab you? How could you earn $87,500 profit from sending one email? It’s simple. You send an email through a Joint Venture. This joint venture was an email sent the day before Christmas. The joint venture partner changed the wording of the copy I had written. The email I gave them wasn’t the email that he sent out. So who knows – I could have earned even more money.

So here are the real numbers…
They sent the email to 39,000 people. 5.5% clicked on link in the email. I sold 502 Free CDs. I collected $3,600 for the shipping and handling.

Here’s the secret of the amazing profit…
We were offering the people that bought the CD a free phone session. During this free phone session we get on the phone with them and up sold to them. We were going to up sell them to a $3,500 product. Of the 502 people that bought the free CD, 80% ended up scheduling a phone session. Of these 400 people, we sold the $3,500 product to 1 out of every 16 people. So 25 people bought the $3,500 which accounts for the $87,500 profit. We earned this from sending out one email.

Let’s go back to the free CD for a moment. Many people wonder how to handle fulfillment. How much will fulfillment cost you?
There are two ways to run fulfillment:
1. You can do it yourself. It will cost $1 for the CD and 73 cents for postage in the continental US. So we charge $5.77 for the CD and pay $1.73 for mailing it and for whoever is making the CD and mailing it.

2. Have somebody else do it for you. This will cut more into your profit, but sometimes doing your own fulfillment can become tedious.

So take this example to heart and realize that through up selling you can earn thousands of dollars from one email in a joint venture!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com