Article Marketing 201 (Going away)

Shortly, I must shut down this website
because all the CD’s are almost gone.

This is a One-time Only CD, that my
friends are extremely excited about.

Not only do you get this killer CD, but
you’ll also get these amazing bonuses…

A special piece of software that will get
your articles passed around the internet like
bootleg pictures of “naked celebrities”.

…And an AWESOME PDF (Instantly
Downloadable)- “603 Killer Article
Locations” and a whole lot more…

I’d suggest grabbing this now because
this offer won’t last too much longer.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Dig Deeper in Your Business

Dig Deeper in Your Business

Dig Deeper in Your Business
By Matt Bacak

You may think that I’m getting all philosophical on you when I say that the biggest thing I’ve been focusing on is digging deeper into my business. But what I mean by that is, taking a deeper look at my business and seeing how I can make my existing products and content better for my existing customers. If you currently have an online business, think about your business. Take a step back from all the “noise” and really look at what you have already put out there in your market, whether it be blog entries, articles, products and campaigns. Look at your existing customers and see how you can help them even more.

I’ve actually started canceling a lot of my speaking engagements that I had in the past and stopped doing a lot of traveling and have really been focusing on my business and focusing on upgrading my content. There is so much information that I have bottled up in my head that I feel I need to put it out there. In fact, there’s a lot of information that I have not given out that I’d like to. So I’ve really been focusing on upgrading my content.

For those of you who have been a part of my membership program, you may have noticed that I’ve been putting a lot more solid content out there. Actually, I know that this change in my business is working because last week I just got a ton of great reviews and hopefully I’ll get some more great reviews next week as well. But that aside, I’m focusing more on helping the people who have helped grow my business to where it is today. Before I was so focused on going out there and getting more, more, more. I’m now going to go back. I’m going to dig deep into my business and take a closer look at it to see how I can improve it even more. I also want to build stronger relationships and provide better content. And that’s been a big thing for me recently. Sometimes you can create busy work for yourself that doesn’t really help you in the long run. It can actually destroy your business.

You need to also look at your profitability. This is what I’m doing now. I mean, I was actually losing money. I was losing money sometimes because I’d fly all over the country to take part in marketing conferences and then I’d not able to send emails out to my list. And ironically, I make more money sending emails than I do flying on planes and speaking at these conferences.

So, my advice to you is to sit back and carefully analyze your business. Look at the most profitable things that you’re doing and focus on those things. Think; “Hey, where am I? Why am I still doing this? Why am I not doing this?”Look at things in that perspective. You may realize that your business needs to head in this direction rather than the direction that it’s currently going. Sometimes taking a step back and re-evaluating things can grow your business that much further ahead.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

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Tips For Local Market Targeting

Tips For Local Market Targeting

Tips For Local Market Targeting
By Matt Bacak

When targeting a very specific zip code for advertising and traffic purposes, I would highly recommend that you either consider pay-per-click (PPC) advertising with any search engine like Google AdWords, Yahoo Search or MSN Search Marketing. In this case, I don’t suggest that you do solo ads though. PPC is the way to go.

Another very good option is sending out your own mailing to your market. Just get your ad designed and then go to a local printer to have your ads printed. You could also possibly pay somebody locally to mail to your list as well (that is of course if you have a list). But really, the easiest thing to do is pay-per-click advertising. All you have to do is set up your ads so that they are picked up by local markets. So, basically you have the option when purchasing your ads as to the country you want your ads to show up in, but not only that but you also have the capability to choose various cities in any given country.

For example, If I live in Duluth, Georgia, and I wanted to consider doing a Google AdWord campaign, I could choose Atlanta Georgia to display my ads to ensure that they are seen by those in my local market looking for marketing information.

So, let’s just say that one of the keywords that I wanted to use to attract traffic was “internet marketing tips”. I would need to ensure that I listed the city or state in my keyword so that anyone searching for that particular keyword would find me. Basically, I would need to ensure that my campaign used the keyword “Atlanta internet marketing tips”. This very specific locally targeted keyword would allow me to dominate Atlanta for anyone searching for internet marketing tips in the Atlanta area. Most likely it would be a business looking for help in this area and they’d want someone local to assist them. It would be really easy for me to get local businesses for the term “Atlanta internet marketing tips.”

Regardless of the business that you are in, if you want to establish yourself as an expert in your field and need to get in contact with local businesses or a local market fairly quickly, I highly suggest you consider doing a pay-per-click campaign. Not only will this save you time in finding prospects, but you’ll also save money because you won’t have any ads, flyers or brochures to print. Everything will be done online. You can always send your market e-offers, ads or flyers via email once they sign up to your list. That’s a great way to keep your costs down while also being an eco-friendly business. If you say you’re a “green” business, people will appreciate you even more and not fault you for not having physical ads available. PPC is the way to go!

Article Source:

Tips For Increasing Sales at Speaking Events – Part 2

Tips For Increasing Sales at Speaking Events – Part 2

Tips For Increasing Sales at Speaking Events – Part 2
By Matt Bacak

In part one of this article series titled: Tips for Increasing Sales at Speaking Events, I told you how important it was to give your audience direct commands so that you could make the sale. Today, I’d like to address some more useful tips to making more money at your next speaking engagement. You need to understand that planning your presentation is crucial in making the sale.

When you’re actually putting together your presentation, you want to overcome the most common objections that people would have to move forward with you. You really want to make a detailed list of the benefits and the features of what you’re selling. So, let’s say you’re selling wealth building. What are the detailed benefits and features of not just your product but actual wealth building and having a money magnet mindset? Most people forget that it’s not just the benefits and details of the actual product you’re selling, but it’s also the benefits and details of the actual strategy or the techniques that you’re selling or that you’re going to be sharing.

Next, you want to also answer these questions. What gives you the right to talk about what you’re selling? You want to be able to overcome any objections based on your credibility. After that,, you also need to think about why in the world should somebody spend their money with you, versus the alternatives? Some people in the back of their minds may say, “Well, you know, instead of giving them the money, I should probably invest the money in somebody else’s package,” or “I should go invest the money and put it in stocks or CDs.” So think about that and why they should invest the money with you, versus the alternatives.

Another question you want to think about answering possibly inside your presentation, is what is the cost for not taking action? What will their life look like? What will their life be like if they didn’t take action and move forward with you? What is the value that somebody will receive if they actually do move forward with you?

Something else to include is you want to prove there’s an abundance of opportunity and profit for them. However, you need to be mindful of the FTC rules. You can use either hypothetical or real examples of successful applications. If you’re going to use real examples, you want to be highly detailed. If you don’t have any testimonials or anything like that, you might want to give examples of people that are associated with you that are successful, or maybe also give examples of the successful person regardless of whether you’re the implementer or not.

Lastly, I also usually include some urgency and scarcity. I don’t recommend limiting the availability of the actual original package, but you can put a limit on one of your bonuses. You can say something like, “for the first 50 people that order I’m going to give you 10 free coaching sessions”. Another thing you can do is limit the price to motivate people to buy. You could say, “The first X amount of people to purchase my program will get $100 off the already discounted price”.

Once you get the hang of selling products via the presentation route, you will never look back. Implement some of the key strategies I have outlined here and you will accomplish your goals. Just remember to give your audience crystal clear instructions of what they need to do.

Article Source:—Part-2&id=3436091

Tips For Increasing Sales at Speaking Events – Part 1

Tips For Increasing Sales at Speaking Events – Part 1

Tips For Increasing Sales at Speaking Events – Part 1
By Matt Bacak

A big factor for increasing your sales at any speaking engagement is the length of control you have over the room. When I usually speak at events, I’m typically given an hour and a half to present. In this amount of time I incorporate a lot of different elements inside my speech in order to get people to buy, but one of the biggest things is, you have to be really clear on your offer.

I’ve spoken all over the world and every time I ever spoke, sometimes two to three times a week, I never got paid to go to any of these events. Basically when I went, I made my money by talking for an hour and a half and then walking off the stage. I depended solely on people placing orders right then and there. Every time I went, I was always typically, the number one or the number two guy. I was usually never number three or lower. I mention this only because it will impact your bottom line. The further down the list you are, the less people will take notice and therefore the less money you will potentially make. In my experience, I’ve gone on the stage and in an hour and a half I made over half a million dollars. So this can be very lucrative if you know what you are doing.

Whenever you’re writing your sales presentation there are a couple of things to take into consideration. One thing is you should always create your order form first. I’m typically going to include three bonuses in my offer on the order form. Of the three bonuses, two of them are going to have value and the third one is going to be priceless – something I can’t put a value on. Before I even start to write the presentation, I think of what the offer is going to be and how to clearly define what I want them to do. I think about how I can get people to the back of the room or wherever I have the offer table located.

So what are the actions and steps that you want somebody to take in order to really make this thing happen? Well, once you get it clear as to what action steps you want them to take, (that is, you want them to go to the back of the room and walk over to the table and fill out the form). If you can accomplish this with your audience, you’re doing good. The reason you want to be that clear is because that’s exactly what you want to tell them to do. You see, everybody understands that. But, you’ve got to give people the direct command of exactly what you want them to do because people will actually follow through on it. It’s may sound kind of crazy but it does work. So you want to have clear instructions to get the greatest response from your audience.

In part two of this article series I’m going to address more things that you need to do when you’re putting together your presentation so that you can gain more sales in the end.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

Article Source:—Part-1&id=3436080

Article Submission Tricks For Traffic

Article Submission Tricks For Traffic

Article Submission Tricks For Traffic
By Matt Bacak

Trying to get traffic to your website on a limited budget is not an impossible task. You can get a decent amount of traffic if you have some time to invest in accomplishing this task. If you’re trying to build a list in order to sell products the most effective method you can use is submitting articles. It’s one of the best ways to generate outside traffic links. Now, you’re not going to get as much traffic as you would with pay-per-click, but the quality of the traffic’s going to be good. Not only is article marketing effective because it’s free and produces good results. But best of all, your articles stay out there forever! Your articles are also able to become viral magnets that grab the attention of your market as well as other websites in and closely related to your market. You could submit one article and that one article could go viral like crazy if you produce good compelling content that is interesting and informative.

However, you need five different things when you submit an article:

1. Headline

2. A summary about your article. This will be one or two sentences in length.

3. Compelling informative content approximately 500 words.

4. Bio/Resource box -This is where you’re going to get salesy. It’s basically states who you are and what you have to offer them. This box will drive traffic back to your squeeze page so you can capture the names and email addresses of your visitors and then have them go through your follow-up sequence to do everything you want them to do.

5. Keywords related to your article

Those are the 5 things that you need for your articles when submitting to directory websites. Now this is what you need to do. Your job is to write ten articles as quick as you can. Then take those ten articles and submit them. Wait for your articles to get approved.

Now one other trick you can use that can take it to a whole other level is this…

Once that article gets approved and you get the email that says “Your article has been approved. Here’s the link where the article is located.” To gain even more leverage and increase your traffic numbers much more quickly, you need to take that link where that article is located and ping the artice. It’s a free RSS feed submission site. If you keep on continuing that process and you get to the point where you’re submitting an article pretty much every single day, you’re going to start seeing much more traffic to your website. This is a very effective way to gain traffic on a budget.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

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Is it Worth it to Go Into a “Saturated” Marketplace?

Is it Worth it to Go Into a “Saturated” Marketplace?
By Matt Bacak

There are tons of niches out there making a ton of money. Often times they are the same ones that year after year continue to do well. And yes, some may choose not to enter into these markets because they feel the market is too saturated; how could they possibly do well? But I always say, if money is being made there then people are still buying so go after that market!

One of my students asked me; “How do you locate a good niche that isn’t crowded but research shows there’s still a lot of interest? Do you use software or do you just brainstorm and then Google?” My answer continues to be that if there is a crowd in the market that means there’s a lot of money in the market. And I wouldn’t let a crowd bother you. Let me give you an example. Have you ever got a brand new car? Now you’re driving the car down the road and you notice everybody’s got the same exact car. The same goes for if you just got a brand new shirt. You go to school, you’re wearing this brand new shirt, and you notice everybody else has this same brand new shirt. Do you see what I’m saying? The exact same thing would happen. Sometimes you think it’s more crowded than it actually is because you’re more aware. So, that is something to think about from that perspective.

Now, the other thing to think about is that sometimes all it takes inside of a niche is for you to just to be one step above your competition. Just do a little more than them. That little inch can return tenfold simply because the market has room for something different. Thinking a little bit outside of the norm of your market can make you a lot of money. The way to do this is to see what your competition is doing and then re-evaluate the situation. Re-evaluate what you could do a bit better or tweak a bit to gain an advantage in your marketplace. You need to look at the big picture and say to yourself “there’s a lot of money in this market, but what marketing methods are they not using that I can actually use?” Take advantage of what’s in front of you but simply tweak it.

When I look at my students who are making the most money online, I notice that they’re really in multiple different places. A lot of them are involved in markets that have to do with sex, God, or money. These are pretty much the areas they’re in. I’ll give you an example. My brother, for example, he’s got Conversations with Millionaires. And that’s a really good market. But he was able to penetrate that market because he thought outside of the norm in term of how he marketed to this niche.

Now, a lot of the people doing well think from different perspectives. So if we’re looking at trying to get into a niche, let me give you some ideas. You want to go where the money’s at. So you want to really identify the market. A couple of rules of thumb… If you can go to a bookstore and you can find a magazine on the topic, then there’s probably a big enough demand for things inside that market. That’s why the magazines are able to stay there.

And another thing you could do is you can go to sites like, especially for information. They don’t pay their writers or publish books unless they know somebody already wants to buy it. So to see hungry markets, just look at what they’re doing. Now if you go to the site, in the upper right-hand corner there will be a search bar. If you search the word “dummies,” then what’ll happen is you’ll find that there are about 1,300 books or more? It lists all of the books on dummies and it’ll give you a general idea as to what people are interested in. They created books on those topics that people are searching for information on, which therefore means there’s probably a good market inside that particular niche.

My most successful students went into crowded markets, but you know what? They’re doing extremely well because they’re using internet marketing tactics that are a little bit ahead of their competition. They are thinking strategically different than those already in their market. Sometimes you’ve just got to stand in front of the money and let it come to you. The markets they’ve often done well in and these are in no particular order… Real estate investing, weight loss, network marketing, wealth building and internet marketing are really the main ones. Those would be in the top five markets where a lot of my students are making big money in.

If you really think about it, at the end of the day, one sentence says it all: You can never be too rich, too thin, or too beautiful.

What are your thoughts? Chime in in the comments below.

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Testing and Tracking Using OneShoppingCart – Part 1

Testing and Tracking Using OneShoppingCart – Part 1

Testing and Tracking Using OneShoppingCart – Part 1
By Matt Bacak

Never underestimate the power of testing and tracking your website. This is something that should never be overlooked. It is such an important part of your business because it allows you to see what’s working and what’s not. This will in fact allow you to better see if where you’ve invested your money is worth it. If your testing and tracking results show poor results in a certain area, you know that you need to make some changes. Those simple changes can return thousands more dollars. That is why testing and tracking is so important.

So, what software do I recommend you use to test your web pages?

Well, an inexpensive program that is very powerful is OneShoppingCart. You can purchase a monthly subscription at It allows you to have autoresponders for your opt-in pages, as well as shopping cart capabilities. But it also provides you with testing software called “Ad Tracker” within their software. Ad Tracker is great for A/B split testing. If you’re not familiar with A/B split testing, let me explain exactly what it is…

A good explanation of A/B Split Testing on Wikipedia defines it as “A/B testing, split testing, or bucket testing is a method of marketing testing by which a baseline control sample is compared to a variety of single-variable test samples in order to improve response rates.”

A/B split testing can be used in email tests as well. You can test open rates as well as clickthrough rates since OneShoppingCart has this built-in feature. But although the software can test both, I’ll explain where you should focus your testing. Don’t focus on open rates as that means nothing. Your focus should be on your clicks. Use Ad Tracker within OneShoppingCart to access these results.

Of course, there’s going to be certain emails that get higher open rates. For those emails giving poorer results, you’ll then just have to work on those emails. You could look at that from that perspective. But from my personal experience, I really just care what the clicks are. Maybe I’m kind of off, but looking at what generated the most clicks seems to have the most importance in my opinion. Focusing on this has allowed me to make changes that produced very positive results in the end.

However, the best and only way to test your emails is to send an HTML version of your email in order to find out what’s working and what isn’t. The reason why I said you have to use an HTML email for testing is because you can’t use text email to test and gain the results. It won’t work. It has to be through an HTML email. If you’re using an ad tracker in your links when you’re sending out your emails, you are going to be able to find out the clickthrough rates, but you’re not going to know your open rates. So, HTML is the only way you’re going to be able to do access those results inside your shopping cart or inside your autoresponder program that you’re using.

But remember, your software must have this capability as it’s crucial to test and track to ensure you’re not throwing your dollars out the window.

In part 2 of this article series I’d like to address exactly how to do your testing if you’re testing multiple aspects of your website.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

Article Source:—Part-1&id=3425202

Price Points For Digital Products – What You Need to Know

Price Points For Digital Products – What You Need to Know

Price Points For Digital Products – What You Need to Know
By Matt Bacak

Having your own digital product is an excellent concept because it allows your buyers to instantly gain access to your product without the disadvantage of having to wait for it to be delivered via mail. They also gain access to the information right away so that they can instantly begin putting it to work for them. This is a huge advantage especially if you’re offering a “how-to” type of product or offering a product where you’re teaching your buyer something. Digital is the way to go not only do you gain something out of it by getting instant sales with very little effort, but the buyer also gains by not having to wait for the product. They can begin using it as soon as they pay. Think about this, imagine you are selling a marketing product to other online businesses. You know how quickly the internet changes. Imagine offering them access to proven tools and strategies that they can instantly use to grow their business.

If you’re offering a very good product with a strong offer, I bet most of those businesses would not hesitate one second to buy from you. They’d want to instantly put into action your strategies right away so that they can begin making more money as soon as possible. Digital products would allow them to do this. The instant download would allow them to implement what it is you teach within minutes and not have to wait a week or two for your product to arrive in the mail. That one or two weeks of waiting could cost them hundreds or even thousands of dollars simply because they’d be losing time – the time they could of spent implementing the strategies you teach with your digital product.

Of course, you’ll also have to price your digital product well in order to gain sales. So, what’s the best rule of thumb for determining the price point for a digital version of a tangible product? If your tangible product is let’s just say $997, what should you sell the digital version for? Well, the first thing you need to realize is that if you have a tangible product, and if you can create a digital version, this can work to your advantage.

What you can do is strategically create two different price points. For the tangible product that you’ll send them in the mail (which will take them a bit longer to receive), but they’ll have the convenience of having the hard good with them anywhere they went. They could comfortably read it on the sofa, relax at a local cafe or take it to the beach. They’ll have the convenience and comfort of the hard copy. So, you could offer it to them for $997. A lot of people place more value on hard tangible goods.

You could then offer those people on your list who refuse to buy a discount of 50% if they decide to purchase the digital version. So, you’re offering it to them for $497 – a $500 discount off of the retail price because you’re giving it to them digitally. That’s what I recommend since you’ll be able to make sales off of those customers who initially refused your offer because it seemed too expensive to them. The digital version gives them the option to still gain access to the product although they won’t have the advantage and convenience of the hard good. That’s actually how I did it on one of my product offerings.

What I did was I sold this package for $997. I made the offer online. I said, “…hey, this package is $997.” And then if they said no to it, what I did was I dropped it down to the digital version and they got it for half-price and they got it instantly! And I just realized I should’ve done that for all of my product offerings because that’s just quick digital cash! I’m just hitting myself right now for not using this strategy on all of my products, but better late then never.

So, if you want to tap into a market that may not have the ability to pay for your initial product offering, if you have a hard good consider a digital version. You’ll be able to gain access to cash that would have otherwise been lost. Look at all of your options and look at your market from every angle. There may be opportunities that you never knew existed.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

Article Source:—What-You-Need-to-Know&id=3400531

How to Get Newsletter, Teleseminar & Product Ideas – (Part 2)

How to Get Newsletter, Teleseminar & Product Ideas – (Part 2)

How to Get Newsletter, Teleseminar & Product Ideas – (Part 2)
By Matt Bacak

Part one of this article series titled: “How to Get Newsletter, Teleseminar and Product Ideas”, I spoke about the importance of listening to your audiences as this can help you create new and improved products and information for your visitors. But today, I’d like to share how I use the AskDatabase tool to produce more newsletters, teleseminars and products.

Askdatabase helps me tremendously with my weekly IM teleconference calls that I have with my members. What I love most about this tool is I can actually see on the left side of the AskDatabase screen – the actual keyword density or the word density of various questions asked by my visitors. This allows me to address the questions that are most popular. I can basically see the most commonly asked questions for any given month! This is a huge plus for me because I then can use that topic (or most commonly asked question) for my next teleconference call. So, I don’t have to really think about it. All of the work is already done for me. This makes the tool so powerful!

I highly recommend looking at the questions your visitors or students ask you. This is what I do. This gives me some great ideas. But what I like most is that I’m able to listen to my readers and offer them some great feedback. It’s very rewarding because I know that I am not only helping them, but I’m creating more potential products that can later be sold.

Oftentimes, when I answer questions from my students, I email them back. But my emails often go into much greater detail. I basically write back a longer explanation than they actually needed. But I choose to go into more in-depth detail for a reason. And the reason for that is I’ll save my detailed response to them and I’ll put it in a little file called IM Dirt (my newsletter) or something like that. So, then that file is later turned that into content for my newsletter! So a lot of times I’ll do stuff like that, where I’m actually utilizing the month’s work into additions for the newsletter. This is an excellent strategy in that you’re using existing content that you put a lot of effort into, to create very useful information for your readers. Once again, that’s leverage at its best!

I actually had an event that I was holding and I asked my speakers “… if you’ve got any really good stuff that you’d love to add to my newsletter, then please add them to my AskDatabase page here. And if they’re good, I’ll put them in the next edition of IM Dirt.” So, this month I got one from Ted Nicholas. So, I added that one in this month. It was called: “Right Brain Copy Secrets,” and it’s pretty good. So what I did was once he gave me that, I put that in the IM Dirt newsletter for my readers. But what’s so powerful about this strategy and using the expertise of your speakers is, you’re not only helping your speaker gain an even bigger audience (so people get to know him a little bit better for when he comes to my event). But you’re also doing your readers a service by providing fresh new content that is from an expert. You’re giving them information that they can’t easily find somewhere else. It’s a win-win for everyone. So a lot of times I’ll do stuff like that before events. It helps tremendously.

So, if you’re itching for ideas, take a step back and look at your business. Are you listening to your readers? Are you answering their questions? Are the same questions being asked time and time again? If so, take that information and leverage it in ways that you can use it to your advantage. Create articles, hold a teleconference call. Sell your teleconference and make even more money. There are endless ways you can use the information given from your market to create not only more for them but even more for you as well. If you give your market what they want, they will keep coming back to you.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

Article Source:,-Teleseminar-and-Product-Ideas—(Part-2)&id=3400518