Tips For Increasing Sales at Speaking Events – Part 1
By Matt Bacak
A big factor for increasing your sales at any speaking engagement is the length of control you have over the room. When I usually speak at events, I’m typically given an hour and a half to present. In this amount of time I incorporate a lot of different elements inside my speech in order to get people to buy, but one of the biggest things is, you have to be really clear on your offer.
I’ve spoken all over the world and every time I ever spoke, sometimes two to three times a week, I never got paid to go to any of these events. Basically when I went, I made my money by talking for an hour and a half and then walking off the stage. I depended solely on people placing orders right then and there. Every time I went, I was always typically, the number one or the number two guy. I was usually never number three or lower. I mention this only because it will impact your bottom line. The further down the list you are, the less people will take notice and therefore the less money you will potentially make. In my experience, I’ve gone on the stage and in an hour and a half I made over half a million dollars. So this can be very lucrative if you know what you are doing.
Whenever you’re writing your sales presentation there are a couple of things to take into consideration. One thing is you should always create your order form first. I’m typically going to include three bonuses in my offer on the order form. Of the three bonuses, two of them are going to have value and the third one is going to be priceless – something I can’t put a value on. Before I even start to write the presentation, I think of what the offer is going to be and how to clearly define what I want them to do. I think about how I can get people to the back of the room or wherever I have the offer table located.
So what are the actions and steps that you want somebody to take in order to really make this thing happen? Well, once you get it clear as to what action steps you want them to take, (that is, you want them to go to the back of the room and walk over to the table and fill out the form). If you can accomplish this with your audience, you’re doing good. The reason you want to be that clear is because that’s exactly what you want to tell them to do. You see, everybody understands that. But, you’ve got to give people the direct command of exactly what you want them to do because people will actually follow through on it. It’s may sound kind of crazy but it does work. So you want to have clear instructions to get the greatest response from your audience.
In part two of this article series I’m going to address more things that you need to do when you’re putting together your presentation so that you can gain more sales in the end.
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