Video Sales Letters are Smoking Hot!

It is amazing that you hear people in the forums bitching about how they hate video sales letters and how they would never use them.

But they have really become one of the hottest trends in the Internet Marketing Community.

Everyone right now is scrambling to turn out their very own video sales letter, seems like in droves.

Fortunately for me, I have been using video sales letters way before most people even thought of them. So therefore, I have a lot of testing data to allow me to whip out a high converting one very quickly.

I have found that shooting yourself live on the video is not the best way to go.

It is the powerpoint presentation!

I have split tested backgrounds,and I have personally found “which is opposite of what many people are saying to do”,that the black background with white words, converts the best for me.

Something in which I can guarantee that will increase your response is… talking fast with enthusiasm.



If you find that you are not good at talking fast on a video, I have seen people that will speed up the audio, and have found that it will increase the sells.

One element that works like gang busters is the auto appearing button; which is a buy now button that appears around the time of the close.

Please see illustration below:

There is a lot of question on the length of the video.

How long should the video be?

The answer to that is although I feel everything should be tested, generally smaller ticket products (under $200), I typically go between 9 and 15 minutes.

On the higher ticket products ($500 or higher), then really you want to go 15 to 45 minutes.

Here is another suggestion:

I have found that using auto play; so when they land on the page it automatically plays with no controls appearing, works best for me.

The things you will need to make this video are the following: (Assuming you have your presentation written)

If you have a PC.
* Powerpoint
* Camtasia
* Good microphone

If you have a MAC.
* Keynote or powerpoint for MAC
* Screenflow
* Good Microphone

Confidential Data From My Last Launch

I’m about to tell you some confidential stuff about my recent launch on clickbank, the product was called “The Secret Money Ring”.

We split-tested the website for over 3 weeks and it went through 33 different variations. Let me first tell you first… This was my “first ever” clickbank offer.

The Three Main Reasons
I Chose Clickbank:

1. The affiliate base – they have tons of affiliates that I never tapped into.

2. The guaranteed commissions to my affiliates (They handle the sending out the money – this takes the headaches off of the team.)

3. Extra support – I proud myself on how my support team is but I knew if I combined my team and Clickbank’s team we’d have impeccable support.

The end result of this launch was:

Over 925 people sent traffic to the offer and we broke 5,000 sales.

The offer ended up with a “Gravity” of 214.98

Clickbank ranked the offer #1 for Gravity in the promotion category and #3 in the promotion category for popularity.

Alexia Ranked the website in the top 2k most trafficked websites for in the following countries:

United States
United Kingdom
New Zealand

Not bad for the first time using clickbank.

I believe there were many reasons that helped make this successful but nobody would have ever mailed it if the sales-letter didn’t work.

So, let me tell you the biggest things that increased the conversions.
The biggest bump that it received was doing something that I call the pre-frame page.

Here is exactly what I mean by pre-frame page.

It is a page that you put in front of the salesletter that gets them in the right state of mind before they land on the salesletter.

Here is how I did mine.

I created a tiny page that had a screen-shot of my shopping cart. Above the shopping cart it said “Just Suppose You Can Make Money Like This:” then below the shopping cart picture it said “Would That Absolutely And Totally Change Everything? Click to continue…”

Then when they clicked on the link to continue it sent them to the sales-letter. If they did not click continue, they got a pop-up offering them a free report, so that I still could collect their data.

The second biggest bump came from a change in the color of the background.

In some of my old tests I found that an ugly blue was the best converting color for the background of the sales-letter.

The original salesletter had a background of black but when I tested black against blue, it was a two to one ratio. For every two sales with the blue I one for the black.

Here’s the code for the color blue that increased my conversions background-color: #FFFF00

After I discovered that blue beat the black, I then quickly tested that blue against pure white and prayed that the white would win, because I felt the blue was very ugly.

But again, the blue won 2 to 1 again vs white.

Here is where I got the idea about testing the blue.

I looked at clickbank’s standard order form that I was going to use, that was the color they had, so I figured it was tested and they were right. How about that.

The third biggest bump was by adding bling to the page.

My definition of bling is adding pictures to enhance the copy such as logos, “as seen on” types of things and seals.

I tested my control with no seals on the page such as Trustguard and Honest online.

I first tested Honest Online seal, the main reason was it was the fastest one that I could implement or get approved.
The control with and without the seal, the seal won.

I then tested the Honest Online seal vs Trustguard seals (as soon as Trustguard approved me), I then found the Trustguard seal beat the Honest Online seal.

Then I came up with an idea of how would it work if I put both of them on the page.

Would that increase the conversion?

How I did it was I added the Honest Online seal under the location to get to the next page, and added the Trustguard seal on the bottom of the page by the privacy policy, earning disclosure and contact information.

That was the winning combination.

The fourth biggest jump was by simply testing the headline.

My two headlines test:

And the winner was:

The Split Testing Attitude

In this section, I’m going to talk about something that makes me so much money because my pages are so much better. If you have no idea what in the world split-testing is then you really need to read this. (I wish someone would have told me about this early on)
But, first here are things you can use to split test…

Google Website Optimizer –

Google’s free website testing and optimization tool, allows you to increase the value of your existing websites and
traffic. Go here:

Hypertracker –

HyperTracker is a sophisticated tracking management system that helps you to convert more clicks into customers and save wads of cash.

Go here to get started:

I use them both. Now let me ask you an important question.

What’s more important?

“Traffic to your site” or
“the conversion of your site”

The REAL answer is BOTH.

I’m always talking about traffic strategies inside the Dirt. So in this issue, I want to send some time on split testing to increase your website’s conversion.

Imagine sending 10,000 people to a page that doesn’t get one sale or one optin that would totally suck.

So, let’s think of it a little differently… you get 1000 people at your site and 300 sales or optins. That’s a 30% conversion.

That’s not to bad for a optin page or Freakin’ killer for a salesletter.

Can you increase that number?

The answer is I don’t know. You’ve got to test.

The one thing that I have learned…
What you think works doesn’t and what you don’t think will work will.

Sounds, crazy, huh. Believe me.

That’s why I put the saying “QUESTION EVERYTHING” in the list of the month this month.

Here’s something else that might shock you. There is no such thing as blanket statements. (Ok, smartass, I know that was a blanket statement itself)

But, if somebody says. Black background pulls better then a White background. They may be right they may be wrong.

You don’t know until YOU test it to your market. I’ve proven many of my friends wrong by testing. I’ve proven myself wrong also – MANY times. That’s for dang sure.

So what site should you first test?

Well, if your business looks anything like mine.

Traffic -> Optin page -> Salesletter -> OTO’s

That’s freaking easy. Test the optin page.


Because, if you don’t get any optins then they’ll never see you salesletter anyway. Why in the world would you even waste your time?

Then, after the optin page you test? The salesletter, then the OTO’s.
Test the pages in the order that the traffic comes :-)

Now that you got that. I want you to understand something very important when it comes to split-testing that most gurus will never tell you because they have no freaking clue. (They wouldn’t have any idea anyway because they don’t test or just suck at it)

This is IMPORTANT -> Don’t make your first split-test be a one page testing against another with only slight changes. No. No. No.

Make the first test be RADICALLY different pages maybe totally different looks, totally different feels or better yet totally different angles. Because, you will get radically different results.

Would you rather get see 10% verses 30% conversion on your split test or see 10.1% versus 10.15% conversion? I hope the answer is clear.

Let me give you an example of what I’m talking about.

Recently, I did a split test on a CD I just launched. I tested the offer as a CD with FREE shipping and handling versus a Free CD and pay for shipping and handling.

Which one won?

If you bought it you won’t really know because Hyper-tracker cookies you so every time you go back to the page you will always see the page you initially landed on :-)

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

Email Marketing Tactics

All the time, I am always about…

How to get your EPC up, your earnings per click higher every single time.

One thing that most people do not realize is recency.

Recency is pretty huge. It is something that I recently defined it and realized exactly what is going on.  

Let me give you a description of what exactly happen.

Many of you guys have probably noticed that I’ve changed over email programs and in that process I learned many things and I am going to share with you and will help you understand what you can do.

I get a lot of leads from a lot of methods.  

Well, somebody was seeding my list with a spam trap. This has caused huge problems and we may have to either ditch my list or figure out a way to get around it.

One thing that I discovered in the process i that spam traps do not open emails, so therefore I decided to pull out all the people that open emails and keep them.  

This was the one most remarkable discoveries that I have found.

Here is why, I have a list over 500,000 people and so I extracted out the openers.
The openers ended up being 97,000 people of the 500,000 which is actually is a bigger chunk than I thought it was going to be.

Now, when I pulled them out and I mailed them in the new mailing system, I got triple the amount of clicks, triple amount of the opens I have typically ever see.

To me it was like “what in the world?  This is amazing!”  

So you think, I have 500,000 people that I used to email all the time and then I pulled out 97,000 and tripled my clicks and tripled my opens, what the heck!

So I went and I mailed the other, the left over 403,000 people. Now here is the most remarkable thing that happened, that only generated 300 clicks.

Many people who are reading right now, are like what?  I know you’re saying, “You know that’s crazy.”  Yeah, I know.  

Here is the biggest lesson I learned is people that are openers are more likely to open, people that are clickers more likely to click and people that buy are more likely to buy.

Now here is the other thing to realize, the more recently they have done it, the more likely they are going to be doing it again in the near future.

And that is definitely something to think about and something to act on.  

Now I have created for myself what I call a wash system and basically what it is, is I have two mailing systems.

One mailing system where the subscribers come in, they will go and will get emails.

As soon as they open an email, they raise their hand and they are taken to another mailing system.

The reason for routine is because it cost me over $30,000 to mail my list.

Today, mailing my list and getting the same amount of clicks, actually more clicks, and paying tons less.

I do not know the exact numbers as I don’t have the latest bills from all my changes.

But I do know that I am saving big because of this new strategy.  

So not only am I increasing my amount of clicks which will increase the amount of money you are making, but I am also decreasing the cost of mailing!

And mailing and getting email to the people that are most likely to buy it.

That is valuable lesson for you guys who pay attention and listen because I will tell you what, it can make you a lot of money.  

So what are you doing to manage your list? And what are you doing to make money with your list?  

What good is a click if you do not get a good offer so that is something else I always talk about.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

The Steps That I Use to Send an Email

Most people will tell you that it is as easy as copy, paste, send. I have done it that way for years.

But the last couple of years I have gotten very scientific about it. What I want to do is break down the steps that I use.

If you are an advanced marketer then you will want to pay close attention to this.

If you are a brand new (newbie), read this part but do not let it scare you in anyway.

Save this for the future when you are ready for it.

Here is the process that I go through:

1. Open up note pad.
2. I grab the email that was given to me in an affiliate promotion or I write one and add it to the notepad.

3. I grab my affiliate link or my link and check the link to make sure it goes to the page that is suppose to go to.

I add the link into the email on notepad.
5. I grab subject line or subject lines and add them to the very top of my notepad above the email.

Typically, I get the subject lines from the Affiliate JV area or I scan the copy to find good subject lines.

6. If they give me one or two subject lines which is typical I will add three more. I always have five subject lines
together before I mail.

7. I log into my delivery monitor service and get the delivery monitor code and add to the bottom of the email that is
still on notepad.

I place it underneath the required information for the can spam act and the FTC affiliate marketing disclaimer.

Here is an example.

8. Now I copy that email and paste it into my mailing system to send a test to find the best subject line to mail to the rest of my list.

9. Typically after a reasonable amount of time it will become very apparent the winning subject line, so then I will mail the rest of the list the winning subject line.

Side note: You are probably wondering how many on your list do you use for the testing of subject lines.

The answer is that I use analytic approach to test my emails based upon the subject line count, they will tell me how many email addresses that I should be sending to.

It says if I am sending 5 subject lines, I will need 1,250 to test them.

Although I always jump it up higher because I have a bigger list, typically for every subject line I have I will use 2000 per subject line.

You do not have to do that, but I do because I can.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

The Different Philosophies in Email Marketing

I have identified three different types of email marketers so that you can understand their email philosophies. You are gonna love these.

#1:the mailers
#2:the protectors
#3:the idiots.

Let’s look at these three to understand their philosophies.

The idiots:

Here is what they do. They spend time, energy and money building their list or doing a product launch, then never mail them again. They just have a bunch of people and they don’t mail them. They might send a “here’s your bonus”, but they never send an email with an offer, hence idiots.

Why in the world would somebody spend the time, money and energy to not make any money? Are we in the great depression where you horde everything and are afraid to touch it? I think these people are idiots.

The protectors:

They build their lists or do launches and then only market their own products to them. Here are the advantages and disadvantages of this.

The advantages are you keep all the money. You can create a loyal following and people will feel protected. They could be more likely to react to your offers faster and more in herds.

The disadvantages of doing this is your JV and your affiliate base. If you keep asking them to mail for you with your offers but you do not reciprocate, then you will lose in the long run from that prospective, because no one will mail for you after a while. And personally I think that is wrong.

If someone mails for you, especially if they have a big list, you should feel grateful and want to mail for them on a dime. It just does not make sense.

The mailers:

They analyze their list as a business. They email their list once, twice or sometimes three times a day. They have a continuous flow of traffic coming to their sites and optin in.

They understand the lifetime of a subscriber and will mail to extract as much money as possible out of that list within that lifetime.

It’s more of a buyer die attitude. They monitor and manage their clicks, their open rates, they split test emails, subject lines and offers.

They ask around for not just the hottest converting offer but the one that is going to make the most money.

Understand these are extremes to make a point but I think you need to ask yourself an important question. Where do you lie in these extremes?

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

The Key to Making
 A Lot of Money Online

There are a couple of ways you can build your business and if you think about it, the most successful models out there can pretty much can be narrowed down to two types… 

1.) Have a big ticket item.

Selling big ticket items is probably one of the biggest and easiest ways to make a lot money, and we are not just talking about a hundred thousand dollars, we are talking about making a million dollars this way. That is the first model.

2.) Have continuity streams.

Another model is selling low ticket items and having continuity, or continuity streams.

Now, the people that are making the
most money are combining both of
them together, so think about that.

What can you sell for a high
ticket or what can you have as a continuity or membership program?

With continuity or memberships, you are getting money coming in every single month, but from big ticket items, you are getting the big pots of money all at once.

One of the benefits of the membership or continuity programs is that you could be receiving cash flow all month long.

When I create residual income streams or monthly income streams that I continuously receive, then I start looking at my bills.

Now, I look at my bills a little bit different than most people.
Most people include their mortgage and other monthly bills, but I already have all of that stuff covered, so that does not mean much to me.

But when I look at it as my business expenses, what it takes to run the business every single month, month after month after month, and what can I do to cover that net?

I will have to get my personal net covered, and then I have to think about what I need to do to cover the business net.

And that is the way you should look at things for yourself. So it depends on how much cash you will need for a long year in business.

Now, if you are just starting out, well then your goal is to cover your personal expenses and stuff like that.

And then the next thing after you get there is covering your business expenses, so that is the markers for me.

Once you get started off that way and make it happen, you just have to start off selling the big ticket items,

But I would really tell you: focus on one, get one system going, after you get that first system going, then move over to the other one.

So let us say, you decide you want to start the continuity or residual income first , just focus on that income source.

And that is all you focus on. Next after you have that mastered, then you move add the other income source.

That way you’ve got your expense covered instead of letting your current business decline while starting up a new venture of selling high ticket items

I think out of all the models I have ever seen, when someone really singly focuses on one income source, then moves into the other source, successfully having both was the key to making a lot of money online.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

A Typical Day In The Life of Matt Bacak

Having an online business can drain a lot of time and energy out of you if you don’t try to normalize your life.

It’s very important to take the time and energy and dedicate it to your business daily.

However, it’s so important to try to have activities outside of work, that help to keep you sane. I use working out as a way to keep me in shape and also allowing me to keep my mind fresh with new ideas.

It allows me to take a step back from the business and helps keep my mind open allowing me to see the big picture. It’s a great way to stay balanced.

So, here is my day.

If I’m not working out, I’ll typically wake up at 10:00 a.m.. If I am working out, my trainer usually wakes me up. I work out four days a week for about an hour a day.

So, on workout days, I usually work out from 9am to 10am or from 9:30am to 10:30am. I typically get ready, prior to working out and go to the office first to see what happened the day before and to see what the day holds ahead. I’ll typically get on the computer and check my emails.

I check to see if there’s anything that needs to be taken care of while I’m working out, so I can hand it off to somebody on my team to handle.

If it’s in my personal email box and if it’s something I think that urgently needs to get done, I’ll be IM’ing (instant messaging) somebody to take a look at it.

For example, today I said, “Hey, look, you might want to check on some of the declines that happened last night. I noticed there was a few in there.

You might want to take care of those.” I’ll also ask to have someone check on how many products we have available, just to ensure our inventory levels are up to date.

Those are the kinds of things I like to take care of in the morning. Anything that’s time-sensitive needs to be dealt with then.

The night before, before I go to bed, I am typically setting up a split test. So, I’m split testing subject lines at night.

What you’ll find it that in the morning, I’m usually logging to my account to find out which email subject line actually pulled the best.

Once I determine the winning subject line, I’ll then use that subject line in the email that I’m going to send out that morning.

I’ll make sure that I send it out before my workout. I do this early so that I can get as many people as possible to open up the email so that I can test those results in the evening. It’s a revolving cycle of testing and tracking.

But it’s crucial to the success of my business.

If you’re not testing and tracking, I highly recommend you do it as you’ll be able to see weak areas in your business and you’ll be able to determine what’s making you money and what’s losing you money, so that in the end you’ll reduce the loses by thousands of dollars.

“Testing and tracking is essential to any type of business success.”

After working out in the mornings and I get back to the office at around 10:30 am, I go over what happened the night before or the day before with my team.

I let them know if I’m testing something, and I let them know this because I might be split testing something and there could be a different offer given to my list.

So, sometimes I’m selling one thing and then I change it that night because I am doing some split testing.

As a result, sometimes what happens is I may start seeing more orders that are coming in.

This would mean I’d have to let my support team know about it as well as my fulfillment team as well. I do this so that that they can keep up to date on exactly what’s going on.

They’ll more readily be able to respond to surprise emails regarding the situation and not be caught off guard. This helps everything flow well and ensures communication is well understood.

After that, I make sure that my team is clear on everything and that if they have any questions, I can answer them.
The good thing about doing this is that it allows my day to be productive. I don’t have to worry about putting out fires.

I ensure that whatever needs to be done gets done – usually without any real surprises.

So, whether it’s customer support asking me questions about how to handle a support question or if they need help with something that they’re not aware of how to answer, I’ll be there for them.

Although it’s not typical, that does sometimes happen. I’m also able to look over pricing and make any changes as I see fit.

I’m often seen analyzing numbers throughout the day. That’s really what I do pretty much during the day.

Although every day is a little bit different, I often dedicate a lot of my time to testing and tracking and analyzing the business and working with my team to keep things moving smoothly.

Where I get most creative is at nights. I will tell you, typically, every night I come home, eat and spend some time with the family.

When the kids go to bed, I’m typically on the computer, either watching a movie, or I’m working on something related to my business.

Often times, I may be working on a new project that I have coming out, whether it be working on a new sales letter, working on split tests or whatever.

I do this so that I can get the results when I wake up and clearly see what’s going on in my business. I’d rather avoid surprises so I like to keep in touch with everything going on.

However, during the day, I’m also dedicating much of my time communicating with joint venture partners, communicating with friends and seeing what’s going on.
I try to see how I can help them so that we can work out a mutually beneficial partnership or tweak what we’re already working on.

I also like to take them time to make sure that they can introduce me to new people so that I can do partnerships with them as well.

So, that’s kind of what my day is like. It’s not like the most extravagant of days, but that’s really what I’m doing.

What I used to focus on was setting up multiple systems or streams to get traffic coming to my site in order to continue to build my list.

So now, since I have all that, I focus more on analyzing numbers, analyzing stats, looking at my pages and looking at what I can to do to modify them. I’m always in the mode of testing new things.

This should also be an area that you’re focusing on as well in your business.

As far as tools go, using the right tools is so important in any online business.

Right now, I’m using different data, like I use Google Optimizer

and Hypertracker for my testing.
Those are excellent tools to help you see what’s going on in your business.

I set up various aspects of my business and test and track various elements so that I can see what the results are. I do this in order to pinpoint where I’m getting my best results.

And that’s kind of what a typical day in the life of Matt Bacak looks like.

And as I mentioned before, during the night, I focus on different things. My typical night is working on just creative things or ideas and stuff like that.

I’m basically working on things that I can hand off to somebody the next day to do for me.

These tasks are not outsourced. We actually have an in-house fulfillment center as well as in-house customer support.
I’m always getting feedback from my support team during the day, finding out what’s going on, finding out what people are saying and finding out those types of things, so I can kind of see how I can fix that or maybe see things that I should avoid doing again.

Overall, it’s so important to look at your business with a fine tooth comb to see aspects that need improving so that you can fix it.

“Testing and tracking as I always
say is one of the key aspects
to any business success.”

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

The Typical Life Cycle of an Internet Marketer

The typical life cycle of an internet marketer is the first thing they start looking for are ways to make money. Any opportunity. to make money, they jump on it.

Examples: Stock trading, Real Estate… Then they discover Internet Marketing.

Once Internet Marketing is established, they buy everything they can get their hands on. This right here is where a line is drawn. As in , they break free from being in learning mode and come to the realization that they need to implement or they just give it up.

Don’t give up…

Now looking at the people that start implementing comes another cross roads because they are going to try things and they are not going to work for them and/or they decide to move forward or they decide to quit.

Through persistence they crack the code and as soon as the code is cracked they start buying things because they feel they have the keys to the kingdom then they go broke.

Do whatever they did to make the money again, then they go broke, then do whatever they did to make the money again. Some people continue down this path while others wake up and realize that they don’t really have a business.

At that point they probably hire an assistant, start looking for people to work with them and start making more consistent money. At this point there is another cross road.

Many go down the path of building and building upon their teams, not looking at the bottom line, but only paying attention to their ego. Some continue at the smaller level.

There comes a time when the person that builds that huge business realizes that employees do not equal profits and many scale back.

At that point you must make a decision whether it is better to ask yourself this question: Do you want to build wealth or do you want to build an organization?

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here:

Can I Get Rich?

Someone recently posted a comment on my blog and asked me if I could make them rich.

Yeah… I mean…no!

I can’t make anybody rich. You have got to make yourself rich. And that’s one of the biggest things that I see out there with people, they are looking for other people to make them rich when nobody is going to do it.

You’re going to have to do it for yourself.

But I’ll tell you, there are tools out there. People like me, we are not going to give you a business, we are going to give you strategies and give you ideas.

Even if you’re being spoon feed actions you should take and strategies to you should use, this is your choice. Whether you’re going to do it or not, that’s something that nobody can do for you. And the implementing and stick-to-it-tiveness makes you rich.

I used to put on these seminars, people paid $5500 to come in this event and I would hand them everything that I used when I did to make my first million dollars online.

And you know what, about 90% of the people would just go off and go to another seminar or strategy again and again. And I would be thinking, “I just handed it to you.”

But I can’t be pushing the buttons and telling you to send emails; to go get more subscribers; to stay on course.

(This is Not Matt Bacak)

Here’s the thing to think about:
 Your business and your life is a mirror reflection of you.

And not just a mirror reflection of you, it is a mirror reflection of who you listen to. But when it all comes down to the line, it boils down to what Y-O-U are willing to do.

What are the sacrifices that you’re willing to make to become successful?

And if you truly desire to become rich, then you’ve got to take the steps. Surround yourself with successful people.

Look for people, look at their lifestyles, look at what they’re doing, look at how they’re doing it, and model that, implement the things that they’re saying and implement the things that they’re doing because that’s how you get rich.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: