Why won’t he just shut up?

Joel Comm apparently can’t keep a secret.

For some reason, he took it upon himself to tell the stories of
ordinary people who have made some very extraordinary achievements.

You may know Joel as the guy who figured out how to make Google’s
Adsense a money-pumping oil well and then turned around and wrote a
New York Times best-selling book about it (The Adsense Code)…

…pulling back the curtain so the rest of us can do what he has done.

Many who implemented his recommendations generated significant passive
income which continues to this day.

This time, instead of reverse engineering a specific method of making
money online, he instead has many of the top internet entrepreneurs in
his sights.

– Why did they decide to start selling online?
– What were they doing before they started selling online?
– Were there any specific, duplicatable qualities that made them successful?

If you’ve ever wished you could have a personal conversation with one
of the top internet marketers and ask how they made the transition
from “normal” life to Internet Marketing rock star, Joel has gone out
and done it, and more.

He cornered over forty internet marketers and forced them to document
how they began, what makes them tick…

And not only that, he dug deep and provided us with the rich
background of the trailblazers who “laid the tracks” so the Internet,
the Web, hypertext, and the browser -which we all take for granted
now– could be developed, enjoyed and used in our businesses every

He’s given us the inside scoop on:

– The guy who predicted hypertext… in 1945?
– The first spam message, unleashed in 1982.
– The inventor of the modern browser, the “key” that makes internet
marketing what it is today.

Joel takes us back to the “glory days” of dialup connections with 300
baud modems and leads us in a revealing romp to the present…

Providing keen insight into the mindset of those early pioneers …
many of whom are still active in the marketplace today.

You can get your very own copy of this piece of Internet Marketing
history on August 1: Joel’s new book, Click Here to Order.

With all the fervor of a tent-revival evangelist, Joel retells stories such as:

– How the Army helped Mark Joyner become a millionaire (read page 129
and see how he could have learned the lesson without the Army).
– Why Declan Dunn became known as “the online guy” (page 64).
– The event where the “Unknown Copywriter” was christened (were you
there? And who is this mysterious person? Read page 79 to find out).
– The fourteen year old girl who started a simple website that will
pay her way through college (page 86).
– One of today’s top marketers who walked out of a job interview at
IBM because the interviewer didn’t like his tie (no joke…read about it
on page 181).

If you’re one of the “gang”, get in line to get your copy. If you want
to figure out how these “average Joes” learned how to turn their
computers into ATMs, then you will definitely want to claim your copy
of this book.

Click Here To Order is a front row seat to one of the year’s can’t miss shows.

You will want to grab your own personal copy as soon as it becomes available.

To get on the priority notification list, go to this website right now:


Matt Bacak

P.S. Make sure you read pages 178 – 186 because I was
totally shocked to see what he said on those pages.

P.P.S. What are you waiting for? To get Joel
Comm’s new book, where he blows the cover off of
the Internet Marketers’ vault of secrets, go to:


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

quick phone call Saturday?

Let’s talk.

Saturday at NOON EST.

Joe Lavery and I are sharing how we set
up a system with a little work and now make
money every day with out lift another figure.

How would you like that?

Then, I’d suggest getting
on this call tomorrow before
all the lines are full.

Because memberships sites are
*HOT* and if you don’t have one
you are really missing out.

Register for the call below – Right NOW!


Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. We only have 200 lines for this call, I
just sent this to you and Joe is about to mail
his list too…which means these lines will be
gone quickly, go below Right Now and register:


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Free Telecall on Saturday…

I’m doing a free telecall
on Saturday at NOON EST with
Joe Lavery it’s called:

INCOME with Continuity and
Membership Programs…”

Here is where you sign up:


Better hurry and register because
we only have 200 lines available and
this is a *VERY HOT* Topic.

Go here and get your line reserved:


Oh, We are going to share about a
recently discovered traffic strategy
that bought me 85,000 visitors in
just 29 freaking days :-)

Best Regards,

Matt BacakFrontier Marketing Intl, LLC

What do you fear? (Video Inside)

Have you ever been faced
with fear and uncertainty.

Everyone has.

Some people say fear stands for…


A wise man once told me that
all fear stands for is…

Everything is

But the real question is:

What do you do when you are
faced with it?

Let me leave you with 2 things.

Thing #1: It’s a quote:

“Do what you fear and the money
will follow”

You see yesterday, I went skydiving
and when I landed I told my wife that
I am more afraid of speaking than I
was jumping out of the plane. :-)

Thing #2: A video for you:

Here is a cool video of me jumping
out of that plane. They let me go in my
shorts and t-shirt :-)

Watch it by going below:


Enjoy and be fearless,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Today is the day for Big Seminar…

Today is the day.

Here’s what I mean…

If you’ve been thinking about attending any
seminar this fall, then the Big Seminar was
probably one of your top considerations.

It’s by far the biggest internet marketing
seminar held in the U.S and with a star
studded lineup, it’s easy to see why so many
people return year after year.

That’s why I’m writing.

Today marks the last day for…

1.) Last Day of the 2 Payment Program – When
you register today, you’ll be able to break
up your registration into 2 payments.

To Use The 2 Payment Program Click Here:

2.) Last Day of the “Armand Morin LIVE” FREE
Ticket – When you register today, you’ll also
receive a $2997 ticket to a seminar Armand is
doing in December. No other speakers, just

Click Here To Claim Your FREE Ticket

These two items obviously make it the best
time to register your ticket.


Remember, after today (September 2nd), both
the two-pay option AND the bonus disappear.

So register your ticket now.

All the best.

Matt Bacak

P.S The $2,997 bonus is explained after you
optin on this page:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Thanks for the prayers….

Thanks for all the prayers and
emails. We really appreciate it.

Thank you sooooo, Much!

It was heartbreaking holding her
down so the doctors could put an IV
in her. What really sucked was they
had to do it twice because they
goofed the first time. Grrr..

But now, my 2 year old ‘Madison’ is giving
back to giving her brother hell again (in a
loving, bigger sibling way).

We just celebrated his (Brian’s) 1st
birthday today and she was opening up all
his presents before we could stop her.

Here are some Birthday pictures:



Matt Bacak

P.S. Just in case you missed the video,
Here is the video I shot Thursday. It’s my
10 cent tour of God’s country. Go watch
it below – It’s only 5 minutes:


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Article Submission Software

Article submission software has gotten a bad reputation over the years because some so-called article submitters have had problems. They were little more than thinly-disguised spam machines that would eventually get banned from the best article sites. The articles would end up where they’re not wanted and so many of them wouldn’t even get a link back.

Having said all that, there is a good, legitimate piece of software that I use and recommend called Article Submitter Pro. So, rather than spending countless hours submitting my articles to the myriad of submission sites out there, I simply plug them into Article Submitter Pro and it takes care of the rest.

Article Submitter Pro is really easy to use. You first have to go to the various sites you want to submit to, apply and get your log in details. The software memorizes your usernames and passwords and logs you into each one. So, you may say, “Okay, I want to submit to these 1,000 locations.” Well, it’ll take you to the one location, it’ll pre-populate the page, and then all you have to do is hit the submit button. Then it’ll auto-fill in all the information where it needs to go. You’ll look over the auto-fill information to make sure that everything is correct and then you push submit. It’ll then take you to the next one, log you in and perform the same functions until it has completed the task. It is completely automated!

However, you should make sure you don’t go overboard and submit too many articles to too many sites in too short a time frame. You want to make it feel as natural as possible to the search engines. For example, we only submit two to three articles a day in my office. We don’t submit 500 articles, even though I have 500 articles. See, 500 articles will last me 250 days because we’re submitting two to three every single day. You want to make it a habit and be as consistent as possible when you’re submitting your articles and not send them out there all at once.

So, you take one article. You load it into the software. Let’s say you have a thousand locations. Article Submission Pro logs you into a thousand locations, pre-populates a list and you push submit. Then you go to the next one, push submit… Go to the next one, push submit. Go to the next one, populate, submit, populate, submit, populate and submit… That’s all you have to do. Just submit two to three a day. Then another option is if you want to do one a week, you would use the same process. It’s really up to you. When I first started, I was doing one a month. Then I said, “Okay, I want to do one every week.” Then I got down to one a day and then two to three a day. By doing only a few it appears as natural to the search engines. The last thing you want is to get in trouble with the search engines. If you do just a few per day, the search engines will love you and your rankings should continue to improve.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

Just got back from the hospital…

I just got back from spending
the night in the hospital with
my 2 year old daughter.

They just finally released her.

It was a very late night. They woke
us up every 4 hours. It was insane.

On a positive note.

We are home and she’s doing
much better than yesterday.

Here is a quick 5 minute FUN video,
that I wanted to send to you the other
day but I didn’t have internet acess.

Go below and watch it right now:


It’s a peak into my world.


Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Strategies for Selling an Ebook on Amazon and Ebay

If you’ve written an eBook congratulations! It’s no easy feat but you can rest assured that if you market your book well you can make a nice income from it. However, the first thing you need to do when launching your eBook on Amazon is securing an ISBN number. The reason you need an ISBN number is because you really can’t list anything on Amazon unless you have one. Where do you get it? You can go to ISBN.org, where you buy a lot of ten. Once you have that ISBN number, you want to sign up for Amazon Connect and this will allow you to start selling your eBook specifically on Amazon.

One thing I’d strongly suggest using if you are going to go the Amazon route is to try to find every book out there that you have read inside your niche and give feedback on that book. Then you can select books that you talk about and use the book selection. When you select books, use your book and your signature. You could write something like, “This book is absolutely amazing and great. I’d highly recommend it to anybody.” Then put your name and your book underneath it and put a link back to your book. This is one thing that I do and suggest to my students. Sell from the feedback on other people’s books. It’s amazing how viral this one strategy is.

Now with eBay, you’re not going to need an ISBN number. You can simply do a listing. How do you do it? Well, first of all, you’re going to log in and create an eBay account. Once you have your eBay account set up, what you will need to do is grab your sales letter and everywhere it says “Click here to buy now,” say “Bid on this eBook now”. Leads from eBay are going to be the best leads you’re ever going to get, so we’re not too concerned on what price things sell, especially with digital delivery. You want to set it up to make sure that you do have the digital delivery, because you do not want to be forwarding and sending an email to people with your product. Digital delivery allows the orders to be processed automatically.

Now, what price do you sell it at? It doesn’t matter, actually. I don’t really care what price it sells at on eBay. You can actually get some of my stuff cheaper on eBay, however sometimes you can pay more. For example, we list all my free CDs on eBay and basically, we start off the bidding at a penny. We’ve got people that are paying $27, plus shipping and handling, even though you can get the same free CD elsewhere for just the cost of the shipping. So you never know what’s going to happen. Let people bid on it and you’ll probably sell your eBook for a whole lot more, sometimes you’ll sell it for a lot less, but everything we put on eBay does sell and they are great leads to up sell everything else that we’re doing.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
..Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com