Google’s gonna be p*ssed…No-Cost clicks..


Yesterday, Eric Rockefeller a well known
super affiliate and marketer and a friend of
mine launched one of his “newest” secret
weapons that pillages Google for *free* clicks…

And it’s selling like crazy, in just the
past 24 hours over 1000 smart and saavy
marketers, have picked up a coveted spot.

At this rate, he’s sure to shut the doors
even sooner then expected, so I recommend
grabbing yours now:


The response to this has been ridiculous…


That’s easy…It solves all the most common
problems an affiliate marketer might have
with push-button ease.

*Get’s you No-Cost traffic

*Helps you build rabid, responsive, lists

*Pillages Google for 1st page rankings

*Inserts “money links” for you

And it does it all with point-n-click power!

Sound awesome?

It is…but you have to go now…


There’s an iron clad risk free guarantee
crush Google or your money back…

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S.Think about what you can do with a
whole bunch of traffic hitting your money
pages without worrying about your budget…


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

Killer Free Traffic Strategies…

Yes it’s true…

Traffic is the lifeblood of my business,
or any business for that matter.

You must have traffic to
make money, it’s a fact.

That’s why a while back I created
this killer FREE CD called the:

‘Traffic Explosion CD’

I’d urge you to go below
and grab this CD becuase the
supplies won’t last long.

In fact, I’m even sweetening the pot
more for you – you will receive five (5)
POWER bonuses worth a total of $557.

This information is PRICELESS.

My ONLY condition is that, you take care of
the shipping and handling unless – you want to
come by my office and pick it up yourself.

If this sounds reasonable, you can claim your
copy at:

Enjoy it!

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

$3,211/day push-button affiliate tool Live…

It’s live…Go, Go, Go,

Looking for the ultimate traffic grabbing, click
snatching, Google crushing, list building, super

Go here now before all the spots are gone:


Eric Rockefeller a renowned super affiliate
with big players always backing him, has
revealed one of his “newest” secret weapons…

“Google Wealth Maker”

It’s a push-button tool he and a beta group
has been secretly using to pillage Google.

With it he’s included a Special Sauce Strategy…
A guide with 85 pages of hard hitting, Google
dominating information that promises 24 hour


Believe me, you’ll want to take a look at
what this system can do for you.

Best Regards,
Matt Bacak

P.S. I know he’s limiting spots to join
this exclusive group, I don’t know when
he might close it down, so go now…


Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

New Trends in Online Traffic

In recent news…

While growth is slowing at most top
Internet sites, it is skyrocketing at
sites focused on social networking,
blogging and local information.

The question is are you getting
all the traffic you could possibly
get to your websites?

A while back, I came up an amazing
traffic brain child that many people
are trying to duplicate…

…but they are totally missing the
boat and doing it absolutely wrong.

I discuss it in detail inside this FREE CD:

Inside this CD, I uncover Ingenious,
and almost sneaky ways to get your list
to literally grow all by itself.

Listen to this FREE CD, but make sure
you take some excellent notes…

…because you can Increase online traffic in minutes!

As you can imagine, I can’t keep giving
this CD away forever. Business is business,
and so, I have instructed the fulfillment
company to only produce 500 copies.

So don’t wait, supplies won’t last long!

Did you miss that it’s a FREE CD :-)

Grab your copy of the CD below now:

Take action and explode your traffic.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
‘Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

The information in this e-mail is confidential and is intended solely
for the addressee (s). Access to this email by anyone else is
unauthorized. If you are not the intended recipient, any disclosure,
copying, distribution, or any action taken or omitted to be taken in
reliance on it, is prohibited.

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Thank you – My fingers are hurting…

First, if you are already my friend
on Facebook then ‘Thank you’ and I look
forward to our Facebook relationship.
Here’s why my fingers hurt.

Yesterday, I told you about the problem
with the 5000 friend limit. Hundreds of
people went and added me as a friend.
And many more flooding in every minute.

(I’m VERY CLOSE to the Limit)

I have been personally adding each person one by one so I can recognize names and learn new ones.

I noticed that people that never even had an account before created a Facebook account just to be among one of the ‘5000’ people.

I just want to say ‘Thank You’.

If we haven’t become friends on Facebook, yet, there might just be some time left to get into my personal Facebook network.

Go here and get set up totally FREE:

??? Why is it important to do this NOW.

Facebook has a FRIEND LIMIT for all
accounts of 5,000 people maximum.
Once an account reaches this limit you
cannot add anymore friends.

And Facebook discourages setting up
multiple accounts. So there’s no easy
solution to this 5,000 friend limit.

Plus, there really are some talented people connected to my account. (And more
are being added every few minutes.)

Once you are added as a friend you’ll get direct access to my network and also be
able to connect with each of them.


You might miss out FOREVER!

So don’t miss out.  If you already have
a Facebook account do the following:

Step 1: Login to your Facebook account.
Step 2: Go to this link:
Step 3: Click “Add to friends” by my name.

That’s it. 
I’m adding everyone in the order that the requests come in, if I receive your request before I hit the 5,000 friend limit I will add you!

See you on Facebook!

Matt Bacak

P.S. Don’t wait, please go right now
and add me as a friend because once I
hit the 5,000 mark there is nothing I
can personally do to accommodate you.

P.P.S. If we are already friends, I just
wanted to say ‘Thank you’ and ‘You Rock”

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

WARNING: Possible FaceBook Problems…

There are 2 possible problems.

I just wanted to let you know as
of now Facebook has a limit on the
amount of friends you can have on
its system. The limit is 5,000.

Now, the unofficial reason is
because of scaling problems.

Problem #1 is:

“Limitation that restricts users to no
more than 5,000 friend connections”

Problem #2 is:

I have 4,020 friends already.

You are probably wondering why is that a
problem for you. Well, if you have an account
then you know that certain things can be
restricted to show Facebook friends.

And there are certain things that
I don’t show to the public but only
to friends on Facebook.

So I’d encourage you to go below to my
Facebook profile page and request that
we are friends before it’s too late.

Here is my Facebook Profile page:

I really don’t think that it will
take that long for me to hit 5,000.

That’s because right now I’m sending
this email to over 169,119 people I have
on my Internet marketing list.

If you don’t have a Facebook account
then set one up right now so you can get
connected with my friends on the Net.

(It’s totally free, just go to

There really are some talented people
connected to my account.  (And more
are being added every few minutes.)

Once you are added as a friend then
you’ll get direct access and also be
able to view every single one of them.


You might miss out FOREVER!

So don’t miss out.  If you already have
a Facebook account do the following:

Step 1: Login to your Facebook account.
Step 2: Go to this link:
Step 3: Click “Add to friends” by my name.

That’s it.  If I receive your request before
I hit the 5,000 friend limit I will add you!

See you on Facebook!

Matt Bacak

P.S. Don’t wait, please go right now
and add me as a friend because once I
hit the 5,000 mark there is nothing I
can personally do to accommodate you.

“AUTHOR 101 UNIVERSITY” Special Deal…

Because you are a subscriber, I got you
a ticket at 1/2 price. But, first…

Registration has just opened for AUTHOR 101 UNIVERSITY,
October 1st & 2nd in Atlanta get the details here: and take the fast
track to becoming a successful author.
It’s just prior to Armand Morin’s BigSeminar

Mark Victor Hansen is the emcee of the event and
Mark, Rick and I want to see you in Atlanta.

If you are an author or want to be an author, I
promise you – these two days will change your life!

They have an action packed two day program this time
and I’m excited about what they have in store for you.

There last event in Los Angeles was sold out, and
I expect this event to sell out very quickly.

(check out the testimonials from some of our more
than satisfied attendees on the website…)

Look but Don’t buy at this site:

Then, go below and get it at 1/2 price:

They’ve assembled a great group of speakers who
want to meet you – and share with you what it
takes to be a successful entrepreneurial author.

The program presenters include

– Mark Victor Hansen

– Rick Frishman

– David Hancock

– Robyn Freedman Spizman

– Brendon Burchard

– Jill Lublin

– Alex Carroll

– John Willig

– James Malinchak

– Lynn Pierce

There goal is to get you published, to show you
how to sell and promote your book after its published
and, to help you leverage it to make your business
more profitable!

Make sure you bring paper for notes… there’s
be lots of great ideas and tactics that you’ll want
to hold on to and use. This two day seminar will
 get you on your way.

The tuition for both days is only $399.

But, I got you in at 1/2 price.

So sign up today because Seating is very limited…
only 100 people. We take this seriously and want to
make sure you get the personalized training and
access you deserve.

Get all the info here for Author 101 University –
( Don’t Buy it from this site – Just get details)

Then, go below and get it at 1/2 price:


Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

The Right Way to Ask Your Customers …“How Did You Hear About Us?”

When you run an online business it is always extremely important to know where your customers heard about you and how they landed on your site in the first place. Did they read an article, see your press release, click on your Google Adwords campaign or find you through the search engines? You need to know this so that you can evaluate what things are producing the best results and bringing visitors to your site. Remember, you want to minimize your time and effort and also spend your advertising dollars in the right place – a place that’s going to produce results!

So, how do you go about asking your visitors how they heard about you? Well, it’s a fairly simple process:

Basically you would use an autoresponder software program to produce an opt-in/sqeeze-page. But before you produce your opt-in page and ask your visitors how they heard about you, you’ll have to place this page in the right area of your website. Don’t just ask the question on any old webpage, “…how did you hear about us”? This is doomed to fail if you do this in the wrong area of your website. It’s useless to ask if your visitor really hasn’t done anything. If you do you’ll lose your traffic and you wouldn’t get them back at that time.

You don’t want to give your visitors too many options. So, the best time to offer an opt-in page is if your customer has made a purchase through your website. Don’t forget; let them do one thing at a time. So after they have bought a product from you, send them an email and ask them: “Hey, I just wanted to know how you heard about me?” That way they would be more willing to respond since they’ve already purchased from you and they also see that you are interested in them.

This is the best way to gain feedback from your visitors. You’ll find out exactly how they heard about you. There will be no guessing. Based on the feedback they provide you’ll see where most of your traffic is coming from and make the necessary changes of where to put more or less of your time and money. It’s a great way to leverage but also a great way to hear what your visitors are saying and a great way to offer them exactly what it is they want.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

…URGENT news

Did you have a chance to check out
‘Dominating Clickbank 2’ yet?

Over 700 of your competitors are now
using the same formula a 27 kid use to generate
$633,738.55 in Clickbank Commissions..

They are stealing *YOUR* share
in a money filled market place.

Stake your claim now…

Go here ->>

Take from guru’s that have
robbed you using….

– The ‘Cobra Snake Charmer’
Method – Making customers
literally throw money at you.

– The Excalibur Method’ for
generating *HUGE* Affiliate
Pay Days.

 -Dirty Adwords Trickey for
Slashing Advertising costs…


Andrew, for a very limited time only
is including the first Dominating CB course,
spread over 8 profit packed videos..

And interviews with Clickbank Legends Mike
Filsaime, Jonathan Mizel and many more.

Interested in making $633,738.33 from Clickbank?

Then here it is on a platter..

Go here ->>

Best regards,

Matt BacakFrontier Marketing Intl, LLC

The $633,738.55 FREAK Clickbank monster…

Can you imagine logging into
your Clickbank account and
seeing $633,798.55?

For most it’s just a day dream…

Until now…


A 27 year renegade kid has just
unleashed his ‘step-by-step’ magic
formula and its yours for the taking…

He’s calls it ‘Dominating Clickbank 2’ and does it work?

Go here ->>

An exotic Ferrari, exclusive yacht
and million dollar beach front mansion
says YES it does..

(You can actually see it on the website )

Andrew’s designed ‘Dominating
Clickbank 2′ so you can get
started with…

– ZERO previous experience..

– Not having a website

 – Or even an email list…

Because he will teach you from
scratch how to PROFIT fast….

It’s the very same secrets that
made him a Clickbank millionaire.

If your fast enough he’s also including
‘Limited Time’ Bonuses such as the original
Dominating Clickbank course, and killer
interviews with Mike Filsaime, Yanik Silver
and many more…

Go here ->


Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC