Slap Google around with this FREE CD :-)

Inside my newest FREE CD called:

“Traffic Explosion System”

I revealed a brand new process
that I’ve been testing and tweaking
for a while now, I call it…

…the A9 Process

It’s a unique process that I have never
heard anyone else figure out till me.

It’ll help you slap Google around
with the strategies inside it.

Heck, I didn’t even put it in the
website copy it’s so secret.

I’d recommend getting this info
from the horses mouth before all
the swipers steal this and ruin
it by teaching it the wrong way.

That would really screw up your
online business – Big Time.

To get details on the CD go here:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Creating interest in an upcoming membership site

If you want to start a paid membership site, but you think it is going to take a while for you to develop content and launch the site and you want to start creating awareness in the marketplace, I have a solution.

The best thing to do is to throw up a squeeze page, drive them to that page, start announcing to them or let them know, “Hey, look, I’m starting a brand new membership site for this certain group of professionals. Go here right now to be on the pre-release list.” Do you see what I said? Be on that pre-release list. Why? Because you’re going to start building that rapport before it’s launched to let them all know, as well as have them co-develop it for you.

Ask them what their expectations may be for such a group as well as asking them if they have any insights or ideas for particular topics or issues they would like to discuss on the site. Say something like, “I’m building this membership site right now and I’m looking for answers from you. Email me back with the things that you’d like to know, that you’d like me to develop, the content you’d like to be developed.” Let them co-create it for you. That’s why you have that pre-release list. You want to allow them to co-create it. And they’d be happy to do it as they’d feel they played a part in its creation.

It’s a win-win when you allow your visitors to co-create it with you. They’re going to be more likely to buy because they were a part of it. So, this aspect is very good. You could also send them free tips in the interim if you would like and you may want to start a blog or you could just put the free tips in the blog itself and put the information up there, maybe your updates on the upcoming site etc. This is a really good way to do establish a loyal membership.

However, there are a couple of different membership site software I would recommend. This is based upon what I know people are using. It isn’t based upon things that I’m using because I don’t really have a “membership software” that I’m using. The membership software that you could use is AMember, a lot of people highly recommend AMember. I’ve also heard pretty good things about AWeber.

A lot of my friends recommend AWeber because they use it and only have great things to say. Another option is VTribes. I’ve heard VTribes has a lot of capabilities. The last one is Xoops, which is totally free! I’ve heard a lot of people talk about how good it is. You might need to be a little more technically savvy to use it, but it’s one to consider as well. I heard there are a lot of cool modules for you to use. So those are some great options for you if you’re considering starting your own membership site. You really can’t go wrong with any of these.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
..Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

…peek inside the homes of legends?

A crazy guy named Dave Woodward has
been flying around the country with a
video crew to interview top Internet
marketers in their homes.

You get a private tour
of their amazing homes and
one-on-one video interviews.

He calls the video series –
Legendary Marketers

That’s not why Dave’s crazy.

He even flew to Atlanta to interview me.

No – that’s not the crazy part either.

The crazy part is that he’s giving
you access to these videos.


As in you don’t have to pay for them.

Just go below watch them right now:

Yours in success,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC


Hope you’re having a great weekend!

Just in case you missed this
yesterday, I wanted to make sure you
got the chance to send it out…

Because everyone is talking about this video!

If you can’t get it to work, just copy and
paste the link into your browser window.

It’s really starting to get passed
around and it’s absolutely HILARIOUS.

I just want to make sure you get
the chance to send it out to your
friends before they send it to you!

Keep Having Fun,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Killer custom video featuring YOU……

Someone caught you red-handed
on video and it’s spreading like
a virus all over the internet.

I can’t believe it.

Your names all over it.

It stars *YOU* and Uncle Sal in da
biggest job of internet history!

Check it out:

Matt Bacak

P.S. To my knowledge, nobody has done
a custom video this way before.

P.P.S. If you like it – just
click “Create Custom Videos” to
send to your friends. Enjoy!

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

…Get a ‘Stimulus Check’ in the mail

Did you get your check in the
mail from the government?

When I got mine I had to think
for a minute – who’s affiliate
program did I sign up for with
the name – “US Government”

Just kidding. But, it really
feels good to know that small
checks like that really don’t
phase me anymore.

Just imagine.

“Getting a ‘Stimulus Check’
in the mail every month… Every
week… every single day!”

How would that feel?

Well, here’s something you need
to check out because it will help
you make that become possible.


Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

What’s a recession proof income look like?

Can you recession proof your income?

Can you make sure that no matter how
much GAS COSTS you’re still driving
whenever you want?

Can you brush off the risk of forclosure?

Can you help your family and friends pull
themselves up and start making more money
than they ever DREAMED possible?

Random acts of God aside…

Is it even possible in this economy?

I didn’t think so – at least not for
the “average Joe” …

(of course the big gurus can save them-
seleves, right – but what about the little
guys just getting started, or even worse,
still trapped in a dead end low pay job?)

Well, that was before I saw this:


With this revolutionary system, these
3 men are doing more to save the economy
than anyone in office –

And they’re doing it one honest American
who just wants to make a good, safe
living at a time…


I just had to help get the word out
about this, maybe it can change your
life – and just maybe, it can change
the way things are going out there.

Don’t wait. This is what we’ve all
been waiting for…

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Point ‘n Click your way to amazing promotions…

My good friend Marlon Sanders has
created a Step-by-step, “point ‘n click”
promo system turns targeting your potential
buyers, building your email list and making
sales into a virtual no-brainer.

You will get people on your email
list and make sales — guaranteed.

You will do that faster, simpler,
easier and cheaper than with any
other alternative. Period.

Go here to get your hands on it:

All you have to do is…

Click the icons and follow the step
-by-step screen caps and videos.

Your Squeeze page will convert, your
list size will grow and your emails will
make sales — or your money back.

Plus, you also get his super bold
QUADRUPLE-your-money-back guarantee.

It’s all based on hundreds of promotions
he’s created and sent since 1998!

I’d suggest getting it right now,
by going to this site below:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. The first 50 people to respond to this
offer will get a chance to grab several bonuses
worth at least 5 times the cost of the Promo
Dashboard. (Details on the bonuses are at the
end of the page below.) Go here Right Now:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC