“The DEEP Formula for Internet Success”

The DEEP Formula:DEEP #1 D = Diverse – You need a network of lists and sub-lists. Email marketing gives you lists, but you also need sub-lists. Following are four sub-lists/databases you should build.1. Announcement list database: The topics of announcements range from free updates, eBooks, to allowing other publishers print your articles in their newsletters. […]

“6 Tips that will Drastically Improve your Internet Copywriting”

Are you working on your Internet copy for your Internet business website? Do you have the basics of Internet copywriting down, but need help tweaking it? If so, then you are in the right place because following are 6 Internet copywriting tips you can incorporate into your Internet copy. Internet Copywriting Tips:Tip #1: Put copy […]

“9 Copywriting Tips for Top Internet Copywriters”

Following are excellent copywriting tips that top Internet copywriters follow:Copywriting Tip #1: When you are writing copy, start with your “offer”. What are you going to offer? Who are you going to offer it to? An offer should convey how much the product is worth and how much you are going to charge for the […]

"Powerful Promoting Tip # 19

Did you know that writing articles and books can be a valuable guerilla marketing tool. If you cli-ck the link below, I’ll tell you 5 reasons why posting them online can help your business: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com/cgi-bin/arp3/arp3-t.pl?l=35&c=112934 Enjoy, Matt Bacak http://mattbacaksupport.com P.S. Learn the Power of Posting Articles Online by go here: http://www.powerfulpromoter.com/cgi-bin/arp3/arp3-t.pl?l=35&c=112934

"Get the Download?"

If you can’t make the call, don’t worry because I’ll send you the record of it! But that’s only if you register for the call. You can register here: http://www.promotingtips.com/1dollar.htm Below is the email I just sent out about Saturdays Telecall. Best Regards, Matt Bacak ——- *Super Advanced* Telecall Saturday… This Saturday, I’m breaking my […]

“The Ins and Outs of Copywriting”

People on the Internet aren’t going to stay on your website for very long unless you grab their attention. Myth: I don’t advertise because there are free ways to get something.This is a myth because everything you do is advertising. Whenever you try to get people to do something, you use techniques in advertising. Therefore, […]

"Super Advanced Telecall Saturday…"

This Saturday, I’m breaking my code of silence to reveal why you need to forget about “e-zines” and “pay per clicks” and “optimization” for a minute… …and focus on my powerful system that made me over $500,000 in December and over 4 million last year! I’ll explain it *all* to you on my SuperAdvanced telecall […]