Mastering Social Media Is Easy

Mastering Social Media Is Easy

by Matt Bacak

Social media is an avenue that cannot be ignored for entrepreneurs, no matter the area of their business. Upwards of 70% of online adults use Facebook and almost 20% use Twitter reported a study published in 2013. Expect that those numbers have increased since 2014 with more adults using not only Facebook and Twitter but other social media sites like Pinterest, Instagram, YouTube and LinkedIn more frequently, too.

So what does that mean for an internet marketer?

Simple. If you’re not using these sites, you’re potentially losing money. That’s the bottom line. Getting started is often the hardest part but here’s some quick tips I’ve compiled to get you going in the right direction but the most important thing to keep in mind is that if you haven’t already got an online presence in social media, you need to get started today.

1. Post Regularly – In today’s online world, companies and people are posting content consistently to stay on top of the game. It’s especially important to get a lot of material out to the public in the very beginning because you are establishing yourself in the online community. Posting too infrequently can lose you lots of followers.

2. Content is King – What I mean by that is that if you aren’t posting QUALITY content, you are wasting your time. The internet is a huge collection of ideas and if you aren’t providing your followers with relevant information, you can be sure they’re going to find it somewhere else. With the plethora of options available to them, give them a dang good reason to stay on your site, your Facebook wall, your YouTube channel.

3. Think Globally – This should be common sense but it bears mentioning because it’s easy to fall into the thinking that your content is only reaching a small audience but the truth is that what you’re posting has the potential to reach people all the way across the globe. Internet marketing is for the world, not just the country where you live. Just because someone lives somewhere else doesn’t mean they can’t benefit from the information you’re providing. So in terms of creating your blog or wall post, think about how it will be viewed by people in other places. Will they understand what you’ve posted? Will they enjoy it?

4. Don’t Just Sell – It’s tempting to use social media to sell your products and I’m not saying you shouldn’t. Of course you should but there is a fine line between overselling and selling just the right amount. People don’t use Twitter to buy products. The main purpose of sites like Twitter or Facebook is to engage with the world around us and people will be turned off quickly if you’re only using these platforms to fatten your wallet. I’m not saying you should never sell anything. I am saying find a balance between providing consumers with information and giving them the opportunity to purchase from you.

5. Think in Terms of ROI – As a businessman, I am always thinking of return on investment. I know there are some people out there who will read this article and think, that’s a waste of my time. Let me tell you why it isn’t. The time you invest into creating an online presence through social media is worth it. People take notice of the things you post. They see how you interact with your consumers, how you handle support inquiries, and learn what type of person/business you are through your feed. Though someone who finds you on one of those sites may not immediately purchase from you, chances are, given time, they will come back for more if you are following these tips and when they do… you’ll be ready for them.
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9 Tips That Make Subject Lines Effortless

9 Tips That Make Subject Lines Effortless

by Matt Bacak


Subject lines are a key component of an email marketing campaign. Writing them effectively is essential to your success as an internet marketer but it’s not always easy to find the right words that will make your list intrigued enough to open up your email and click on the provided link. So here are nine quick and dirty tips to keep in mind.

Your subject lines should be…

RELEVANT – First and foremost, it should be relevant to the email you are sending. Sound like common sense? It is but many people overlook this very simple thing when crafting subject lines. If it doesn’t match in some way to message in the email, people will be confused and possibly even angered. No one likes to be tricked. It’s that simple.

INFORMATIVE- It should be clear to the viewer what the email is about because you’ve given them the gist of it in your subject line.

HONEST- Liars never prosper.

MOBILE DEVICE MINDED- What I mean by this is that each time you craft an email, think about how your list is going to be viewing it. Most of the people on your list are going to be viewing their emails on a mobile device like a cell phone or tablet. When viewing on a mobile device, there is less space available to show a subject line so lengthy or wordy ones will be cut off. You run the risk of getting deleted because your list isn’t viewing all the information you’ve provided when they are checking their email while at work on their cell phone or out on the beach with a tablet.

BRIEF- This ties into being mobile device minded but it’s worth mentioning as a separate tip because I’ve found over the years that the more concise my subject line, the better result.

URGENT- The more urgent it appears, the better. This is especially true if you are running a limited time offer, promotion or event. Creating a sense of urgency motivates people to take action now.

INTRIGUING- Get people interest by giving them some information but not all. The trick is to tease them into opening your email. Give them a taste but not the whole piece of cake.

CUSTOMER CONSCIOUS- Successful email marketers know that their main purpose in sending emails is to help someone either by providing information or a product that will be beneficial to them. It should reflect that you are thinking of the customer first, giving them relevant and helpful information.

CORRECTLY SPELLED- There’s no rule that says you must be grammatically correct just as there’s no rule stating everything must be spelled correctly. However, the subject line is your list’s first impression of you before opening the email (if they open it) and you don’t want to look like a moron, do you?

With these tips in mind as you create an artfully crafted string of words, you’ll soon get a good feel of how to create the best, most effective blurbs to entice your list into clicking on your email. It may seem difficult at first to make a subject line that fits all the criteria above but over time, you’ll find it becomes easier and easier with practice. Don’t forget to test each one because you’ll never know what’s working unless you do!
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7 Simple Ways To Attract Short Attention Spans

7 Simple Ways To Attract

Short Attention Spans

 by Matt Bacak


Attention spans are getting shorter as information and content of every industry are becoming more readily accessible. We want what we want and we want it immediately. This is the age of instant access.

On top of decreased attention spans or perhaps a contributing factor to it, adults are stretched thin for time. Consider the average mother in American society. She goes to work from 9:00 AM and returns home at 5:00 PM, if she’s lucky. More often than not, she may not get back home until 6:00 PM. Once home, she has to run a kid to soccer practice or ballet class. Then after an hour of that, dinner has to be made. Homework time comes after dinner and the house needs to be picked up, clothes washed, dishes cleaned. When it’s bedtime for the kids, Mom and Dad are exhausted but run a quick check of their email and social media accounts. They’ve only got a few seconds to spare.

Sound familiar? The demand for your time is seemingly constant and as an internet marketer, it’s something to consider when creating content for your list and/or customers. You’ve got to get to the point and quick before something or someone else comes along and grabs the attention of your prospective consumer.

So what’s an internet marketer to do?

1. Keep it simple.

2. Use images when you can. Have you ever noticed how your eye is naturally drawn to images? That’s because almost all of communication is nonverbal, more than 90%. The 3M Corporation states that process images 60,000 times faster than text. If that’s not a powerful motivator to use more images in your content, I don’t know what is.

3. Create headlines with maximum impact in mind. The headline might be the only thing the prospect reads before deciding to jump over to another site or page. Use action words that draw them in.

4. Consider the platform. If you’re on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, etc., you’re like most people. The trick to engaging people on all these sites is to remember that they are different sites and the audiences are therefore different. A Twitter audience is very different from a LinkedIn audience so don’t write the same content for both. Tweak your message to fit the platform you are sharing it on.

5. Mobile devices are king. Most people are viewing your content on mobile devices like cell phones and tablets. Adapt your content, if necessary, so that it is readable, enjoyable and eye-pleasing to mobile devices. It only requires a little extra effort to make your content mobile device friendly and it gives a huge payoff. It’s worth it.

6. Make it memorable. Whatever your posting needs to give a punch that will leave a lasting impression.

7. Think bite-size. Have you seen those “bite-size” snacks in the grocery store? They’re just like your favorite food but just a little smaller, easier to carry around and less calories but they’re still the exact same food you like. Create your content with the idea that people can swallow the information quickly and easily. Write clear, concise sentences that get your point across quickly.

Use these tips and tricks to keep your content fresh and easily accessible to your prospective consumers but keep an open mind about how you can give them more bang for their buck and keep them interested. Remember- they’re just like you. They don’t have all the time in the world but if you present them good information in the right way, they’ll take a couple seconds and give you their time. That’s all you can really ask for in today’s world.
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7 Tips To Build A Converting Opt-In Page

7 Tips To Build A Converting Opt-In Page

by Matt Bacak


If you’re an internet marketer in 2014, you’re using opt-in pages to get leads for your business. Building an opt-in page that converts doesn’t have to be hard. It’s actually incredibly simple. It just takes time and effort, which unfortunately is what stops a lot of people from seeing the results they want out of their opt-in page. To get you started so that you can build a converting opt-in page to capture leads and make more money, here’s a list of tips.

1. Simplicity is king. When creating your opt-in page, keep it as simple and concise as possible. The more bells and whistles you place on the page, the greater chance you have of scaring your potential lead away either by confusing or irritating them.

2. Have a killer headline. The more time you spend constructing the perfect headline, the better your conversions will be. Remember the number one rule and stick to something simple while at the same time clearly explaining exactly what your opt-in page is all about. Now is not the time for flowery language and long-winded sentences. Make your point and be done with it.

3. Include an unmistakable call to action. To get the most conversions, your call to action should be stated plainly and describe unmistakably what you want the prospective lead to do. For instance, “Enter your name and email below to get instant access to… ” whatever you’re offering in exchange for their information.

4. Offer value. This is something so important and often overlooked by those just starting out in internet marketing. Don’t think just because you’re giving away a free report that people will automatically want it. It has to be valuable to them. If I walk past someone giving away free cat food but I don’t have a cat, do you think I’m going to take it anyway? Of course not. Not only should the information you offer be valuable but it should be easy to implement. This is worth mentioning because even if you are giving away incredibly priceless information, it means nothing if it’s not easy to do because most people are lazy. It’s a sad but true fact.

5. Don’t overdo the form fields. At most, you should have a field for their name and their email address. That’s all that’s needed.

6. Change the standard “submit” button to be a secondary call to action. Instead of placing a “submit” button, the button should indicate what the prospect is gaining from giving you their information. So, if we are using the example mentioned before, I might say something like, “Get Instant Access Now” or something similar. Make sure you’re enticing them with a call to action that plays to what they’re getting in return.

7. Split test like crazy. I’ve said it before and will say it again. You never know what you may be missing out on unless you’re split testing. It’s the best, most effective way to get the highest converting page possible.

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How To Have The Best List Building Market Research

How To Have The Best

List Building Market Research

by Matt Bacak

Today I want to share with you a simple yet powerful tool I use to gather relevant and valuable market research. By using this easy tool, I am able to conduct split testing, find copy writing inspirations, learn about possible problems with my own products and even obtain ideas for new products. So now you’re dying to know what I use, right?

I use surveys.

Wasn’t what you were expecting, was it? Surveys are a secret weapon of mine and completely underrated. I use surveys all the time to glean priceless market research and the best part is that it’s free! I want to clarify that the market research I acquire is free, not the site I use to conduct the surveys through. (I use Ask Database.)

So let’s talk about how you can use surveys to get the best market research by using your already existing list.

First, I send out an email to my list asking a question such as, “What problems do you have when it comes to building opt-in pages for mobile devices?” Once someone on my list submits their question or questions, then they go to the landing page of the product I am promoting about building opt-in pages for mobile devices. Now the great thing about this is that while they’re answering my questions, I’m also split testing my sales page at the same time.

Second, once I receive enough submissions, Ask Database allows me to view the most popular keywords or phrases used by my customers. With these phrases and keywords, I’ve got a gold mine. I take these words and find ways to inject them into my sales copy. Why? Because by using the same language and speech patterns as my list (my prospective market), I increase my conversions.

Third, another way to utilize surveys as market research is by finding out what product is lacking in your customer’s lives. I’ve done this several different ways but I’ll give you a recent example. I sent out the email explaining that I’m coming out with a new product soon. Then I say, I have a quick question for you and I ask my list- If you had a magic wand and you could get any bonus, what would it be? With that information, not only do I have a great idea of what type of product I should list for my bonus, I’ve also learned what type of products people are interested in right now. I have up to date market research on what type of product I should come out with next.

Now these aren’t the only ways you can utilize surveys to your benefit. The possibilities are really endless as long as you have the idea, you can make it happen. The key thing is to not forget that you have a list of people who are already responsive- make your list work for you. People love to help out so ask them to help you. You’ll be surprised by their responses and glad that you asked. As far as market research goes, you can’t beat it.

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The Question You Need To Be Asking Yourself

The Question You Need To Be Asking Yourself

by Matt Bacak


For all my clients, I host a question and answer webinar every Wednesday. Recently, my clients asked me what offers they should be mailing to their list. The answer is that it varies depending upon what type of list you have. If you have a pure list, you want to send a pure offer. (Remember, a pure offer example would be “Eat right and exercise to lose weight.”) If you have a biz op list, send a biz op offer. (A biz op offer looks like, “Eat this pill and magically shed 100 pounds overnight.”) Most of my clients and many of you probably have either a hybrid or biz op list.

Depending on your list, you use Clicksure, ClickBank or WarriorPlus. I’m going to focus on the first two in this article. A client mentioned that his list is responding only to Clicksure offers but not ClickBank offers. This goes back to what type of offer each one of these sites promotes. Clicksure is guaranteed to be a biz op offer, while ClickBank are generally more hybrid offers. So what type of list does he have? A biz op list but he’s not sending biz op offers. He’s losing money!

Now another site a lot of my clients use is JVZoo to find offers. A great thing about using JVZoo is that you can go to and look at upcoming JV launches. If you’re asking yourself, “Who cares? Why is that important?” Let me tell you why. This list of upcoming JV launches provides you with up to date information that you can use to make a schedule for mailing to your list. What I have my employee, Dave, do is go to and print out the list of upcoming offers. Once he’s done that, he can find offers on the list which will most likely be hot ticket items to our hybrid/biz op list. From there, he can circle those and work them into our mailing schedule. Every once in a while someone will decide not to launch their product but this happens rarely.

Keep in mind that most people who have lists in the internet marketing world (and like 99% of my clients) focus their lists on newbies, which go for the hybrid and biz op offers. If your target audience consists of newbies then the question you need to continually ask yourself is ‘would the average Joe on the side of the street who is interested in making money online be able to do this?’ Obviously, this strategy wouldn’t work for a pure list because pure lists are made up of people who know a little bit or a lot more about internet marketing. But the “average Joe” question is powerful for hybrid/biz op lists. It’s a simple yes or no question that you should be able to answer automatically and easily which will be the deciding factor of whether or not to mail this or that product.

Just remember, no matter what site you’re using to find offers to mail, if you have a hybrid list or a biz op list, like my clients and I do, ask yourself the simple question- would Joe on the side of the street who is new and wants to make money online, could he easily do that with the offer you’re promoting? When you have an answer to that question, you’ll know exactly what to mail.

P.S. If you have a pure list, the question you should ask yourself is this- Would I buy this product?

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The Myth of Internet Marketing

The Myth of Internet Marketing

by Matt Bacak

Internet marketing by itself is not a myth. It’s simple, effective and lucrative to be an internet marketer once you get started. The myth of internet marketing stems from people’s misconceptions of what an internet marketer is and should be. I’ve seen many newbies start out and fail right off the bat and some succeeded for a while before they fell under the weight of this myth. So what is it? What’s the big myth we should be concerned about?

To be a great internet marketer (i.e. salesperson), you must lie, exaggerate, fabricate the truth and act like someone you’re not.

It’s sad but true that many people starting out and even some people who have been in the business for a long time think this way about internet marketing. But don’t believe it.

If you’ve ever attended an event where I’ve done live speaking, you can attest to this. When I get up in front of a room full of people, I don’t “put on airs.” What you see with me is what you get. I don’t dress up and play the part. When I get on stage, even to sell my own product, I stand up and speak in the clothes I wear every day, around my house, at my office and to the grocery store. I wear my cargo shorts, a plain t-shirt, my sneakers and a baseball cap. I’m not trying to be anyone I’m not.

Do you have to wear a grungy outfit like me onstage to prove the point? No. You can wear whatever you want. That’s not the point. The point is I’m Matt Bacak and I’m comfortable in those clothes. I don’t like wearing suits or a fancy shirt. That’s just not me.

So at an event, I’ll say, “I don’t care what anybody thinks about me. I have two goals. One, my goal when I walk into this room to speak is to give you the best content that I can possibly give you. Two, my goal is to make as much money as I can for the presenter. If I do those two things, then I’m going to get what I came here for, which is to take care of you so I can take care of myself and we will all three be satisfied.”

And you know what? People love it. Right off the bat, I’ve told them who I am, what I’m about and how I’m going to benefit them but most importantly, I’ve been honest with them and they know it. People know when you aren’t being sincere. They can feel it.

Have you ever been on a webinar or attended a seminar where someone just came off as fake to you? I’ve been there many times, listening to someone else’s presentation while waiting for my turn to speak at an event. This person can be saying all the right things and even have a good product but you can tell they’re lying about something, whether it’s about who they are or their product. It repels people as much as if you smelled like a garbage can.

The fact of the matter is, if you’ve created an irresistible offer, you don’t need to lie, exaggerate or be someone else to sell it. If you’ve created something wonderful, you just need to tell people about it and they will buy it. If you lie about the product or yourself in order to sell it, you’re doing yourself a disservice. People may not see through the lies immediately but eventually they will and you’ll be screwed. It’s possible that you will fool some people, maybe initially but over time, you’re just going to be digging a hole to bury yourself in.

Be yourself and be honest because that’s what sells. That and irresistible offers.

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Increase Your Conversions with This One Tip

Increase Your Conversions With This One Tip

by Matt Bacak

As internet marketers, the vast array of avenues available to us include email marketing, WSOs, webinars, seminars, JV launches, and product launches on other sites, social media marketing, etc. Whatever avenue we choose, our main goal is essentially the same. To make money. No matter how you choose to sell or what methods you employ, the end result desired is still to make money, as much of it as possible. We do that by having more conversions.

The problem for most people, especially newbies, is that whether you are writing sales copy, creating an email swipe file, doing a webinar or even speaking at a live event, you fail to do one thing that will increase your sales by the boatload. This one thing is often overlooked. So write this down, print it out, and write it on your forehead because this is going to help you make sales.

One essential element missing in many internet marketers’ copy and closes’ are the benefits. A benefit is what the prospective customer will gain from buying your product or signing up for your service. How will their life improve if they purchase from you? If you fail to answer that question for them, they lose interest immediately. Wouldn’t you?

Often we get caught up in what our program or product is, the features of it. Features are completely different than benefits. A feature tells what exactly it is. For instance, if you are selling a car, the features may be leather interiors, 6 CD changer, head rests mounted with DVD players and so on. Everyone wants to know the features but that’s not what sells cars or anything else for that matter. Benefits do.

Why do benefits sell and features don’t?

It’s simple. Features are specific to the product, explaining what it is and how it works. While we as consumers need to know this information, it’s not why we buy something. We buy something for the benefits. The benefits are what elicits an emotional response in us that demands we purchase.

Going back to the car analogy, depending on who I am and why I’m purchasing a car, features are not enough. The benefits take the features of the car and make them personal to me, swaying my opinion in favor of the car. So when the feature is leather seats, I think so what? Then the salesman says, “These leather seats are great for children. If your toddler spills his juice on the seat, you just wipe it right off.” If I’m a parent purchasing a family car, this is important to me. It’s not the leather seats that I care about but what the leather seats can do for me.

Another way to look at it is by asking yourself WSGAT. WSGAT is an acronym I created to remind myself and even my employees in my office to give people the benefits in every situation. WSGAT means “What’s So Great About That?” You need to explain the benefits right away (what’s so great about that) before the prospective client has a chance to ask that for themselves. They may even give up waiting and leave because you didn’t answer that question for them. Granted, not everyone is going to buy. We know that. But your conversions are going to skyrocket when you include what benefits someone will gain from your product.

In the end, people are in it for themselves. They’re not going to spend their money without knowing what they stand to gain.

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7 Tips to Get More Clicks

7 Tips to Get More Clicks

by Matt Bacak


Internet marketers, whether complete “newbies” or absolute pros struggle from time to time to get more clicks. Getting more clicks is a stepping stone to successfully earn more money but it doesn’t have to be difficult, if you know what you’re doing. Many pros who have earned respect in the internet marketing world often forget simple techniques to getting more clicks for all sorts of reasons so don’t feel bad when you notice your clicks are dropping. Take a look at these tips below to get your mind refocused on getting the clicks you need to make the money you want.

Tip #1: Utilize the JV Invite Page. This is so simple. Not only are they going to give you the affiliate links, they are also, nine times out of ten, going to give you the actual email swipes for their product. You can also use sites like and to get swipe files.

Tip #2: Remember that it’s not your job to sell the product or service you are promoting. Your job is to get people to click. This is an important distinction because it will affect how you tailor your swipe files and subject lines. Tip #1 is great if it’s available but you can’t rely on this tip constantly. There will be times when you must create your own swipe files and subject lines.

Tip #3: Use proven subject lines and swipe files. If you must create your own subject lines and swipe files, don’t reinvent the wheel. There are lots of ways to get your hands on proven subject lines and swipes. That doesn’t mean you should copy word for word what you find but it does mean you can take inspiration from people who have gone before you in this journey. If you are a follower of a big name internet marketer, take a close look at their swipe files and subject lines. Decipher what makes theirs so great and then use that as your starting point.

Tip #4: This one should be a no-brainer but lots of people forget this tip. You must match your email swipe to the page you are directing your list to and also your subject line to the email swipe. If your subject line says, “Pink Elephant” but your email says “Click this link to see gorillas”, not only do you irritate your list but you lose out on the opportunity of getting clicks. The same holds true for your email swipes not matching the sales page. If your email talks about monkeys but the sales page talks about shoes, what do you think will happen to your clicks?

Tip #5: Curiosity. Building curiosity is one of the key tricks to getting people to click. The problem with some email swipes that you get from the JV Page and even some of the emails you may write yourself is that you’re not building curiosity in the reader’s mind. It’s easy to do this by providing too many details. If the reader believes they know everything about the product, what would encourage them to go to the page? So don’t tell them everything. You want to tease them into taking action.

Tip #6: Get more subscribers. It’s so simple but it bears repeating. Don’t get complacent. Keep refreshing your list consistently to get better results.

Tip #7: Call to action. Don’t EVER forget to include a call to action. Tell them what you want them to do. .  “Click now!”  “Click here to buy.”  Give them the extra push they need.

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