Teaching Self Employment And Internet Marketing to Kids

Teaching Self Employment And Internet Marketing to Kids

Teaching Self Employment And Internet Marketing to Kids
By Matt Bacak

Today’s kid’s are savvy, tech smart individuals who have grown up knowing about various gadgets and techy devices. They’ve all grown up with a computer in their home and in their schools, so they are no stranger to computers and the internet.

One of my students had a strong passion to teach young people how to use the internet and also discover how to create their own self-employment through affiliate marketing. I think this is a great idea. It’s really important to let kids know about their options. Of course school is extremely important, but so is getting mentors and thinking outside of the box to create your own dream lifestyle. In this case my student wanted internet gurus to assist. It’s a great idea. I would do it once. But I’m not going to do it all the time. However, as I said, I would do it once and I bet you could get other online gurus to do the same.

It’s so important to expose kids to different things. It’s amazing how smart they are and how much they can pick up. I’d have to agree with my student, providing opportunities through education and the teaching of internet marketing and affiliate marketing opens up their reality to a whole new world. Yes, they could work at McDonald’s part-time after school, but they could also do affiliate marketing part-time and make residual income that way as well.

Getting other online gurus to do this is a pretty easy approach because it is “for the children.” Using that alone, will get a lot more people to help out. Affiliate marketing is probably one of the best ways to use to educate kids about money opportunities. It’s not always about the “j-o-b”. They can have a passion for their work too. Affiliate marketing and all of the various niches available, can allow them to stay within their passion by promoting products that interest them.

You’ve got to understand kids today. They have been brought up with social media and I mean, blogging is probably going to be the key to having them really understand affiliate marketing. They “get” blogging, but I think they’re going to understand it a lot better if you add affiliate marketing to the mix. That would be something that kids would gravitate too and enjoy. When you add money to the formula, everything looks great!

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak


Sales Letter Tips for Your Ebook

Sales Letter Tips for Your Ebook
By Matt Bacak

When you’re trying to sell your book, you want to have one outcome and one outcome only on your pages. Your audience needs to focus on one thing and not be distracted. So, whenever you’re creating a site specifically designed to sell something, you don’t want to have places for people to click around and go to other places. Basically, if you want the outcome for people to buy something, you need to focus your sales page on having your visitor perform that function and not any number of things.

Also, if you’re featuring video on your sales page, good for you! Video has become one of the top ways to improve conversions. However, it’s best to host the video yourself on your site. Too often, I see YouTube videos being used on sales pages. This is a big no no. The biggest problem about using YouTube as your video, is your visitor can click and go to the YouTube and totally leave your page. You definitely don’t want this to happen. You want the people to stick. If you want people to read, you want people to stick, you don’t want them clicking around and going to a thousand different places and leaving the page. You want to get them sucked in and reading into what’s going on.

I always typically start off my first line of almost any sales letter as a short – straight to the point letter, to kind of get my reader involved in the copy and get them to start reading. This strategy has worked very well for me over the years.

Another option you could consider is giving your prospect a preview of your book. So, let’s just say that you have two outcomes laid out for your visitor. The one outcome you’re looking for on this page is get them to sign up to get a preview of the book. The second thing you’re looking for them to do is to get them to go buy your book.

What you may want to do is create one page specifically to get them to preview your book. Then after they sign up and preview your book, then have them land on the page where they can go and buy the book. I think that’s going to be the best thing. So, basically, you’ve got an opt-in page and you’ve got a sales letter page. What I would do is I would set up an opt-in page specifically designed to give them the preview of the book, and then have them have the option to preview the book.

Remember, don’t have too many actions for people to take. Like in this case, you had two actions (to buy the book and to preview it). If you can separate those actions, that’s really going to help you out. Don’t have a bunch of links and other options on your website. Focus on one thing. You’ve got to make it one outcome, one outcome only. Don’t let them click around. I think that’s one of the biggest problems people make. If you know how to avoid them, your overall revenues will be much greater!

Tips for Towing a Trailer with Ease

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak


About Your Affiliate Commissions

Matt Bacak Bucking a Disturbing Trend

Affiliate marketers who are tired of waiting for their commissions will be pleased
to learn that not all Internet marketers are created equal. In an effort to distance himself
from the slow- or even non-paying reputation of his competitors, Matt Bacak has just upped
the affiliate ante by switching to a two-week payouts. Find out more here by Clicking Here.

Publishing – Hard-Copy Vs Digital Ebook

Publishing – Hard-Copy Vs Digital Ebook

Publishing – Hard-Copy Vs Digital Ebook
By Matt Bacak

You have done some writing and you had hoped of one day getting your stuff published. However, finding a publisher that wants to publish your writings can be a long and adventurous task. First you have to find a publisher that is even willing to read it and then you are at their mercy while they decide whether or not they think it will sell. The other alternative is to publish the books yourself, but you quickly find out that the costs for doing so are beyond your budget. So, what do you do? Do you try publishing some, with the hopes of selling enough to be able to publish the rest? Or do you simply produce an ebook and sell it via places before you produce a hard-copy version?

I personally think that producing an ebook version and then publishing it afterward, is a great thing to do. It’s best to start out this way so that you don’t invest a ton of money into getting it published. After all, you want to see if it sells first, right! Producing a digital version is the best way to do it simply because it’s inexpensive and can be published with the click of a button.

Of course, the way you market your new brilliant book, will have a huge impact on your earnings, but at least you can see how well it sells or could sell based on your efforts. By publishing your book digitally first, you can learn a lot from the process, while getting it done a lot quicker. You also could potentially make a lot more money than you ever could from the publishing route. You’ll be able to keep all of the profits by selling it on your own. And just think, you could also get others to sell it who have related sites, and you could give them a percentage of the sale! So, you’ll have an entire army working for you and no extra cost to you. If you create a good enough buzz and market it well, you could make a bundle.

However, once you get it going, I would still publish the hard cover as well, for the simple reason that it’s going to open up more avenues and channels of distribution than you could ever get with an ebook. If you open the window of opportunity, you’ll be amazed at what can happen.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak


A Prayer Request From Me (as a Father and Parent)

Matt Bacak's Son

I have not made the public aware of our 3 year old son but things been scary over here for the last few months… The doctors have been saying he’s ok but we knew they we wrong. Because of that my wife and I are mentally and physically exhausted from staying up every night and worrying for so long. (…and researching too)

We finally are getting some understanding of what’s going on – after fighting with insurance companies and going to many different neurologists and pediatricians.

He’s a tough kid and has been through a lot lately. I really think he’s seen more doctors in the last few months then I’ve seen all my life.

He’s had MRI’s, EEG, Physical Therapy.

We finally got answer this week and it came as shock to us. There are still some unanswered questions, but at least we are getting somewhere.

I really don’t want to go into much detail just yet. But, I would like to ask those of you that pray to please pray for my family especially my son and my wife. If you can add us to your thought’s and prayers tomorrow that would be very nice.

Brain my son, will be getting another MRI and has a surgery scheduled tomorrow.

Over Promising and Under Delivering

Over Promising and Under Delivering

Over Promising and Under Delivering
By Matt Bacak

Many internet marketers create products that appear at first glance to be a good offer, but the information is not complete enough for immediate practical implementation. Its general information designed to hook the buyer and position them for an up-sell. Do I think its right? No, not at all.

My belief is, if I offer a product, it has to be a complete system that will work immediately if followed as outlined. I even say on my video, “Hey, look, this is a complete package. Everything I promise you, you’re going to get and you don’t need anything else.” However, after the sale, I do make a special one-time offer of another product that compliments the one they just bought.

Now I know what you’re saying, “If the product I bought was supposedly complete, then why are you offering another product?” Well, my program does teach everything you need to know to make your first sale online. As far as that goes, you don’t need to buy anything else, but if you want to take your business to a whole other level or you want to learn how I made a million dollars, you need to buy my other product. So I think, structuring your offer that way is the better way – while still being ethical.

Right now, I’m working on another product and it’s also coming along with a report. When people buy this complete course, it will give them full details on how to tap into secret traffic. However, since I promised them traffic, my up-sell will be to actually give them traffic as well as the ability to test that traffic. It’s something that’s going to be a great add-on because I’m going to show them how I split test all my emails and subject lines. So, basically, what I’m saying here is once you have the traffic and you have all the people, you may want to help these people understand how to do these other important things. And you can do it, by presenting related offers that compliment your initial offer. Remember, you make it clear to your list that they don’t have to use this up-sell product because the initial one already works extremely well. However, let them know that although their product will work without the others, it’s a great add-on.

I talk about how I split test all my sales letters and opt-in forms. I give them examples and case studies of things that I’ve found. For example, what pages work better on Facebook traffic, article traffic and with joint venture traffic? I give people examples, and then also give them some of the swipe emails that they can use to help them really build even more than just the traffic side.

So, no, I don’t think that people should promise something and then not deliver while they try to push another product on you. It should be like, “Hey, look, you got this, you don’t need anything else, but if you want, here’s something that would be a great addition to this. Because you’re interested in that, you’ll probably be interested in this, too. This tactic has added thousands of dollars to my initial offer, that I think it’s well worth implementing if you have found complimentary products to your initial offer.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak


ATTENTION: “The Balancing Act” Viewers – Click Here

“Thank you for watching ‘The Balancing Act’ today!” – Matt Bacak

I wanted to give you 3 FREE gifts
(97$ Value) just for watching :-)

->> Click Here Right Now To Get Your Free Gifts <<–

…also, I put up a few other things for you – enjoy…


If you want to learn more about what I taught my 12 year old daughter
to make money online,
then go below and click the image to find out:

or just click this ->> http://www.firstsaleonline.com


If you want to learn how I made my first million online, then
just go below and click the image to find out exactly how:

or just click this ->> http://budurl.com/MyFirstMillion

Thank you very much for watching!

You ROCK :-) Matt Bacak

P.S. If you missed the show, you “Might” be
able to view it – by clicking here to view.

Watch “The Balancing Act” Airing on Lifetime Television Tomorrow – I’ll be on it :-)

Matt Bacak Set to Appear on “The Balancing Act’s” ‘My Money’ segment Airing on Lifetime Television. On September 1st, 2010, at 7 am EST host Beth Troutman will pick his brain on how to make money using the Internet … the real way. Tune in or watch it by clicking the image below.

Matt Bacak on "The Balancing Act"

To get more details read about it read the recent release on PR Web: