How to Ping Your Website

How to Ping Your Website

By: Matt Bacak

Pinging is a way of sending commands to certain servers to inform them of changes to a website. There are two major ways that a webmaster can do this. You can either use a ping utility like pingler or ping the website manually. This article will go into the details of both:

1.      How to ping your website manually

You can manually ping your website using pingler. In this case, you open a free account with pingler. You then sign into the dashboard. You will see the following slots:

  • Website name or title – You are required to write the name of your site e.g. hub pages. Inputting this info is optional
  • Website URL – This is where you put the site’s address. It has to be well structured i.e. This is required information because without it, pingler will not be able to ping the site in question.
  • Category – In this slot, you are supposed to put your site in its proper category
  • Pinging services – This is an auto generated list of pinging services you can use. You also have the option of developing your own list

From here, you then click “ping my sites”. You are then taken to a page that shows which search engines have been pinged. Repeat the process for each of your other sites and RSS feeds.

While pingler is effective, doing this manually is time consuming. It is suited for a person testing out the service for the first time.

2.      How to ping your website automatically

Pingler also gives the option of automatically pinging your websites. In this case, a person has to open a premium account. From here, you are taken to a dashboard where you can input the required information. This will include:

  • List of websites
  • List of RSS feed URLs
  • List of blogs

At this stage, you can input optional information like the name of the website, categories etc. Finally click on the “ping” button. All your URLs are going to be pinged. With a premium pingler account, a webmaster can ping up to 25 URLs at the same time. They will also be automatically pinged every three days.

The advantages of opting for a premium pingler account when looking for ways of how to ping your website include:

1)      Time saving – pinging all your sites in one go will save you a lot of time. This time can be used on other worthwhile activities.

2)      Affordable – this premium account only costs $2.99/ month. For this small amount, you will be able to increase visitors on your website as search engines are informed on changes. The end result is higher search engine rankings and therefore higher profits.

Pingler is the best ping utility to use when looking for how to ping your website. It is developed in such a way that bots are prompted to visit the site very frequently without going against the search engine’s terms and conditions.

Finally, pinging too much will cause your site to be blacklisted on major search engines. With pingler, there is a good period between pings.

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SEO Image Optimization

SEO Image Optimization

By Matt Bacak

Optimizing images for search engines is as important as optimizing the content. This is because people search for information using Google images, Bing images etc. Image optimization is a little different from content optimization. Here are some of the things a person can do to get more organic traffic.

1. Use a relevant and eye-catching image

They are the first things that people see when they load a webpage. An eye-catching image will make people curious about the content. Good content coupled with a good one will prompt people into sharing the link in social media and therefore cause an increase in traffic.

It is important to pay special attention to SEO optimization. You can either design the images yourself using Photoshop or look for free one online. Make sure you do not use copyrighted images to prevent unnecessary lawsuits. Also, a person should only use JPEG, GIF, PNG and BMP images during the SEO optimization process.

2. Use relevant keywords

An image always has a name when adding it to a blog post or article. More often than not, that name does not describe that one. Image optimization with keywords is important because search engine bots use them to rank the post and image in the SERPs. The keywords used in the optimization should relate to the ones in the content e.g. if the content is optimized for ‘smartphone apps’, it should have a name like “best smartphone app”

3. Use alt tags and alt text

Search engine bots will not see these as humans see them. They have to be described using alt tags and alt text etc. otherwise; the spiders will just skip them. When writing alt attributes, you should use words that are related to the keywords in the content. A good description will allow your image to be highly ranked in image search engines.

An example of an alt tag in using during the SEO image optimization process could be alt=”men’s cologne” assuming that your article was related to men’s cologne.

4. Pay attention to anchor text

Anchor text is the words used when attaching a link. Sometimes, a webmaster decides to link to one for better explanation. In optimization, the choice of words used should reflect the relationship between the image and the content. For instance, if the article is about wooden furniture and it is that of a wooden chair, the anchor text can be words like “good quality wooded chairs”

5. Avoid spamming

Putting too many keywords, alt tags and alt text may cause bots to flag that image as spam. This means your SEO image optimization work will be nullified. Make sure that you use keywords and description in moderation; just like in the content. A webmaster should know that image optimization is for the end user and not for the bots. Optimizing an image with this mindset will keep you from overdoing it.

There are many other things a webmaster should do on the image optimization process like labeling file extensions, determining image size, compressing the images etc.

In a nutshell, image optimization is very important when looking for organic traffic.

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7 Ways to Make Money on You Tube

7 Ways to Make Money on You Tube

By: Matt Bacak

One of the ways a person can make some extra cash is by using YouTube. This website allows users to create channels and put up their videos. In some cases, you have to be accepted into the revenue sharing program before you can start making money on you tube. This article will go into how to make money on you tube. They include:

1. Video reviews of affiliate products

With this option, you sign up for a business’s affiliate program. This allows you to sell their products for a predetermined commission. To make money on you tube using this method, you just make a video review of the product and urge the people watching to visit the site where they can buy from. This link can either be edited into the video itself or put in the description.

2. Sell advertising slots in the videos

With this option of making money on you tube; advertisers include related ads in your video. The most common are slots at the beginning and end of the video. These ads should be relatively short and related to the ad. Revenue from this option largely depends on the video content and popularity.

3. Revenue sharing

This is one of the most common ways a person can make money on you tube. You have to open an AdSense account and have related ads placed at the bottom of your videos. This option will only be available to you once YouTube sends you an email asking you to sign up. You will then be sharing the revenue from the ads on your videos. You do not have to be a YouTube partner to have this option, only good videos with a few hundred visitors.

4. YouTube partner program

This will only be available to you once you have a very consistently updated channel with thousands of subscribers. With this method of making money on you tube; you get an email requesting you to sign up for the partner program. This will then allow you to sell your brand to your subscribers in a way that will increase the click through rates on ads. This can be things like free giveaways, customized thumbnails etc. With this option, everything on your video and channel has to be unique.

5. Selling ad space in the description

This is how to make money on you tube using this method: You first create a channel and post unique content. With time, your channel gets popular and advertisers opt to advertise on your channel. You allow them to put a link on your description for a given amount of time. The link has to be related to the video content and the channel has to be very popular.

6. Market your business

With this option of making money on you tube; you create video content related to your online or offline business. This is best done with product placement. The products your company sells should feature prominently in the video. Towards the end of the video, you can inform readers where to buy the featured products. It is usually very effective because of its non-intrusive nature.

7. Sell the channel

You make money on you tube using this method by selling the channel to a business or an individual. The channel has to be popular and specialized.

There are many other ways of making money on you tube. Just like any other venture, it requires a lot of patience and hard work.

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Thank you for your vote! Poll Results are in!

Yesterday, I asked for your help in picking the book cover for my
new book, coming out at the beginning of next year, called:

“Click Your Way to Millions: The Six-Step Formula to My First Million Dollars Online.”

And the response was nothing but AMAZING!

Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!

Here is the winning Design:

Last year, people from all over the world choose the title of the book.

OLD POST: The title results are in!

This year, you choose the book cover…

Because you helped me, I want to give you a link to a website
of mine that has 3 free gifts waiting for you to download.

Before you go and grab them, by clicking here, please let me know if
you have any suggestions for information that you would like to be included
in the book. Please let me know in the comment section below.

I’d love to hear what you’d like inside it :-)

Thanks again.

You Rock,

Matt Bacak

P.S. I’m almost done with the rough draft, I’ll let
you know how to get access to that very soon!

UPDATE 11/18/2011: This Topic is also now on PRweb:

Latest Google Gadgets

Latest Google Gadgets

By: Matt Bacak

All webmasters and bloggers are always on a constant quest to improve the browsing experience for their readers and visitors. One of the best ways to do this is to integrate the latest Google gadgets to the site. This article will show webmasters where to get the latest gadgets and how to implement them into websites.

Types of Google gadgets

The latest Google gadgets can be divided into two major divisions; productivity and entertainment.

1. Productivity Gadgets

Productivity gadgets are those that are used to improve understanding of the content on a webpage. Some of the latest gadgets include:

Calendar viewer – This gadget allows users to see the planned future events. For instance, a technology blog can show users when the next meet up is etc.

Currency converter – This is one of the latest gadgets with the most usefulness. Users are able to easily convert different currencies using this gadget. They will not need to search for the exchange rates because the gadget regularly updates itself to provide the most accurate results.

Stock charts – This is one of the latest Google gadgets that stock market investors find most useful. It allows users to see all the daily changes in any security’s stock price without having to visit financial sites.
There is a wide variety of the latest Google gadgets that increase productivity in all areas of life.

2. Entertainment Gadgets

Entertainment gadgets are those that give a website’s users a way to pass time on your site. They make a user enjoy the time spent on the site. The end result of this is usually lower bounce rates and more conversions. Some of the latest gadgets available include:

Games like bejeweled, super Mario Bros, super fight etc. A simple fun game on a few pages on your site can do a lot in increasing time spent on the site. These latest Google gadgets work best with entertainment sites and personal blogs.

Wallpaper gadgets that allow webmasters to add slideshows to the home pages. These increase a website’s aesthetic appeal. These are some of the latest gadgets that most webmasters should add to their sites.

How to add the latest Google gadgets to a webpage

All a person needs to do is select any one of the latest gadgets that he is interested in. After clicking on it, he is taken to a page where he sets it up as the wants it to appear on the page. The parameters that are adjusted include:

  • Title – one can add a catchy title to the gadget to lure visitors to use it
  • Width in pixels
  • Height in pixels
  • Language
  • Border design

These gadgets can have varying parameters depending on the type of gadget.

After setting the parameters up, the webmaster then clicks the “get the code” option. This allows the webmaster to get the code for the latest gadgets. He then pastes the simple code on any part of his website. The gadget starts working immediately.

Finally, a person can contribute to the latest Google gadgets available by designing one himself. It is fairly easy for someone with programming and web design skills.

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11 Sneaky Little YouTube Video Tricks

11 Sneaky Little YouTube Video Tricks

by: Matt Bacak

Making money on YouTube is relatively simple. All that is needed is a video channel with regularly updated content. You have to add quality to your work to reap large rewards in your money making endeavors on YouTube. You must also set your work apart by doing things differently. Some YouTube tricks and tips to accomplish the above include:

1.   Equipment and skills
The most popular videos on you tube are usually well shot and edited. You must invest in good quality cameras, video editing software, sound equipment etc. Some successful YouTube personalities have entire teams. Superior skills and equipment will go a long way in making you money.

2.    Originality
This you tube trick entails being yourself. Having videos where your personality and opinions are brought out will definitely set you apart from someone rehashing editing and talking styles from other videos.

3.    Service a niche
The most popular channels are about a given topic e.g. cars. This causes people to associate your channel with that topic therefore increasing your relevance and success. Being all over the place just confuses and repels watchers.

4.    Add a humorous angle
This you tube trick entails making people laugh. It works even better if your channel deals with complicated or boring material e.g. politics. People frequent channels that make them laugh while offering valuable information. The humor should blend seamlessly into the content.

5.    Short and sweet
Keep your videos very short and packed with information. This will leave the watcher yearning for more therefore capturing another subscriber. Long videos tend to be very boring while a short video stays relevant and interesting.

6.    Have a signature
This is one of the most effective YouTube tricks and tips out there. Develop a catchy way of saying things. This phrase will stick in a watcher’s mind causing him to visit your channel more often. You just need to look at videos made by YouTube stars to see the effectiveness of this you tube trick.

7.    Ask questions
This simple you tube trick increases interaction between you and the watchers. Asking for opinions and suggestions makes watchers feel important therefore resulting in an increase in subscriptions.

8.    Giveaways and contests
This simple you tube trick can increase your subscribers and comments tenfold. You can give away t shirts or other simple gifts to watchers provided they accomplish a simple task e.g. suggesting your channel to their Facebook network, tweeting the video URL etc. Doing this on the regular will do wonders for your reach.

9.    Use eye catching headlines
This is another of the most effective YouTube tricks and tips. Eye catching headlines attract the most attention from watchers. This you tube trick will work on any topic. Find a balance between sensationalism and truthfulness.

10.     Be interested in your community
Your watchers will also watch, comment on and like other videos apart from your own. Some will even have their own channels and videos. Commenting and liking their videos will make them notice you and your work. They can also return the favor by suggesting your channel to their subscribers.

11.    Go off-topic
You should occasionally make a video that’s completely unrelated to the channel’s topic. For instance, if you have a channel on technology, make a random video on a new car. This just serves to refresh the watchers.

There are many other YouTube tricks and tips you could incorporate into your work. Success on YouTube is determined by creativity and originality.

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How to Make Money Writing Articles

How to Make Money Writing Articles

by: Matt Bacak

Many people are interested in making money online. There are numerous options available depending on your level of education age. This article will look at how one can earn money writing articles. They include:

Writing for article syndication sites

This is how you earn money writing articles with this method: Open an account in an article site like e-zine articles and then post your unique articles onto it. Ads on the related content are then automatically added. Depending on the number of articles you write, their quality and popularity, you could make a tidy sum every month.

Writing for affiliate sites

In this, you write an article pitching a certain product or service to readers. The option to buy the product being written about is prominently displayed. Interested readers can then buy what you are selling and make you money in the process. This is commonly known as copywriting and requires a lot of knowledge on what writing styles and wording formats people respond to. In an affiliate site, you will find text written in different color and font sizes, all to convince the reader to buy what is being sold.

Write for an online news syndication site or blog

High traffic sites are always looking for good quality writers for certain projects. Some of these writing projects are very lucrative as a large number of people get to read the article. If you are a good writer, this is could be viable option make money writing online.

Freelance writing on Fiverr

There is the option of writing on all manner of topics for people in Fiverr and other related sites. In this case, a client sends in the topic he wants an article on. There are several payment channels available depending on the site. To make money writing online with this option, you have to be able to consistently deliver good quality work with a unique twist. It takes time before you get a loyal client base but the results are worth the effort.

Start a personal blog

This is usually the hardest to do successfully because of the other things involved. With this option, you set up a blog and write about a topic you are passionate about. At the same time, find ways to increase the traffic levels as you write. If properly and consistently done, this could make you a very rich blogger. There are numerous examples of people who make money writing online using this method.

Work for content providing companies.

In this method, you earn money writing articles for a company which then sells this content to their client base. The content providing company then pays you for services rendered. The payment options can range from amount per words, number of articles per day to a fixed amount per month. While the amount earned through this method is lower because of the middleman, it is also one of the easiest and most consistent.

In a nutshell, it is entirely possible to make money writing online.

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How to Get Your Article Approved at Ezine Articles

How to Get Your Article

Approved at Ezine Articles

by:Matt Bacak

Ezine is one of the best known article directories. It lets people publish articles in any niche. These articles can then have certain types of related advertising added to allow the writer make some money for his efforts. Sometimes, the author wants to raise awareness to a certain issue without having to pitch a product to the reader. Whatever the case, work submitted into ezines articles has to be approved. This article will look at the guidelines an author must follow during the ezine article submission process. They include:

1.       Original content -All the articles submitted must be created by you. Wording copied from another site will be rejected. You are also not allowed to re-write previously summited content. You should seek to inform readers over selling something to them

2.       Language – Only articles in English are accepted. Work submitted into ezines articles must have correct grammar, spelling, capitalization and punctuation. Acronyms and company brand names should also be properly capitalized.

3.       Rights – The author must have legal ownership rights of all material. The ezine article submission process only allows an article to be attributed to one author. The author’s name, sources and associated URLs must be verified before work is published on ezines articles.

4.       Timeless material – articles must not be relevant for a given time e.g. a news story or a press release

5.       No self-promotion is allowed – You must not include blatant promotion of a company’s service, a product or of an individual. Ezines articles only allow informational articles on issues many people can relate to.

6.       Pornographic and vulgar material is not allowed. – Articles of a blatant adult nature are not allowed. The ezine article submission process also looks for and rejects articles that link out to adult related webpages. You must also avoid vulgar and insulting language.

7.       Articles on Illegal material are not allowed – You are not allowed to write on things like hacking, bomb creation, illegal drugs and weaponry. You must not write on things that could inspire terrorism and mass action from certain groups of people. Articles about gambling are also not allowed in ezines articles.

8.       Articles must only inspire ethical behavior and business practices – Articles that cause people to think about how to circumvent laws are not allowed. Things like email spamming, black hat SEO methods, click fraud, tax evasion techniques are not allowed in articles to be published in ezines articles.

9.       Author names – Only real names are allowed in the signature. The ezine article submission process rejects articles that include fake author’s names e.g. rich boy and other pseudonyms. Author names can be easily changed in the settings section in your account.

10.    Proper formatting of titles. You are allowed to properly use some characters like, $ ( ) + _ = ‘ ” % / \: [ ]. The title should make sense to the casual reader.

Following these guidelines will make sure that your work is published into the ezines articles directory.

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Steps To Start Selling On Fiverr

Steps To Start Selling On Fiverr

by:Matt Bacak

Fiverr is a site where anyone with any kind of skill or ability can make some money. All a person has to do is open a free account and start selling his service. This article will go into details for those what want to know how to make money on fiverr.

The first step is opening an account. The following is the information you are asked for:

  • Full names – you have the option of either putting in your real name of a handle.
  • An email address – This address has to be valid as it is what fiverr will be using to convey important information to you. This information is the fiverr weekly digest that contains recent changes to the site and sometimes tips on how to make money on fiverr.
  • A little general information about you – in this slot, you write something that you want people interested in your gig to read. It is a way of marketing your skill or yourself to buyers. For instance, if you intend to design graphics, you can say something like: “I am a 25 year old hardworking graphic designer. I take my work very seriously and would love to work with you”. It is important that you be polite as this is one of the first things they will see about you.
  • Profile picture – In this option, you are allowed to put up a picture that best describes your service. It can either be a real photo of yourself or an abstract image.

You then save the settings and your account is created immediately. You will have a special URL in the format

The next step for people interested in knowing how to make money on fiverr is creating your first task/gig. You are taken to a page that allows you to create this task. The following are the steps you expect to follow:

  • Title – In this slot, you write what you are willing to do for $5. It is in the format, “I will——- for $5”. You are supposed to fill in the gap. A seller is not allowed to use improper grammar or characters in the title. You should make it as eye catching as possible.
  • Description – Here, you explain to the interested buyer why they should choose you instead of using another seller. You can result to any trick on the book to convince them to order from you. You can use capital letters, showcase your skills, offer discounts, money back guarantees etc.
  • Instructions to the buyer – You explain what you will need to accomplish the gig. For instance, if you are here to sell your graphic design skill, you could inform people that you will need a sketch or a topic on what to make a design on.
  • Tags – Here you write words and phrases that best categorize your gig.
  • Duration – in this slot, you write how many days you can finish the gig in.
  • Image – You have the option of adding an eye catching image to your gig to attract attention.

These are the simple steps a person interested in knowing how to make money on fiverr should follow. Freelancing on Fiverr is one of the easiest ways to make money online.

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How to Make Money with Fiverr

How to Make Money with Fiverr

by: Matt Bacak

Fiverr is a site that allows a person (seller) to write out what he would be willing to do for $5. A person (buyer) that needs similar work done makes an order from the seller. Once the task/gig is done, the seller uploads the completed order and $4 is credited to his account. takes $1 from each transaction. Sellers make money with fiverr in the following ways:

Writing – sellers make money with fiverr by doing writing assignments for clients. Assignments include writing blog posts, articles on all manner of topics, proofreading documents, designing resumes etc. There are also bizarre assignments like writing something on your forehead. It is possible to get anything done on fiverr.

Business assignments – sellers make money with fiverr by doing simple business tasks. This can include being a personal assistant for a couple of hours, designing a business logo, designing a simple website for your business etc. An entrepreneur can find cheap quality labor on fiverr.

Programming –a seller does any programming job for a buyer for $5. This can be simple algorithm creations to complex time stamped assignments. Programmers do any kind of coding work a person wants done.

Music and audio recordings – With this, a seller does any sound related activity for $5. This can be anything from writing a rap song for your business to recording a podcast for your blog. Some sellers accompany a song with a dance routine. Things like audio and video conversions are also handled here.

Travel related assignments – Sellers make money with fiverr by doing a task related to geographical location. This can be sending a postcard from an exotic country, designing a holiday trip, getting more information about a country, learning a foreign language etc.

Social marketing – sellers help in promotion of a social marketing campaign in any way imaginable. This can be anything from suggesting your site to 60,000 YouTube watchers to getting a customized message written on a limb.

Designing graphics– sellers make money with fiver by designing things like cartoons, logos, banner ads etc. for $5. You can also get paintings or pictures of your choice drawn up by a skilled professional. You can also get pictures, wallpapers and paintings professionally retouch by the graphic freelancers.

Making gifts – a seller designs a custom gift for $5. This can be anything from a greeting card to a straw hat. It is usually a good way to get a unique gift for a loved one.

The above are just some of the ways that a person can make money with fiverr. Setting up the account is free making it entirely possible to start making money in a few hours. All gigs are classified in categories making it easier for buyers to find them.

To make the most money, look for gigs that have the most orders in their queue. This will mean that there is demand for that activity so making a similar one could be worthwhile. Fiverr is one of the easiest ways to start making money online.

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