As a subscriber…(Subscribers Only)

ATTN: Customer Appreciation Seminar,
Marketing Madness *General* Tickets

Hi Janet,

As a subscriber, you are invited to
discover sought-after internet industry
secrets at Marketing Madness Live.

Best of All…It’s FREE!

Join us for 3 Days.

The first 3 days are full power-packed days with
the world’s leading internet marketing experts
in Atlanta! You will take away the knowledge of
how to create step-by-step action plan that’s
guaranteed to increase the money flow.

An all-NEW lineup of internet marketing insiders
‘From the Trenches’ have finally agreed to break their
silence on how they are quietly making their fortunes
online…and how YOU can too!

Learn from Industry Leaders:

Mike Stewart- Video Websites
Armand Morin- The Marketing Authority
Joe Lavery – The Testing Freak
Keith Wellman – Auto Pilot Sales
Patric Chan – You “Chan” Do It
Eric Graham – Website Conversions
Ray Edwards – Killer Copywriting
Debra Thompson – Bullsye Marketing
Drew Miles – Tax Saving Strategies
Jeff Herring – Article Marketing

Exclusive to Marketing Madness Live:
Women’s Luncheon & Sunday Prayer Session

Seating is Limited! Don’t miss out!

Register below to Confirm your FREE Seat!

Hope to see you there!

Matt Bacak

P.S. I’m sending this to you first, then
very soon my whole internet marketing list
of over 250,000 people will get a chance,so
make sure you register RIGHT NOW below:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Forced Continuity

For those of you that haven’t heard of the term “forced continuity” before, you may have already had some experiences with this. Forced continuity is when someone offers a free trial of something and then after the trial period is over, they automatically proceed to bill you. ….

A lot of companies do this and it really is a good strategy to drum up more business. However, depending on how the offer is written, it can sometimes be very deceptive and unethical. This is why we are always advised to read the fine print and only give your billing information to a trusted source…..

While I personally have used this method before, I do highly recommend that you keep everything transparent. That is, if you attempt to create a similar offer for your list, make sure that they can clearly see that if they don’t opt-out they will be billed. Always, remind them that it is a free trial…..

In the interest of transparency, another really good way to do this is to not take any billing information upfront and then after the trial period is over, try to get them to become paying customers. This is called “optional continuity”. By doing it this way, you may actually get more people to take the trial offer, but the downside is it may be tougher to close them…..

Remember, when you are making an offer to someone it is usually to enhance their lives, so in effect you are doing them a service because it will ultimately help them. However, selling something to someone without their knowledge will only leave you with bitter customers. You will do them a further disservice by not being able to offer them good products in the future because they will no longer trust you.
So, forced continuity can be a very good thing if done properly. Just think about and be careful how you word things. You want to gain the trust of your potential customers and customers as well as maintain your reputation.

.. Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
..Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

SO-o-o-o simple…..

Ok…this is happening very,
VERY FAST so read every word
carefully because…

…This thing has me buzzing
and I’ve been in top gear
since I got it.

Rumor has it that this could be
*alien* technology.

…I don’t believe that, (okay,
maybe a little) but let me
say this…

When you try this for only 20-30
minutes, you’ll never be the
same person again!

Think I’m kidding?

I challenge you to give it a try
and tell me I’m wrong!

I’m THAT confident that it works.

Whether you’re in business, you
have a job or you’re kind of
doing both, this *amazing*
*alien-like* tool can help you put
your entire life into high gear.

You can generate more moolah, you
can get whatever you truly desire
and you can do it all with very
little time and wasted energy!

The guy who found it and
“re-invented” it for regular

(…or should I say regular *humans*?)

…went from homeless and
sleeping in a sleeping bag, to
a multi-millioniare and he did
it in 3 years time!

Listen, you really should head
over there now and check it out
before supplies are gone!

…But please — you really
shouldn’t *go there now* if you
don’t “have an open mind”.

This tool is quite unique, but
SO-O-O-O simple.

To creating your ultimate reality,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Happy 4th of July…

If your from the USA then Happy
4th of July. If not then just have
a Happy day. Today is my 5th year
wedding anniversary with the most
amazing women in the world.

Talking about amazing…

You’ve just gotta see this.

Internet Marketing pioneer, John Reese,
has just released a new video.

Are you interested in…

– Generating floods of targeted traffic to
any of your Web sites?


– Finding simple ways to start a new
online business or expand an existing

If so, then you’ve got to RUN, not walk,
over to this page and check out this
amazing new video:

You’ll also some discover some great
news about John Reese’s upcoming
“Traffic Secrets 2.0” course — it’s the
long awaited sequel to the ‘famous’
best-selling Traffic Secrets course.


You can actually go right now and
watch TWO new videos from John.
Go to this page to watch them:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

…John Reese Is Back!

Internet Marketing pioneer, John Reese,
has been somewhat quiet for the past
few years…

And now I know why.

Many marketers remember John Reese’s
somewhat ‘famous’ “Traffic Secrets”
launch back in 2004. You know, the
one that created the “Million Dollar Day.”

And most remember the huge amount of
success stories that were created from
people that got the course and put it to

Well, little did most people know that
John has been quietly testing hundreds
of ALL-NEW traffic methods and
strategies to take that original course
to another level.

He wanted to take advantage of all the
powerful opportunities of Social Media,
Video Marketing, Content Syndication,
and much, much more.

He just posted a new video that you need
to go and watch RIGHT NOW:

Aside from all the great content that he
shares just check out the VIDEO STYLE itself.

One look at this video and you’ll get a good
idea of where the future of Video Marketing
is headed.

It’s really impressive. Check it out:

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. You can actually go and watch TWO
videos right now by visiting this link:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Dominating a Niche for a Product That’s Not Yours

If you have found a product that you know has poor marketing there is a lot you can do to make some good money. I actually was asked a question by someone who told me that they knew of a sports company with an awesome info product with a manual and videos. The best part of it all was that it was related to a niche of theirs. This person also knew that the product sold very, very well in its home country of Australia. But although this product had a web presence the marketing for it was extremely poor. So, this fellow did a little research and said that when he looked them up on Google under the name of the product the product was easy to find. However, if you enter other types of good, relevant keywords in their niche they weren’t even in the top 100 of Google, not in organic results or on the AdWords side. And this guy who’s researching this company is an SEO expert! So, he definitely has the upper hand here.

Basically, the idea he had was that he suggested he would act as a JV broker by hooking this company up with a well-established and respected SEO and lead generation company that he knew of. The SEO/lead generation company would boost the sport company’s web presence and drive leads, resulting in a high increase in sales. The JV broker (that being him), would get a cut of the profits that the company wouldn’t have otherwise seen, and the SEO company or rather the lead generation company, and sports company would split the profits at whatever percentages they agreed upon.

My advice?… Although this is a good idea, because you would have to do very little work – you’d only have to connect the two parties. However, I would suggest you become an affiliate and do the marketing for this product yourself. Especially since you say you are a SEO expert. You can make a ton more money working as an affiliate.

You know that you can make this company a lot of money. You can make so much more, plus the relationship with them is going to be so much greater because you’re going to be the one that actually is marketing their product and making huge sales. Now, whatever you do, don’t tell them your secret weapon. If they ask you what you’re doing, just say you have a secret weapon. You might not tell them about the SEO/lead generation company unless you absolutely have to. But use it to your advantage. You may just get a huge life-changing business proposal this way.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:

P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy:

Gone fishing…

I’m somewhere in Ohio getting ready
to go fishing with my dad tomorrow on
lake Erie…we go every year :-)

But, the reason I’m writing is
because I wanted to make sure you
got your FREE tickets to…

…Marketing Madness!

As my subscriber, you are invited to
discover sought-after internet industry
secrets at Marketing Madness Live.

Best of All…It’s FREE!

Join us for 3 Days.

The 3 days are full power-packed days with
the world’s leading internet marketing experts
in Atlanta! You will take away the knowledge of
how to create step-by-step action plan that’s
guaranteed to increase the money flow.

An all-NEW lineup of internet marketing insiders
‘From the Trenches’ have finally agreed to break their
silence on how they are quietly making their fortunes
online…and how YOU can too!

Learn from Industry Leaders:

Mike Stewart- Video Websites
Armand Morin- The Marketing Authority
Joe Lavery – The Testing Freak
Keith Wellman – Auto Pilot Sales
Patric Chan – You “Chan” Do It
Eric Graham – Website Conversions
Ray Edwards – Killer Copywriting
Debra Thompson – Bullsye Marketing
Drew Miles – Tax Saving Strategies
Jeff Herring – Article Marketing

Exclusive to Marketing Madness Live:
Women’s Luncheon & Sunday Prayer Session

Seating is Limited! Don’t miss out!

Register below to Confirm your FREE Seat!

Hope to see you there!

Matt Bacak

P.S. 59 seats left (then gone forever)…

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

Subscribers only – $2,000 in Free Tickets…

I just wanted to let you know that
your getting Two (2) FREE tickets to
my Marketing Madness Seminar…

..Because you are a subscriber.

The dates are July 25-27 2008

What Makes This Event Different
Then The Other Events Out There?

Besides the fact that I’m not bringing
in the typical suspects, we have some special
things lined up. You see…

I have asked some of my friends and clients
that are kicking butt on the internet and the
business world to come and share with you
what they are doing!

They include:

Mike Stewart- Video Websites
Armand Morin- The Marketing Authority
Joe Lavery – The Testing Freak
Keith Wellman – Auto Pilot Sales
Patric Chan – You “Chan” Do It
Eric Graham – Website Conversions
Ray Edwards – Killer Copywriting
Debra Thompson – Bullsye Marketing
Drew Miles – Tax Saving Strategies
Jeff Herring – Article Marketing

But also, We are doing 2 things that no
one ever does, but I feel they should…

Women’s Luncheon – I’ll be buying lunch on Saturday
for all the women in the audience and my wife will be
leading a women’s only lunch. So women can network and
talk privately without any men around. Since most
speakers are men.

Sunday Prayer Session – We are having a pastor lead
a prayer session on Sunday morning before the seminar
begins for those who want to attend. So you don’t have
to feel guilty missing church – if you go.
(This is optional)

If you need any thing from my office, please
contact Tamara at
or 770-271-1536 ext. 119 (She’s availible from
9:00 am – 4:30 pm EST)

But, Better Hurry, the tickets and
hotel rooms will go very quickly.

Go Here Right now – and register YOUR tickets:

Hope to see you there!

Matt Bacak


I let my clients know about this early so…

…We only have 200 seats available
for it and 129 clients have already
grabbed tickets as of 12:00 today.

Go here to get your FREE tickets now:

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC

If I had to start all over again…

If I had to start all over again, the only site
that I would ever put up is a Power Squeeze™ site.

From a sales perspective, realize that a confused mind never buys.

This article will tell you how to put your websites in
an order that will not confuse your target audience.

Go Below to READ the article Now:

Go HERE ->>

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

Frontier Marketing Intl, LLC
1140 Old Peachtree Road, Suite D
Duluth, GA 30097-5121
Phone: 770-271-1536

… put this into your BRAIN!

Did you know that there is a
legal and ethical way to cheat
your GENETIC potential and go
WAY beyond it?

No…I’m not talking about
steroids, but something a lot
more powerful…

…and you put it directly INTO

Here’s the Scoop…

A friend of mine, who happens to
be a self-made millionaire, has
finally come clean about how he’s
able to attract so many friends
and riches into his life.

You see, this guy has nothing
more than a High School Diploma…

…yet commands a hefty 7-figure
income every year from his
internet businesses!

But today, he’s swearing that
he did it ALL by CHEATING!

(..Cheating his genetic potential
to be exact.)

His name is Justin Blake, and
until recently… he’s tried to
remain out of the online spotlight.

I mean, he’s not the seminar
“Guru” type as you’ll soon see,
but he sure knows how to bring
the bucks rolling in!

The thing about Justin is that
for years now, he’s sworn that
it has *not* been any one kind
of marketing tactic that he’s
used to make it big.

So the question became…

How The Heck Does Justin Blake Do It?

He’s an ALIEN!?!

No, just kidding…

…but apparently he’s been using
some “alien” like technology that
evolves your brain and turns it
into a faster, more efficient,
highly intelligent super brain…

…That attracts wealth, health
and prosperity like nothing else
that has come before!

*** THAT I’m not kidding about. ***

Justin has been using this to
help him become more creative,
increase his intelligence, attract
more wealth and to develop his
now “well-known” ability to come
up with winning ideas fast!

Take a look because it’s
for almost anyone healthy enough
to use it…

Here’s something else…

(and you didn’t hear it from me)

…Justin is a very generous guy.

Too generous at times, but he
doesn’t care – he only wants to
help people.

You will find that when you’re
with him he tends to give A LOT
more gifts than he says he will.

(know what I mean? – wink, wink,
bump, bump)

To Manifesting Your Ultimate Reality,
Matt Bacak