“Joint Ventures are powerful, but have you tried this…?”

Joint ventures are extremely helpful for an Internet business. Joint ventures enable you to cull your resources with one or more partners. They can be powerful, but are not always the best option. Why? It’s simple – You don’t have a 100% guarantee that what you agree on will be accomplished. So the question that […]

“8 Secrets of Powerful Massive Joint Ventures”

Secrets of powerful massive joint ventures:Secret #1: Make a long list of potential partners. Brainstorm to think of all the people you can ask to be part of your massive joint venture. Leave nobody off the list no matter how “big” and famous they are. You never know if they will be in your joint […]

“11 Tips for Joint Ventures”

Law of Attraction vs. The Law of Action – Which is more important?Both laws are important. Every morning you should focus on what your goals are and then take action. One major action you can take is to set up joint ventures. There are a few things to keep in mind when you engage in […]