“Two problems that could stop your Internet business dead in its tracks”

An Internet business is similar to a brick mortar business in that it is not all sunshine and roses.

While the Internet does make starting a business and earning money a reality for many, you will still face roadblocks along the way. The good news is that there are solutions to these common Internet business problems. Read on to find out two common problems and how you can fix them.

What are two of the biggest problems that people have on the Internet in the small business market?

Problem #1: Many people are delusional as far as how much money can be made on the Internet quickly. It is very different when you are a newbie versus an Internet business that has established a track record, credibility, and experience. In the beginning making money online can be a slow process. You have to build your business day by day.

Too many Internet business newbies give up after they don’t achieve big money right away. They don’t realize that it takes time. Remember, Rome wasn’t built in a day. Have the mindset that your Internet business success will take time. If you are in it for the long haul then you will have a much better chance of obtaining this level of achievement.

Problem #2: People new to the Internet tend to be cheap. They don’t invest in products, learning, and tools that they need. They don’t take the risk that will reap rewards in the long term instead of the short term. Successful Internet businesses, on the other hand, recognize that you have to take risks. They know that not everything has a guarantee. They are willing to accept this risk in order to receive a greater reward.

Don’t play defense. If you do then you decrease the odds of being successful. If you are proactive and play from an offensive perspective then the probability of successful will be stacked in your favor. You have to be positive and realize that you are in it for the long haul.

You know you will face obstacles, but you will view them as opportunities, learn from them, and grow from them.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doingto market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“Be careful who you listen to.”

There are certain times in your life that you will have the right tools, the right coach, and the right environment, but you don’t know what to do. You still can’t see how to proceed. You may be confused, fearful, or unaware of the next step.

No matter what is stopping you, you have to take a next step. If you are overwhelmed you can do one small step that moves you forward. You may not like to do certain things, but you have to get over it and face the tasks. Once you do, you will become one step closer to success.

We tend to adopt the strategies and thinking of the people that we look up to. We tend to take on their success level. For awhile this can be great, but then it levels off when you achieve the same level as the person you looked up to. This means that you have to find people that are even more successful to take your business to the next level.

If you want to break the financial barriers then it takes it a completely different mind set and thinking process. This thinking process is never fixed. You should never be happy with the status quo and the way things are. If you want to rise up you have to constantly want to improve and grow. You can’t settle for a certain level or plateau.

Too often entrepreneurs focus on the areas that they are already doing well. This will stunt their overall growth. You have to break the pattern of the way you are thinking. You have to have dynamic patterns that keep you rising to the top instead of hanging out on the plateaus.

Another problem is that most entrepreneurs have not developed a system. Without a system you can’t track your progress and figure out what has worked and what hasn’t. You won’t know if you have accomplished your goals because you didn’t craft them in the first place. A system enables you to examine your business with a fine tooth comb to determine what works and what doesn’t. Otherwise you will be running around the Internet business world in aimless circles.

Repetition is the mother of learning. You should read books and notes from seminars over and over because you will catch new details each time. Think about movies that you watch. If you watch a movie a second and/or third time you will find that you notice details you didn’t notice the first time you watched the movie. This applies to learning for your Internet business.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“5 Proven Time Management Strategies”

Let’s talk about time management. This can be tricky, confusing, and difficult for many people. Time management is about having the right number of tasks, doing the right tasks, and protecting yourself from distractions.

What strategies can you do to get more control over your time?

Time Management Strategy #1: Sit down every morning and write down the tasks that you absolutely have to get done for that day. Use a small piece of paper because this is better psychologically.

After you have written down the tasks, examine them. Are they tasks or projects? For example, create an Autoresponder campaign is a project because it has multiple things that have to be done. So instead you have to break down this project into tasks. Your list should contain tasks only. You should be able to check these tasks off as completed or not completed.

Also next to each task write down how long you think it will take to complete the task. Look at how much time you have available. This will enable you to know right from the start whether or not you wrote down too many tasks. If you have too many tasks and not enough time then you will become stressed out. Avoid this by planning your tasks accordingly.

Time Management Strategy #2: Block out the distractions. Physically write down in your calendar the time you are going to work on your tasks. Treat this time as an appointment with yourself that you can’t break. If somebody calls and wants to do something during this time then explain that you are unavailable because you have an appointment. It doesn’t matter that the time is with yourself. You have to respect yourself.

Tip: Don’t answer the phone or even look at the caller ID when you are working in your scheduled time. Turn off the phone ringer and turn on voicemail. You can schedule breaks in which you check your messages, stretch, and recoup.

Time Management Strategy #3: Restructure your habits as to what you have been accustomed to. Change your habits to writing your list in the morning and planning your time.

Time Management Strategy #4: Don’t multitask. Focus on one task at a time. You will be more efficient. You will accomplish the tasks faster individually then if you worked on the tasks simultaneously.

Time Management Strategy #5: Know thy self. You know how long you can focus on a particular task. You know when your interest and energy wanes. Learn to identify these times and work on a different task to keep you motivated and interested.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“Successful people are scaredy cats!”

What is the biggest thing that people fear about building their Internet business? Entrepreneurs in general have the fear of success and the fear of failure. We are all born with two fears which include the fear of falling and fear of loud noises. Every other fear was made up by our own minds. We spend too much time worrying about the fear.

Successful people have more fear than unsuccessful people, but that’s what it’s all about. Successful entrepreneurs rise above this fear and actually benefit from it. If they make a mistake, they don’t dwell on it. Instead, they learn from their mistake and move on. You should acknowledge your fear, but not dwell on it. If you try to push your fear away you will think about it even more. Instead, embrace the fear and then quickly move on to action. Action will usually relieve your fear.

One way to overcome fear is to use a coach or mentor. How important are coaches and mentors to Internet business owners? There are three major reasons why people fail that often occur when they don’t have a coach or mentor.

People fail because of these three major reasons:
1.) Lack of entrepreneurial training.
2.) Lack coaching and mentoring
3.) Lack of chance for peer to peer networking

Coaches and mentors are a fast, efficient way to advance. They will help you through tough times. They will help you to learn what you need to know. They will act as a guide. They will point out things that you didn’t know that you didn’t know. It is extremely difficult to go it alone and a coach/mentor can be the just the helping hand you need.

The lesson is to get over your ego. If you want enjoy the short cuts then a coach is for you. If you don’t like to work alone then a coach is for you. You can learn from their experience. You can work together in a mastermind group. You can leap over your competition if you use this powerful tool.

Think about your grade school for a moment. It was ingrained in our heads that we were supposed to do everything ourselves. We had to learn the information ourselves. This is not true in the real world. In the real world you don’t have to do it yourself because you can buy your way into the Internet business world. Buying your way in means that you spend money on coaches, mentors, and seminars that will provide you with the help and information you need. In addition, you can outsource tasks to save your time and earn you more money then you ever thought possible.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“Don’t let these 4 crumbling business factors sink your business”

What are four factors that cause many Internet businesses to fail? Why do certain Internet businesses crumble while others take the cake? Read on to find out four factors that can make or break your Internet business.

Crumbling Business Factor #1.) Lack of focus. You are looking for opportunities and tactics. You become swamped in the different strategies you can do. You have analysis paralysis. You do nothing because you don’t know what to do. You float from one half-finished project to another. It is a viscous cycle that doesn’t get you anywhere.

Every strategy has the potential to work, but you have to find one that suits your needs. Remember, not all strategies work the same for everyone. One Internet entrepreneur may have great success with a strategy that doesn’t work for you. Find the strategies that work for you and that you like. Then maximize the benefits of these proven strategies.

Crumbling Business Factor #2.) A decision is made on something, but they don’t know how to do it. For example, you may try pay-per-click advertising without figuring out how to accomplish it successfully. So instead of doing the research and learning how to do it, you quit when this strategy doesn’t work right away. You have to stay motivated to stick with your Internet business and work to make it grow.

Crumbling Business Factor #3.) Lack of interest in doing the work. You can’t just put up a website and expect the sales to roll in while you watch soap operas. You have to learn and implement all the strategies you can to earn your first sale and every sale afterwards. You have to be proactive and seek out ways to improve your Internet business. You should set up and follow a system for your Internet business that is needed and will help you achieve your goals.

Crumbling Business Factor #4.) Lack of credibility. You have to earn credibility if you want to build your Internet business and earn customers. You have to demonstrate your knowledge and how you can help people. You have to tell and show people why they should believe you. If you don’t establish credibility then your Internet business will go stale or even sink.

Watch out for these crumbling business factors and don’t let them happen to you.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“Do you have a plan for your Internet business?”

Earning your first sale is exciting. The Internet has allowed many entrepreneurs to feel the excitement of their first sale relatively quickly. Entrepreneurs should be careful, though, because this excitement can often lead to mistakes if you aren’t careful or don’t know what you are doing. On the other hand, you can also earn success through accidents. Your mistakes may turn into lessons that help you generate a profit farther in the future.

Some people cause this beginner’s luck. However, the main point is that these people took action. They didn’t just think about an Internet business. They didn’t sit back. They didn’t get rich by trading time for dollars because this is the same as a salaried job. These accidental Internet millionaires came to realize that they can leverage their experience, education, and Internet business know-how to earn money like a true entrepreneur. They make money not by trading time for dollars, but by making residual income through multiple streams of income.

Do you find yourself reading book after book on Internet businesses? Do you travel from seminar to seminar always in search of more information? Do you feel that you can’t quite get enough information? This may be a form of procrastination that can hold you back. Too much information can be debilitating in that you don’t take action on your actual Internet business.

One mistake that can result from the procrastination and lack of knowledge is the lack of a business plan for your Internet business. How important is a business plan for your Internet business? It is crucial. Why? Before you engage in your Internet business you should think about what you want to accomplish. What goals do you have? What results do you want achieve? What strategies are you going to use to achieve these goals? Taking into account these plans is critical. Planning enables you to monitor your progress and head toward your goals instead of flying off in a million directions.

Most entrepreneurs are highly creative. This does not mean that they are logical. You may be an “idea” person. You have tons of ideas in mind, but these ideas take you down the wrong path. A successful entrepreneur has to incorporate logic by breaking down their ideas and goals into small chunks. This helps you actually follow through on your ideas as opposed to just generating one idea after another.

Is your Internet business failing, distracted, and not achieving the goals that you desire? Before you point your finger at your partners and employees, take a good look at yourself in the mirror. Find out if your lack of business plan and/or procrastination is your fault. If you answer honestly you will realize it is and take action to remedy the situation.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

Personal Invitation from Matt….

If you’re in a hurry, please go take a look at this:


You’ve purchased ebooks.

You’ve downloaded software tools.

Perhaps you’ve even invested in seminars.

And yet, you still feel like something is… missing.

You’ve tried to apply what you have learned, but it seems like there
are just too many pieces for you to put together.

You want to succeed with your Internet business, but so far nothing is

That all changes today!

No, this is not about another ebook.

No, you are NOT going to be presented with the latest software tool.

And no, you aren’t going to be invited to a “pitch-fest”.

What you are about to see is quite possibly the world’s “magnum opus”
on Internet marketing– the greatest education ever offered.

Let me explain…

This fall, Joel Comm made history by producing the world’s very first
competitive reality show, “The Next Internet Millionaire”.

This groundbreaking show took Internet marketing to a whole new level
with it’s high production values and top-notch content.

During the show, the twelve contestants were privileged to learn from
Internet millionaires such as Mark Joyner, Armand Morin, Jeff Walker,Marlon
Sanders, Mike Filsaime, Perry Marshall, Brad Fallon and Rich Schefren.

If you watched the show, you only got to see a FEW MINUTES of each of
the twelve teachers. The nuggets from the show have inspired people in
their businesses, but most viewers have been asking to see more of the real
secrets revealed.

That’s why I am very excited to tell you how Joel wants to help you
with your internet business so that you can get on the road to being the
next Internet millionaire!

For the first time ever, Joel is making the COMPLETE teaching from The
Next Internet Millionaire available in a home-study course that contains
everything you need to know to truly succeed online!

It’s called “The Secret Classroom”, and you are invited to enter!


The material in this course has changed the lives of all twelve
contestants,with several of them already having successful five-figure product

In the past, there have been several “seminar-based” products available
from various marketers, but none of them can compare to the Secret

Never before have so many superstars of Internet marketing been
assembled teach their greatest secrets and strategies PURELY so others can
succeed online. There was absolutely NO pitching or selling during these

You won’t find this kind of teaching anywhere
else, so I encourage you to check it out at:


After taking a look at what is in The Secret Classroom, I have no doubt
that this will go down in history as THE definitive course on Internet
marketing. I suspect that these will sell out quickly and the price will go up
over the next few days, so I recommend that you hurry and grab your copy of The
Secret Classroom right away!

To your success!

Matt Bacak


PS- There’s an amazing preview video, plus previews of all the
teachers. In fact you will learn something just from watching the previews! So you
owe it to yourself to check it out: http://promotingtips.com/invite

Personal Invitation from Matt….

If you’re in a hurry, please go take a look at this:


You’ve purchased ebooks.

You’ve downloaded software tools.

Perhaps you’ve even invested in seminars.

And yet, you still feel like something is… missing.

You’ve tried to apply what you have learned, but it seems like there
are just too many pieces for you to put together.

You want to succeed with your Internet business, but so far nothing is

That all changes today!

No, this is not about another ebook.

No, you are NOT going to be presented with the latest software tool.

And no, you aren’t going to be invited to a “pitch-fest”.

What you are about to see is quite possibly the world’s “magnum opus”
on Internet marketing– the greatest education ever offered.

Let me explain…

This fall, Joel Comm made history by producing the world’s very first
competitive reality show, “The Next Internet Millionaire”.

This groundbreaking show took Internet marketing to a whole new level
with it’s high production values and top-notch content.

During the show, the twelve contestants were privileged to learn from
Internet millionaires such as Mark Joyner, Armand Morin, Jeff Walker,Marlon
Sanders, Mike Filsaime, Perry Marshall, Brad Fallon and Rich Schefren.

If you watched the show, you only got to see a FEW MINUTES of each of
the twelve teachers. The nuggets from the show have inspired people in
their businesses, but most viewers have been asking to see more of the real
secrets revealed.

That’s why I am very excited to tell you how Joel wants to help you
with your internet business so that you can get on the road to being the
next Internet millionaire!

For the first time ever, Joel is making the COMPLETE teaching from The
Next Internet Millionaire available in a home-study course that contains
everything you need to know to truly succeed online!

It’s called “The Secret Classroom”, and you are invited to enter!


The material in this course has changed the lives of all twelve
contestants,with several of them already having successful five-figure product

In the past, there have been several “seminar-based” products available
from various marketers, but none of them can compare to the Secret

Never before have so many superstars of Internet marketing been
assembled teach their greatest secrets and strategies PURELY so others can
succeed online. There was absolutely NO pitching or selling during these

You won’t find this kind of teaching anywhere
else, so I encourage you to check it out at:


After taking a look at what is in The Secret Classroom, I have no doubt
that this will go down in history as THE definitive course on Internet
marketing. I suspect that these will sell out quickly and the price will go up
over the next few days, so I recommend that you hurry and grab your copy of The
Secret Classroom right away!

To your success!

Matt Bacak


PS- There’s an amazing preview video, plus previews of all the
teachers. In fact you will learn something just from watching the previews! So you
owe it to yourself to check it out: http://promotingtips.com/invite

“4 Offline and Online Tips for your Internet Business”

One of the most powerful ways to use the Internet is to use it in a dual role manner. Use the Internet for everything it is worth. You can also make money offline through following up with the people that purchased your products online. The dual online and offline role will earn you far more cash then either way on its own. This success occurs because you have established a relationship with your list of customers.

So what are some ways or tips you can employ when using the Internet in both an online and offline manner? Read on for 4 tips that you can use in the both the offline and online arenas. Utilizing these tips can strengthen your Internet business and earn you more money.

Offline and Online Tip #1: Long copy sells better than short copy. You can put long copy on your website at a far cheaper rate than in the paper version. So you can use a 12 page paper sales letter which directs people to your website. On the website you can use as many graphics and webpages as you want to sell people on your product and/or service.

Offline and Online Tip #2: You don’t have to know every single aspect of Internet marketing. Instead, you can find people that will help you with the aspects you are uncomfortable with or don’t know much about. For example, you may know how to write copy, but you don’t know much about the technical aspects of a website. You can outsource the task of building your Internet business website to a tech savvy person.

Offline and Online Tip #3: Offer an individual phone consultation to your list. This is a great way to build a relationship with your list and up sell to them.

Offline and Online Tip #4: Diversify your business activities. Don’t rely on one business activity because it can become outdated, legislation can change, etc. If you have multiple streams of income, you can earn more and still earn money when one or more of the business activities become obsolete. This applies online to the manner in which you market through email, etc.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com

“Mastermind Principles for Internet Businesses”

If your run an Internet business then you need to know these mastermind principles and the ins and outs of Internet marketing.

Mastermind principles every Internet business owner should know:

1. You have to associate with the right people. You have to listen to successful mentors that know what they are doing. Your success will skyrocket if you do business with and learn from successful Internet entrepreneurs.

2. There is a formula of success. Follow the steps of the formula and you will be successful.

3. Multiply your wealth and compound it.

4. Write down your goals.

Check out this 1951 Harvard Business School Study – Of the business school graduates they found that only 3% had written goals and had a plan to achieve them. They followed the graduates through out their lives. They found that the graduates who had written goals were much more successful financially then the other 97% that didn’t write goals. The graduates that wrote their goals were worth $16 million dollars each as opposed to the other 97% that were worth only $15,000 each.

Napoleon Hill’s Famous Formula for Goals:


1. “I am so happy that _______________”.
Fill in the blank with your goal. For example, I am so happy that I am earning millions of dollars on the Internet. Write down a date as well to give you a timeframe goal. For example, I am so glad that I was on Oprah promoting my million dollar business by June 25, 2010.

2. Take action. Everybody has things that they know they should do, but they don’t. They don’t accomplish these tasks out of laziness and/or fear. Write these tasks and activities down. Make sure to read what you have written so that you take action. Write down your wishes and your dream will come true.

Now let’s take a look at Internet marketing. Internet marketing is the ultimate direct response marketing venue. Internet marketing is another medium that you can use in direct marketing.

The five advantages of Internet marketing include:

1. The cost is 0 dollars. You can market for free.

2. Speed. Your email marketing can arrive instantly.

3. The reach. You can reach a global market, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

4. A webpage can stay up forever. You don’t throw it away, you just update it.

5. The Internet allows you to automate a great deal of your business processes. In traditional direct response marketing you have to physically create and mail out marketing materials. In Internet marketing you can use Autoresponders and other automatic software programs that involve no extra work on your part.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. If you haven’t signed up for my
Powerful Promoting Tips yet, then you
are really missing out, go here:


P.P.S. Do you want to be updated on the new things I’m doing
to market my companies? Then you need to grab a copy of my
`Internet Marketing Dirt’. It’s now better than ever before!

Go here and get a copy: www.internetmarketingdirt.com