Getting Rich Is a Team Sport…

The Powerful Promoter – Matt Bacak

One of the greatest things about

business and life is that you can

make huge strides, very quickly.

What I mean by that is that all

you need is a team to surround

yourself around and you can move


For example, Friday I went to my good

friends, Bryan Ellis’s surprise birthday party

at Ruth Chris with Mike Stewart, the Internet

Audio Guy.

Then, on Sunday, Mike Litman flew in

town to check out his fulfillment company

and came to see my new office and new

house and after he left I drove to

the airport to pick up Chris Verhaegh,

a new guy on the block.

By just spending a few hours and/or

days with them it changed my thinking,

marketing, and strengthened my


You see each of them have unique talents.

Bryan Ellis, a great real estate investor

and teacher of real estate.

Mike Stewart, Internet Audio and Video Guy.

Mike Litman, #1 Best-Selling Author of

Conversations With Millionaires!

Chris Verhaegh, traded over a billion

dollars on wall street and now turning

the average joe into millionaires.

Each of us has one thing in common.

Information Marketing.

Have you ever heard that you are guilty

by the people that you hang out with?

Well you are! Still to this day.

You become who you hang out with.

So if you’re a Author, Speaker, Coach,

Consultant or business owner, look

who you are hanging out with.

It will not only affect your income,

but the perception that people have

of you.

Take it from me I was a broke, bankrupt

wanna-be motivational speaker became an

‘Instant Expert’ and deposited $81,098 in

his bank account during July 2004 without

traveling, without working long hours &

without robbing a bank.

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak,

#1 Best Selling Author and….


P.S. I’m Turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into

overnight Success Stories. Do you want to be next?

Your First Step, go below right now and sign up for my “Powerful Promoting Tips”

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