What if?

It’s true … sort of.  While your education is top priority for me and most internet marketing experts, the problem is the delivery… As you grow up you are taught to learn through study, quizes, tests, ect… As a result, nearly all those in school end up passing and succeeding in life… (to at least […]


Do you know what makes me hopeful? I’ll tell you in a second, but first … Ask anyone around the world and it’s quite clear: Night before last the world, together, was given a renewed sense of hope. It doesn’t matter where you’re from, what you believe in, who you voted for as an American. […]

Here’s your traffic…. (Open Now)

This traffic system rocks! => http://promotingtips.com/trafficsystem If want truck loads of targeted visitors going to your blogs, websites and affiliate links then go check this out right away: => http://promotingtips.com/trafficsystem This is easy to use, laid out in a simple step by step manner & will get you traffic fast. I highly recommend it. => […]

FW: :(

I don’t usually forward things I get in my inbox, but this is just awesome…. The part that really grabbed me was that almost everything went wrong… but in the end… well… you’ll see… ******************************* April 16th, 2008… I’m in the middle of the biggest teleseminar in my life… refresh the webpage… it’s still broken- […]

…$277.77 per second

Imagine making $277.77 per second… ==> http://next.ListBuilding.com/previewcall After an hour – that adds up to some serious cash. That’s how much Shawn Casey and Tellman Knudson pulled in on the night of April 16, 2008. They trotted off with over a MILLION dollars from their 63 minute call… but what’s really exceptional about what they […]