How can someone with no online marketing experience and no website, get up to speed?

Getting a blog set-up is definitely a good thing because you can start gaining a following. So, if you’ve already got a blog, the first thing to do is start maximizing it as much as possible by creating an opt-in page or a squeeze page.

The next thing is to utilize everything you possibly can in order to get people to read your blog. So, you’ll need to go out and get an auto-responder if you don’t already have one because you want to utilize your blog to get people to register to your RSS feeds. That is a really important thing so you can syndicate all your blog postings out there. You also want to be as active as possible by submitting to your blog two to three times a day and then pinging it to all the places out there.

When you write something and add it to your blog, the next thing you want to do is ping it. There’s a place called and another one called When you go to either place it will ping all the locations out there and let them know you’ve updated your content on your blog. More places will start picking you up as well. So, that would be a good way to start getting multiple places to pick up your blog. Then you also want to get lots of people out there picking up your blog, getting on your feed and reading your information so you can syndicate it out to them.

This is where the squeeze page comes in because every time you sign off on your emails, you say, “Oh, by the way, “…If you want to sign up for my newsletter, go here…” or “If you want to sign up and get some amazing tips and support, go here.” You want to drive them back to your squeeze page. Everything that I pretty much do on the internet is driving everybody back to the squeeze page.

So if you’re doing that, you’re going to get more people signing up and building that list. The list is the number one most important thing that you could have because you can mail out to them and make money. The other thing is every time you update, guess what? You have a place where you can send them back to your blog as a great way for you to build that community of people.

The question you may want to ask yourself is: “… how in the world can I get content for my blog?” Well, let me just tell you something, coming up with content for your blog is not as difficult as you may think. If you are having trouble coming up with content, just research keywords related to your blog and have someone else write you 500 to 700-word articles based on the highest pulling search terms. This is an excellent strategy. When you start submitting your articles on a regular basis, guess what? Those articles will have a signature file that points back to your squeeze page or your opt-in page. When you post that article on your blog you’re updating the people that have signed up to your RSS feed and you update all the blog locations when you’re pinging them, letting them know it’s there. You can also do various things with that article.

Check out my articles on the A9 process for more information because I could talk to you for days about power of articles. So these are some things to get you going. Send them emails to go and read your blog.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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