Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

If you’re Irish or not, many people all over
the world are celebrating this day.

I know I will be :-)

But, in the spirit(s) of this day, one of my
students and now very good friends from Ireland
put something special together for you.

Check it out here:*


Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. He is really Irish so you have to listen
just to get in the St. Patty’s Day mood!

*The owner of this blog receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will
vary. This is an advertisement.

Tips For the Power of Video

Tips For the Power of Video

Tips For the Power of Video
By Matt Bacak

If you’re not yet using video marketing to ramp up your business, get started now! The amount of traffic that you could get can make you the dominating force in your niche. You can use your video marketing to get to the top of article sites, social media websites, podcasts, your options are endless especially if you use automated video marketing tools.

So, this is how it works:

You fill in a form that describes your business using your in demand keywords from your market. The automated video marketing tool distributes and syndicates your content to the most popular media sites within minutes of submission. It’s an extremely powerful tool. You can dominate keywords in your niche within days and even minutes using this amazing traffic generating tool. But the best part about it is that you don’t need video or marketing experience to notice the power.

The big thing with submitting videos, when you’re submitting your videos, what I’d really suggest you do is, in the first line description, you should add your URL, because it’s going to be the most likely thing to be picked up by the search engines. So, put your URL there and make that be the first thing inside your description when you are submitting that. That’s one of the key tips to getting to the top.

Some of the greatest advantages of using it is it hosts your videos for free which is one of the best advantages of using the tool. But also, your video lead generation pages are also hosted free too. So, you don’t have to worry about added costs when you sign up with the service. It’s all included in the cost.

This next advantage is powerful in itself. Imagine creating a video that automatically has podcasts created from your video content. Talk about leverage! Just think, most of your market doesn’t even produce a podcast, so imagine if you could be on every social media website including podcasting site. Now that’s domination!

I’ll list some other great features that it does…

· Resubmits your content through a scheduling system

· Automatically posts to a ton of WordPress blogs

· Submits your podcasts that were created to podcast directories

I mean, the options are endless! If you decide to invest in this powerful traffic tool, no need to worry, your money invested will be well worth it! Try using video marketing to take your business to the next level. It really does work!

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak


Think Like a High Schooler to “Make It” Online – Part 2

Think Like a High Schooler to “Make It” Online – Part 2

Think Like a High Schooler to “Make It” Online – Part 2
By Matt Bacak

In part one of this article series I discussed how you need to think simply in order to progress and succeed online. Don’t think too hard or make things bigger then they are. Strictly focus on don’t one thing at a time for best results. I also spoke about how I got started online. Today I’m going to continue discussing my experience online, how I got started, and how I was able to earn a living basically by selling what I learned.

So, as you know I interviewed millionaires and reported on those minutes. I was able to attend seminars and meet with these millionaires. I was able to watch them at seminars while they were talking, which basically made me into a seminar junkie. What I figured was that I would use my education to report on the stuff that I learned and make money doing it!. That’s how the whole thing happened. Now, the only reason I bring that up is because that’s where I started. I learned a lot from that. I learned what to do and what not to do. I learned all these things through my experiences and I made money doing it. Not a shabby deal at all!

How things changed and led me to internet marketing…

Later, basically, internet marketing fell in my lap. People inside that market wanted to know how I was doing the stuff that I was doing, because I was doing internet marketing – I didn’t know it was called “internet marketing” at the time. Basically, I got into internet marketing because the feedback I was getting from people praising my internet marketing skills. These same people wanted me to teach them everything I knew about internet marketing because what I was doing was getting me some really good results. As long as you become active in your market and get things going, you’ll surely end up in a better place.

Don’t be a perfectionist. You need to drop the perfectionism and you need to focus. You need to get inside your niche and immerse yourself in that niche. Find out the major things that most people are doing – they sign up, they buy, discuss etc. Visit forums; check out what your competitors are doing. Just make it happen! But if you’re finding it hard to get started, start in a niche that you’re passionate about; as this will help you take action and move forward more proactively. This worked well for me. For example, I bought my plane before I even got my license, you know? It’s really about whatever you’re passionate about at that time that will help you succeed to the next level.

Take action and you’ll slowly see things start happening for you and your business.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak


Commitment to Achieving Greatness

Commitment to Achieving Greatness

Commitment to Achieving Greatness
By Matt Bacak

When you decide that the regular mainstream nine to five, daily commute is not for you, nor is the unemployment line or the $150,000 franchise… Deciding to venture out into the entrepreneurial online world takes commitment. But not only that, it takes time, dedication and an ongoing drive to succeed. You need to constantly be learning to determine what works online. Marketing is one of the biggest skills you can ever learn. Understanding online marketing can place you leaps and bounds above your competition.

If you take a look at my website you can learn a ton about setting up an online business. By doing this, you’ll be able to gain a ton of knowledge as well as gain access to various resources that will help you create an online presence. However, you need to realize that it’s not easy. I went bankrupt, but was able to get back on my feet because of my determination to make it happen. I refused to fail again. I had to make it work this time.

With anything in life, failure often teaches us lessons. It is our choice to use these lessons to our advantage and to see the light at the end of the tunnel. Of course it can be difficult, but in order to make your own success, you have to make it happen for yourself. Nobody is going to do it for you.

I was recently asked, “Can you describe what pushed you from deep in debt to the heights you’ve reached?” Quite honestly I just knew I had to make it. I had to believe in myself because if I didn’t nobody else would. I immersed myself into everything I could about online marketing. I also invested in mentors to teach me everything I needed to know to succeed. But the key factor that really helped me succeed was me questioning myself and taking action.

You need to take things one step at a time, but take it that one step further. What made the difference in my success was this question that I asked myself on a daily basis, “What am I doing to make money today?” I wanted to at least do one money-making activity every single day. What I found out was when I was in complete debt, I wasn’t doing any true money-making activities. I was doing a lot of busy activities but no money-making activities. You need to focus on what you can do everyday to make money. This daily strategy puts things in perspective better and it also simplifies it for you by taking it one step at a time. Daily tasks make things more attainable and easier to achieve. Once I made the commitment to get it done, there was no stopping me. The same can be true for you as well. That was a big distinction for me.

Performing “make money” tasks will not only make you sales, but if you continue to do it on greater scales as you begin to master it, you may very well be able to double, triple or quadruple your income, especially if you develop a team to help you. But just start off with daily money-making tasks to help you get that much closer to your destiny.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak


Do You Need Several Websites to Make Money Online?

Do You Need Several Websites to Make Money Online?

Do You Need Several Websites to Make Money Online?
By Matt Bacak

I’m sure you’ve heard this a million times. A top guru has a webinar and announces that they have 100 sites in various niches that are making them thousands of dollars per month. Of course you’re impressed by their ability to commit to creating so many sites. But of course, they have the money to outsource and have other people build their websites for them. Not all of us are that privy or rich to do the same. So, do you need to have several websites in order to make money online? The answer to that question is no. You don’t have to have several websites to make money online. What you really need to do is you need to have an opt-in page, so that you can capture people’s information. You’ll need to grab your visitors email address and name so that you can send emails out to them and make money. From an email marketing perspective, as long as you have a list, you can have a business.

If you’re able to provide good information to your market and write compelling copy in a way that your readers can trust you and honestly trust your recommendations, that’s a recipe for success! Building credibility and building a relationship with your readers by providing them with information to help solve their problems, means you’re doing them a service. But not only this, you’re also creating a very good business for yourself. But you only have a business, once you have a list.

Seriously, I don’t need to have a website on the internet to have a business. I don’t need to have anything except to be able to sign up for affiliate programs and send emails out. But the only way you can send emails out to your market is by building a list of hungry willing-to-buy prospects. The key factor in making money online is to have an opt-in page and nothing else. You don’t need a blog or a website for that matter. The only site you need to create is an opt-in page to capture the names and email addresses of your visitors. It’s a very powerful thing. Not only is it powerful, but your list becomes very valuable as well. Not only can you make money by sending out a simple email any hour of the day, but you can also have a list that others in your niche will value. This opens up a whole new world of opportunities for you via joint venture partnerships, advertising… Your options are endless!

So, once again, the answer is no. Having several websites is not an objective to making money online. It is not important. Remember, your top priority is to own your own list and market to that list. After all, the power really is in the list!

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak


You Can’t Go Wrong For A Buck (but be fast…)

Here’s your chance to lay your hot little hands
on a proven internet blueprint, that reveals:

– Two Proven Methods to Making Money Online!

– How to keep money rolling in 24 hours a
day, 7 days week and 365 days a year.

– The Amazing A.C.E.S. Method

Heck, the creator of this blueprint actually made
$610,848.27 this past July with his businesses.

See the proof here:*

==> http://budurl.com/SeeProof

Inside this blueprint you will find information and tools
that are absolutely vital to your speedy success.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

*The owner of this blog receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will
vary. This is an advertisement.

Tips For Identifying Your Niche

<head><title>Tips For Identifying Your Niche</title></head>

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<p>Tips For Identifying Your Niche<br>
By <a href=”http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak” >Matt Bacak</a></p>

<p>Choosing the niche you want to get into takes some time and research. If you’re just starting out online, it’s best to choose a niche you’re either interested in or passionate about, as this will help you commit to it better. If you choose something you have no interest in, you may not put in the effort needed to make a profitable business.</p><p>First, identify whatever market of attack you want to go after. Assuming you want the quickest and easiest way to be able to do that, the advice I always give my brother, mother, father and anyone else is you want to think with the end in mind. You want to think about not just, “What is the one-time thing I can sell?” However, you need to also think; “What other things am I going to be able to sell to them in the future?” Determine if there is a big opportunity in that niche to be able to sell them other things later on, instead of just that one thing that you’re initially thinking about selling to them. The other thing is, can you sell dollars for dimes? What I mean by that is this for example, it’s like for real estate, it’s pretty easy. If you’ve got a strategy that could teach people how to make $20,000 on every deal and you’ve got a strategy and you could tell them that would work. You’d say, “Every single deal that I do, I make $20,000 a deal. You pay me $2,000 and I’ll show you how to do that.” That’s selling dollars for dimes.</p><p>Another great strategy to use when choosing your niche is finding out if there are books or magazines in your niche. If there are a lot of them, most likely there is a lot of money to be made in that particular market. You could even start a membership site as well. But first try visiting your local bookstore. Hey, if they’ve got a book on the topic, that’s probably a good market to get into.</p><p>Beginning in a “money-making” niche is also a good strategy to use when choosing your niche. But just for your information, the top five money making niches that many of my students are into that are making the most money – listed in no particular order, are:</p><p>1. Real Estate
<br>2. Weight Loss
<br>3. Network Marketing – I’m not saying network marketing to be in network marketing; I’m saying telling people how to make money in network marketing.
<br>4. Wealth Building
<br>5. Internet Marketing</p><p>These are some very good markets. But at the end of the day, one sentence says it all…</p><p><i>You can never be too rich, too thin, or too beautiful…</i> Now that’s something to think about!</p><p>There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: <a target=”_new” href=”http://www.promotingtips.com”>http://www.promotingtips.com</a></p>

Article Source: <a href=”http://ezinearticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak” target=”_new”>http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak</a>

<br><a href=”http://ezinearticles.com/?Tips-For-Identifying-Your-Niche&id=3904486″ target=”_new”>http://EzineArticles.com/?Tips-For-Identifying-Your-Niche&id=3904486</a>





Haven’t you wondered why it’s so hard?

You listen to this advice or that advice
telling you to try all kinds of crazy stuff
and none of it works.

You know that if you got more traffic,
you could finally break through and
make it.

Even worse, you waste a ton of time
doing things that aren’t working for
you and get zero in return.

You deserve better than that.*


A friend of mine has cracked Google’s
code and explains exactly how you
can get killer rankings. He says
“it’s not that hard”.

Click the link and see what you think:*


Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

*The owner of this blog receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will
vary. This is an advertisement. 


Jonny Andrews just went live
with his Cash System X.

This is his blueprint of how we went from
homeless to $1,400,000.00 last year.


You guys have got to see this
before he takes it down.

Click here to check it out.*

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. There’s no time to waste…

…go below right now:*


*The owner of this blog receives compensation
when products and services featured herein are
purchased. Results are unique. Your results will
vary. This is an advertisement.

Retired With No Online Experience But Want to Start a Biz?

Retired With No Online Experience But Want to Start a Biz?

Retired With No Online Experience But Want to Start a Biz?
By Matt Bacak

If you’re retired with very little computer experience and want to start an internet business like one of my subscribers, I highly recommend that you outsource everything out. There is a lot to learn in online marketing like the technical aspects of setting up a website, the marketing, learning about online advertising and article marketing, research, social media etc. There is a ton to learn. But if you really want to start making money quickly and have some money to spare, I highly recommend that you outsource some of these mundane tasks. If you don’t it will take you quite a while to have anything up and running.

Starting any online business takes time and money. Of course you can start a site for free on sites, but to actually build a business that’s going to grow, you need to invest in a dedicated host and purchase a domain name. You need to get everything at one registrar company. Why I recommend this is that everything is under one umbrella. All of your logins and passwords are with the same company, which makes it easier to stay organized. This is a great help especially if you’re just starting out online. Believe me and any other online marketer; you’ll have a TON of logins and passwords for your online business, so keeping it simple is something I highly recommend.

But before you even consider purchasing your hosting and domain, the first thing you need to do is to come up with a niche. Determine a market that you want to get into. Thoroughly research your niche to ensure there is good money to be made. You also want to make sure that what you’re offering people is in demand, so proper niche research is essential.

Next, after you’re set on your niche and have purchased your domain and hosting, you’ll need to invest in a good autoresponder software program. Having an autoresponder will allow you to capture the names and email addresses of your visitors 24/7. This will allow you to have your own list that you can market to way into the future. You’ll simply send out an email to them with your offers, and if your marketing and offer is good, they’ll purchase from you. Just think, you send a single email and have money in your account. How cool is that!

Having your own online business can be very rewarding if you put in the effort and get to understand the nuances of the online world. But making it all happen quickly takes a team working for you. If you have a bit of cash and want an online business, I highly recommend investing in a company like Webmaster4Hire.biz to set up your site for you. You simply need to give them your hosting and domain login details, the content for your site and voila! They can lay it all out for you so that your site is live and you can begin making money as quickly as possible. If you lack online experience, I recommend you read as much as you can about it and outsource what you can for quicker and greater profits.

There are many strategies to making money on the internet, but nothing makes sense unless you have a big list. Email Marketing is the most profitable way to make money on the internet. When you build a list of hot and hungry prospects you control your future. Discover how to use the internet and turn your computer into a cash gushing machine. Sign-up right now for Matt Bacak’s FREE online newsletter to find out how to do exactly that – Go here: http://www.promotingtips.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak
