The Intense Power Of A Subscriber List

How powerful is a subscriber list? If you have a quality subscriber list then you have more power then you may think. You can leverage your subscriber list with affiliates and joint ventures brining in thousands of extra dollars.

For example, a top Internet marketing guru has a subscriber list of over 300,000 subscribers. This means that there are 300,000 people in his marketing funnel that he can send emails to.

What did sending emails to his subscriber list earn this top Internet marketing guru?

He sent 4 emails for a joint venture partner which resulted in a $10,000 check every month. He sent an email for another joint venture partner and earned $49,000 in profit. He sent an email for yet another joint venture partner and earned $22,400 in net commission. WOW!

As you can see, sending emails is powerful! Maximize your profit by sending emails to your list. One option is to earn a great deal of money from affiliates such as ClickBank. You can also sell your own products, events, etc. to your list. You have the potential to earn millions of dollars this way.

How can you accomplish this in your own business?

Follow these time tested and proven system.

1.) Lead in with a free offer to prompt prospects to sign up for your subscriber list.

Get prospects to take a small commitment by signing up for your list in order to receive a free offer.

2.) Give subscribers a one time only offer.

Make an up sell for 50% of the price they just paid. For example, when a subscriber buys the one time offer of $100 make sure to offer them an up sell product for $50. 60% of the people will take you up on the up sell. They could be considered an “elite” member because they purchased two products.

If subscribers don’t buy the up sell and just buy the product then they are a “gold” customer.

If subscribers don’t buy the one time offer then offer a DOWN sell at 50% of the price of the original offer. Make this offer as irresistible as you can and as close to the first offer. The down sell can be very effective. A subscriber that buys the down sell is a “silver” member. The person that didn’t buy anything is the “free” member.

You can categorize your subscribers into free, silver, gold, and elite. Strive to convert all the subscribers into elite members.

Free! Matt Bacak’s

Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)


We respect your email privacy!

“Could you pass this Internet Business Quiz?”

Here’s a short quiz. See if you know the correct answers.

1) True or False: You need to create your own product in or to run an Internet business.

2) True or False: Not only do you need to create your own product, but you need to create it before you start building a subscriber list.

3) True or False: Creating and controlling markets is only be achieved by big, brick and mortar companies.

4) True or False: If you have a huge subscriber list then you will automatically make bundles of cash.

What were your answers? Guess what. The answer to all of these questions is FALSE! These are common myths about running an Internet business. Don’t fall prey to these misconceptions. Let’s investigate each myth in more detail.

Myth #1: You need to create your own product in or to run an Internet business.

Nope! The beauty of the Internet is that you can use as a promotional vehicle. You can promote the products of other Internet entrepreneurs. You can sign up to become an affiliate for several programs. You can also create joint ventures. In fact, it has been proven that you can make one million dollars promoting the products of other Internet businesses.

Myth #2: Not only do you need to create your own product, but you need to create it before you start building a subscriber list.

No way! Remember, you can promote other people’s products. Therefore, it is not necessary to create a product before you start a subscriber list. In fact, you should start building your subscriber list right now! Don’t wait. Start promoting and building up the clientele so that you have eager takers when you promote your first product.

Myth #3: Creating and controlling markets is only be achieved by big, brick and mortar companies.

No way! You have the power to create and control markets if you know how. The key is to find subscribers that want your products and services. You can create your own market by surveying subscribers to see what they need. Find out what they need and give it to them. Embed yourself in a niche, learn about its customers, and there you go – you control the market!

Myth #4: If you have a huge subscriber list then you will automatically make bundles of cash.

Wrong-o-matic! Quantity does not beget sales. Instead, you need to focus on a quality subscriber list. A higher quality list will contain subscribers that are actually interested in and will purchase your products. That being said, never, never, never buy a list of email addresses. This type of list has zero quality and will label you a spammer.

How did you do on the quiz? If you didn’t answer all the questions correctly, do you understand the answers now? Hope you do because your competitors do!

For more powerful tips to help your business with internet marketing sign up now for…

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Powerful Promoting Tips

Newsletter ($197 value)

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How Internet Entrepreneurs can use to Rake in Subscribers

As an Internet entrepreneur you need to implement several income streams to maximize profit. These income streams are a result of your marketing and promotional efforts. The Internet offers a variety of marketing options including Google Adwords and email promotion. While these marketing methods can be lucrative, they are not the only choice on the Internet. Have you considered setting up a myspace account at

What is MySpace? Myspace is a global community that allows Internet users to connect with old friends and people all over the world. You can post your profile, Blog, and collect “friends”. Myspace is another promotional tool that an Internet entrepreneur can use to rake in potential subscribers.

What MySpace strategies can an Internet entrepreneur implement? A myspace account is easy to set up. On your myspace webpage you can post articles, press releases, and any emails that you send to your subscriber list. Essentially, you can post any content that you post in other places on the web.

MySpace is another way to present marketing content to more eyes thus leading to more subscribers. Repurposing your content is a strategy that you should use on a daily basis. It is a great way to get more bang for your buck from the material that you create.

For example, you can repurpose an article in several ways. First, you write the article and send it to Internet article directories and post it on your myspace webpage, Blog, and branding site. Then you can turn the article into a press release. You can also take the summary the article and turn it into an email. Then send the email through your Autoresponder sequence. The email will contain the summary and a link to the website with the article.

How can an Internet entrepreneur use myspace to generate leads and sell products? Myspace is a great vehicle for self promotion. On your myspace webpage you can post content and links back to your squeeze pages. Your myspace webpage is similar to a Blog in that you can post information and links that lead to subscribers and sales. The key is to constantly post new (or repurposed) information.

How to Format and Optimize your Branding Website

While it is true that your squeeze page is critical to generating leads, it is also important to correctly set up and optimize your branding website. What exactly should you put on your branding website? What format should you use? Following are tips from an Internet marketing guru.

Branding Website Format:
The general format and layout of your branding website should resemble the format and layout of your sales letter. This means that the header, footer, and side lines in your sales letter should be used on your branding website as well. The header, footer, and side lines are a great way to enclose text. This layout gives a clean look that is easy on the eyes and loads quickly.

The most important feature on your branding website is the Opt-In box. This is so critical that is bears repeating. The most important feature on your branding website is the Opt-In box. The Opt-In box enables website visitors to sign up for your subscriber list. The Opt-In box should be placed on the far left hand side of the branding website. This is the area where eyes tend to go first when people come across your branding website. Having a visible Opt-In box provides an easy opportunity to subscribe to your list.

Your branding website should also include information about the products and services that you offer. For example, coaching, speaking, promoting, and product information should be presented. This allows the website visitor to become familiar with you and your products/services.

Make sure to also provide two free resources. Free resources demonstrate to visitors that you are not solely out for their money, but will offer them something free in the beginning of the relationship. Free resources can be anything you choose. Common examples include free articles, e-zines, and audios.

Don’t forget to have an “About You” section on your branding website. Provide your background, credentials, and even a photo. You may want to brand your face along with your products. Displaying a photo helps visitors to feel more comfortable with your products and services. They see the “face” behind the Internet business.

Also include testimonials and press releases on your branding website. Potential clients want to see your track record through testimonials. They also want to find out what your Internet business has been up to through the press releases.

Make sure that you provide contact information. Encourage website visitors to contact you if they questions or concerns. This way you are promoting an open, comfortable business relationship.

Branding Website Optimization:
Many Internet business entrepreneurs want to know how to optimize their branding site. Simple, you optimize it the same way you optimize your squeeze page. Remember, the goal is to have your squeeze page rank #1 in the search engines, while your branding website ranks #2. The key is to have search engine visitors see your name in the first few spots in the search engine results. This will help promote your image as the authority on that specific topic.

Check my branding site out at
Click the article link for more great promoting tips

Hello from Singapore and Happy New Years…

I know that I’m a little late
emailing you this but I just got
off the plane a few hours ago.

27 hours of planes and Airports. :-(

But, I wanted to tell you that
I wish you a prosperous 2007.

It’s time to take action
& make big things happen.

Talking about that, did you grab
your copy of my CD, yet?

Because, I checked when I got off
the plane and I noticed that we are
down to our last 49 copies!

If not, Go here and grab it:

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak
The Powerful Promoter

Cash In On Hot Trend Of Expired Domains…

Every single day, over 30,000 domains
expire and the massive traffic that was
going to them is lost.

What if you could divert this traffic to your
own website(s) so you could turn these visitors
into highly profitable buyers and inexpensive

Now Matt is revealing the insider’s secrets
of how a few savvy entrepreneurs are raking
in boatloads of cash from these expired
domains and how anyone – even a complete
novice – can get started in just a few

Check out this Free Report ASAP:

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

Jam your pockets full of cash!

For the last few years, a handful of lucky
people have been raking in fortunes from a
virtual Internet monopoly. Their single
best advantage that brought them riches…
no one else knew their secrets.

But now… a single renegade is willing
to break his “vow of silence” and reveal
the secrets used by these select few to
rake in as much as $20,000,000 a year!
(As reported in Business 2.0 magazine)

Throw away your preconceived notions
because you’ve never seen anything like
this before.

And if you don’t check this out right now,
you’ll be kicking yourself later when you
find out you’ve missed a small window
of extraordinary opportunity.

Take 5 minutes to visit this site right now:

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Don’t just sit on your butt and watch
other people go out and start raking in the
big bucks with this system – check it out yourself!

Google Tips that Every Entrepreneur Should Know

Google is a powerful search engine and has a stronghold on the Internet market. Therefore, many Internet business entrepreneurs look to Google for help in promoting their Internet business. Google has several features that can be used to your advantage including a Google AdWords Campaign and increasing your placement in the Google search engine results.

A Google Adwords campaign is easy to setup. The key is to set up your Google AdWords account and advertisements properly in order to garner impressions and clicks on your advertisements. The advertisements you run in your Google AdWords campaign need to be tested and tweaked on a daily or weekly basis.

You should run two to three advertisements at a time and analyze the impressions and clicks each advertisement yields. In most cases, you should only change one element of your advertisement at a time and then run another test. The reason to change just one element, such as the headline, is because it will help you pinpoint which areas of your advertisement are effective or are dead weight.

While tweaking one piece at a time is the recommended course of action, there are instances when you may have to overhaul your entire advertisement. These instances are rare, but can occur. For example, let’s say that you have set up a Google AdWords advertisement that gets impressions, but zero clicks. If you do not receive any clicks then you should redo your entire advertisement. The reason you want to change your entire advertisement is that you need to at least get some clicks and the current advertisement you have did not achieve this.

Another Google feature is placement in their search engine listings. One way to improve your placement on the Google search engine results is to link with webpages that have a high Google page rank. A webpage with a high Google page rank will have several back links.

Strive to find a website that has a high number of back links, but not just any back links. The back links should be to websites that are indexed in Google. If the back link is not indexed in Google then you will not receive credit for the link. Google won’t recognize the link as being valuable. Remember, Google looks for valuable back links and the more you have, the higher your placement in the Google search engine results.

Google also has a great program that can help you track your websites. The program is called “Google Analytics” at Google Analytics is powerful, free, and provides a wealth of information and parameters. An added bonus is that is easy to set up.

About the Author

Matt Bacak, The Powerful Promoter and Entrepreneur Magazine e-Biz radio show host, became a “#1 Best Selling Author” in just a few short hours. He has helped a number of clients target his specialty, opt-in email direct marketing systems. The Powerful Promoter is not only a sought-after internet marketer but has also marketed for some of the world’s top experts whose reputations would shrivel if their followers ever found out someone else coached them on their online marketing strategies. For more information, visit Bacak’s site at or sign up for his Powerful Promoting Tips at

One more BIG gift this holiday season for YOU…

Hey Friend,

I hope you are recovering well from the
hustle and bustle of the holiday!

But, it’s not quite over yet!

…I’ve got one more BIG gift for you.

See last week real estate investing expert
Lou Castillo and I held a small private
training call where we shared how your
favorite Internet marketing guru has
totally HYPNOTIZED you to miss the single
most lucrative and wildly profitable niche
in the Internet marketing industry.

Listeners on this powerful call learned:

– How to Create money on demand every month,
that’s $10,000 – $20,000 every single month!

– How to Make BIG FAT CHECKS you can take to
the bank with a smile on your face! (several
times a year – checks in excess of $30,000
and $40,000!

– How to secure a multi-million dollar retirement
portfolio of houses you pick up for FREE!

But, because this powerful call filled up
within 3 minutes of starting the call, we’re
going to do it again!

…Tomorrow (Wednesday) Night!

Listen Friend, If you assume that you
know what this call is all about…you are

Join us above and learn a powerful system
you can use to easily create a 6 or 7 figure
income in 2007!

Warmest Regards,

Matt Bacak

P.S. Do whatever you have to do to be on
this call. This powerful information will
put a HUGE spin on your 2007!

Merry Christmas…


I just ran upstairs to get
on the computer for a sec.

Because I wanted to say to you…

…Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas,

Matt Bacak

P.S. I would have blogged earlier but
Madison and I fell asleep in the chair
…Madison is now 10 months old, so this
was her first Christmas.(the boxes and
wrapping paper wore her out)