When running an online business the only way to success is to have an organized system of steps that you follow in order to make your business run smoothly. There are many people who have successful online websites. But the reason they are successful is because their business is systematized. Granted there are those who fluked at their success but somewhere along the line they had a system in place and may not have even realized it.
If you already have a website but it’s not creating the returns you had hoped for then make sure you have these steps in place for a smoother more profitable website.
1.Make sure you have an autoresponder in place to capture email addresses. This is critical! You need to build a list so that you can sell to them again and again. But having an autoresponder opt-in page is not enough. Go and log into your autoresponder. But make sure the autoresponder is working properly. Sign up yourself and test it to make sure your messages are going out.
2.Submit your website to free directories.
3.Monitor your Google Adwords. Test and track to see what’s going on with your campaigns and analyze your results. Spend a good coffee day doing this.
4.Write Articles and ensure you have your niche keywords or the main keywords for your website sprinked throughout the content of your article
5.Submit your article to article directory sites like www.ArticleCity.com, www.EzineArticles.com or www.GoArticles.com.
6.Summarize your articles. Take those summaries of those articles and turn those summaries into emails. Start adding these informative summaries to you autoresponder sequence so that you have emails going out. I wouldn’t just turn the summaries into short emails. Make sure those emails have a link that leads to a new website page with the full article. This will make it an informative website – basically off of your site. So, whatever your squeeze page is, dot com, forward slash, your site and then squeeze page article(s).
7.One thing I do is I would go look into my ListOpt. I would check to see – if the amount of people it says they sent me and the amount of people that I have in my autoresponder look pretty much the same.
8.Go in to your autoresponder list and see if there’s any unsubscribers and delete them immediately.
9.Start writing your sales letter emails for your product. If you don’t have your own product find affiliate products you can sell. See if your affiliates have articles and emails already pre-written that you can use to target your own list.
10.If you don’t have your own product you need to create one as soon as possible. You can do this by creating a teleseminar. It doesn’t matter if your list is very small (say 50 people) or very large (15,000 people). It’s best if you make every mistake when you don’t have that many people on your call. In any event, you can record it and sell your teleseminar as a product. You want to turn it into a product asap. You could even turn your teleseminar into a download that you can send out to your list to start building a rapport with them.
11.Look for those you want to do joint ventures with regardless of whether you have an established relationship with them or not. Place them on your potential JV list.
12.Make it happen! A great way for creating products and/or services – or to make money, is to create a day to launch. This ensures you commit and make it happen.
Follow these steps and you’re sure to see great results!
Warmest regards,
Matt Bacak
P.S. If you haven’t signed up for myPowerful Promoting Tips yet, then youare really missing out, go here:http://www.promotingtips.com
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