Suggestions to improve attendance at your teleseminars

A high attendance at teleseminars is critical for the growth of your business. However, not all teleseminars will return high results. That was the outcome of one of my students. Actually, this student asked me: “When I email out to my list, sometimes the registrations are very low. Any suggestions?”

Well, one thing to help you to get higher registrations to your teleseminars is to first think about how many people you have on your list. Let them know how many phone lines you have available and then just basically say to them, “Hey, look, I sent out this email out a few days ago and we had such a tremendous response. So, you better hurry up and reserve your seat while you still have time.” I mean, you’ve got to use urgency and scarcity to get them to do what you want them to do. You might be having a lack of urgency and scarcity inside your emails. Doing this is really going to help you out.

You emails subject line must be strong. You could write something like “Free teleconferencing, Free training”. Make sure you use their first name to personalize the message.

Another thing you can do to help improve registrations is to take all the people that have signed up for the call as well as the one’s that haven’t and send them a reminder email 15-20 minutes before the call, say something like: “Hey, look, the seminar is tonight and you don’t want to miss it. Call this number at this time to get in on the action.”

Something else that works really well, too, is when they fill out the teleseminar form; make an area on the form where they can fill in the name, email address, and phone number. Then call them using a pre-recorded voice broadcast and say something like: “Hey, I just wanted to let you know the call starts here very soon.” That’s makes your message very personalized and leads them to trust you more. This gives you a ton more credibility which helps a lot in improving your teleseminar attendance.

If none of this is working for you, you may not have a teleseminar topic that is of much interest to the people on your list. In this case, I would ask for more feedback and gather as much information as you can on the interests of the group prior to setting up a call. That way you’ll ensure you’re meeting the needs of your audience.

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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