Evaluating Your Sales Letter – Part 1

Evaluating Your Sales Letter – Part 1

Evaluating Your Sales Letter – Part 1
By Matt Bacak

If you have reached the milestone of actually creating a sales letter, I congratulate you for your effort simply because it’s a huge step – much greater than most people would ever venture into. However, it’s not that simple to do. But the questions remain… how good is your sales letter? Is it written well enough to make any sales? I have been asked by my students on numerous occasions to critique their letters and I usually identify very common mistakes. One of the first things that really pops out to the reader is the background color. You want to choose something that isn’t too overpowering so as to focus people’s attention away from what they are reading. Most online marketers choose a dark blue or white for their backgrounds while others may choose branded designs. Testing will prove what works best.

The next thing a readers eyes are drawn to is your headline. Here is an example of what I consider a poor headline, “So you want to make money with internet marketing but you don’t know how to start? Well, now you can have your roadmap.” I’m not big on asking questions in headlines. A lot of people like to do it that way, but I would probably change it to say something like, “Discover how you can make money online with a roadmap to get you started immediately”. Then underneath it, “This is a step-by-step guide for you to start making money quickly and easily on line.”

The problem I have with asking questions in a headline is if you already know that the answer to the question is yes, then you don’t even have to ask the question. A lot of times I also use a subhead line. The sub headline supports and helps to expand the headline. It gives the prospects more reasons to continue reading.

Now, when you start off your letter with a salutation, don’t just merely say something like “Hi”. When we’re writing to our friends, we’re not going to say “Hi.” We’re going to say, “Hi, John” However, if you don’t know who’s landing on your sales page, and you personally don’t know your visitor, you probably want to say, “Dear Friend” or in this example, “Dear Aspiring Internet Marketer” or “Dear Aspiring Online Money Maker.” Anything to that effect would be good. You basically want to present a warm and friendly salutation so that people feel that they are talking to a friend or talking to someone who truly cares. Warm and friendly always wins in the end.

In part two of this series of how to write a winning sales letter, I’m going to address what you need to write for your first paragraph to invite your reader to continue to read on.

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Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Matt_Bacak

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