Part 2 – Branding Sites and Generating Revenue

In part 1 of this article series I addressed how important it is to create one key focus for your website so that your visitors take action. One focus is essential in order to maintain your visitors focus so that you can get better results whether it be through a sale or having them fill in your contact form for more information.

In this article I’m going give you some advice on how to properly structure your website so that it has a clear call-to-action. This call-to-action will help you generate more revenue for your site if you put your site together properly.

There is an old site that I put up years ago that is still up today called  This was a page that was specifically designed to get people to fill in a form. You can use this idea or concept for yourself. On this page, it has a headline  “Discover how you can succeed faster than you ever thought possible,” and then it says, “I’m looking for X amount of motivated individuals to coach, will you be one of them?”…..“Take your first action step right now to see if we are a fit. Simply fill out each field completely in order to qualify for a free strategy session normally valued at $200. If you register for a free strategy session right now, you will receive instant access to “Lead Explosion System Exposed.”

This site has one outcome, one outcome only, and that is to get visitors to fill in a form.  Now, if you want to sell a product, you can use the same concept of creating a squeeze page, but also create a sales letter.

So, in the example I gave you in part one of this article series, I told the couple with the health insurance site that they needed to create a squeeze page that said something like,  “With over 30 years of knowledge in the health insurance industry, let us help you solve your insurance issues. Fill in the information below with your name and email address and we’ll provide you with the forms that you’ll need in order to make the proper claims in the claim recovery process,”…. “We’ll also give you links to other forms that may assist you further”.

I hope you fully understand the concept and the idea behind having a main focus for your website. It is essential because a confused mind is never going to do what you want them to do. If your visitor is confused, they’ll leave your site and never want to come back. The question remains, how are you going to make money? Are you going to sell a product? Are you going to sell consulting? Is that going to make you money? Or is it going to be selling packages? These are questions you’re going to want to answer before you put up a site. Create a plan on a scratch pad to make it easier for you. If  you’re going to be spending your energy and time on a page, you want to know what exact outcome you want to achieve. Is it to get on the phone with people and talk to them? Is it going to be getting them to sign up and then finding other things that you can sell them?  Once you gain a clear focus for your site, then what you want to do is build a site around it that main focal point. You’ll be amazed at the results one simple concept can make.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

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