Gathering People’s Information at Trade Shows

If you are involved in or conducting a tradeshow, you may want to collect people’s name, address and emails to promote to them later on. Now, will you need a website or opt-in page to do this?  No.  Assuming you have a booth, the way to capitalize on this opportunity is to gather as many leads as possible while you are there. A good idea is to collect their business card.

I would set up some exchange, like, “Hey, listen, I’ve got this free newsletter” or “When you put your card in here, you get a chance to win X” – you can win an iPod or a flip camera or whatever the hottest gadget is at the time. Get something as a motivation to get them to give you their contact details and then you could collect all those names inside a fishbowl or something. That’s going to be the best thing to do. Do you need a website to do that? No, you don’t need a website to do that. Do you need an autoresponder to be able to contact them later? Yes, you do.

A lot of times what I would do at tradeshows is I would say, “Hey, look, I’ll give you this free book if you give me your card” kind of deal. I’ve also given away electronics. Sometimes you can actually find a good wholesale deal if you plan on giving away quite a few.  Ipods were great for that.

If you don’t have anything ready at the time of the tradeshow, you can always promise them something else to get their information and then create it and deliver it a week or two later. The big thing with that is you actually have to keep your word and do it. You could say, “Hey, you know, when you give your information, I’m going to give you this. You’ll get it in about two weeks.” Putting a time limit on it will give you the extra motivation to get it done.  That’s the most important part.

My suggestion would be to tell them you’re going to email it to them so that when they give you their information, they will directly land on a sales letter so you can present them with more offers, giving you the opportunity to make a sale. Basically, when you’ve got somebody’s attention it is a big deal.  Since you’ve got them taking action, you’ve got their attention, and that’s probably one of the most valuable assets you’ll have in your business. Without that action or that attention, nothing else happens. So one of the most powerful things that you can ever do is make more offers while you’ve got that person’s attention. And how do you get their attention? Well, they just subscribed, so you don’t really want them to go to a download page. You want to, rather, email them the download page. Land them on a page where they can go and buy something from you.

After the tradeshow you can register your website and subscribe to an autoresponse service, such as Autoresponse Plus, Aweber or Constant Contact. Understand that if you are going to host your site through GoDaddy or something similar they aren’t really set up to send out mass emails. If this is something you require you should use a service like Third Sphere or Direct Horizons. Overall, the more offers of free stuff you can give your audience, the better response you’ll get.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

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