Can You Make Money with Twitter?

Many marketers have different views on whether you can make money with Twitter directly.  Some say you should advertise your affiliate links in your tweets by disguising them with a shorter link like the ones you can get at Tiny Url.  While this may work occasionally or in a few instances when a follower is looking for information on a product they want, doing it consistently is more likely to get you un-followed.

Followers will begin to think that this looks, smells, and tastes like spam.  An example of when this may work is if a follower is looking for great web hosting, and you provide them with your masked link to a product that you truly believe in.

Of course, you can always lead people to your own products or landing pages in your tweets; particularly if the ones who follow you are in a niche or area closely related to your own and the blog or site you lead them to provides useful and valuable information.  This is a great benefit of Twitter – helping others in their own business and building your reputation by the value and knowledge you provide.  When you become known as an expert within your niche or industry, others will have a great interest in what you have to say.

So, can you make money with Twitter?  Contact Matt Bacak and find out more as he has really taken advantage of this useful technology and built his business to amazing heights!  Twitter is absolutely one of the best marketing tools available, and can lead to literally thousands of loyal customers who buy from you on a regular basis.

But in order to make Twitter work for you, you do have to go about things the right way.  Going on Twitter and shoving your products or services down people’s throats won’t prove to be very effective, and will likely earn you a bad reputation.  Do it right, and see how your reputation grows your business to enormous levels!

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