Branding Site vs. Squeeze Page

There are very big differences between branding sites and squeeze pages.   A branding site focuses on branding you. It is meant to provide lots of information about either yourself, your product, your services, or all three. One of the best reasons to have a branding site is to optimize your presence on the internet with the search engines. However, if you really want to optimize your sales, creating a squeeze page is absolutely

necessary. A squeeze page is like a mini sales page, but it is designed to entice people to give you their information by promising them something free in return, such as a newsletter or report.

So, let’s say you only created a branding site like most people do and did nothing else. You have your home page, about us page, news page, products page, testimonial page, etc. There are many different things for people to click. Now the question for you is this. What is the outcome that you want to have for your site? For many sites like this there really isn’t any outcome, except to give people information. That’s why it’s called a branding site. Now, if you want to get people to take action, whether it’s to buy your products or to opt-in so you can get them on your newsletter list, this is not the kind of site that you want to have.

My suggestion would be, if you have a branding site, that’s fine, put it to the side. You can continue to optimize it for the search engines, but have this site point to your squeeze pages.  I would recommend creating a whole new website specifically for one thing. So, for example, say you are into wellness and you want to sell products related to that niche. You create a new squeeze page site and you say, “Discover the ten essentials recommended for healthy living.” Then say, “Sign up here to get your free report”. Then after they sign up, you’re going to redirect them to a page where they can buy something. This page could be your products page on your branding site, or it could be a direct link to an affiliate product. They are going to be cookied through your reference ID if you send them to an affiliate page.

Then what I would do is either send them the report you promised them for free, or offer it instead as a free mini-series of ten separate emails. Reveal one essential for healthy living in each email with a product link. An example could be something like, “Here’s the energy system I recommend and if you buy it today you can get 50% off the second purchase. Go here right now.” And then you’re going to drive them to the link of the particular products instead of having to go back to your branding site and having to search through everything you have there. Think about this, the more times you make people click, the less they’re going to do it.

So my recommendation is this, if you have already built a branding site, say, “Okay, this is what I learned from this website,” then put it to the side. Now, I want you to create a squeeze page to specifically capture people’s information and hook that up to an autoresponder. I highly recommend using Autoresponse Plus software for your autoresponder sequences.

If you don’t know how to set that up and you’re a member with my site, as a member you can access videos on my website that walk you through the process. For an example of a squeeze page, look at and that will help you. Once you attach the autoresponder it is going to send out email messages and drive your visitor to whatever site you want them to go to. My suggestion would be to drive them back to specific products that make sense for them so that they can access information. Make your visitors life easier and offer good information and they’ll love you for it.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

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