“Slash your Tax Bill through Business Expenses”

Why don’t people treat their Internet business as a legitimate business? Internet businesses don’t fall into the common perception of business. We were taught that you had to work hard for your money and commute to an office. Many people don’t comprehend that working from home in their pajamas is a legitimate business. You have […]

“Going to Explode? 3 Tax Mistakes to Avoid.”

Have you already started your business? If you have already started your business then it is imperative that you seek out the skills and services of a tax professional immediately if you haven’t already done so. You could not only be missing out on tax savings, but committing tax blunders even though you don’t realize […]

“Plug up those financial leaks in your Internet business!”

Financial success in business is not how much money you make, but how much money you keep. This doesn’t mean that you save all the money you make and don’t spend anything. It means that you should plug up some of the financial leaks in your business so you are not losing money that you […]