What is the best way to cheaply self-publish a book?”

Having a self-published book as your lead-in product is a good idea but I recommend creating an ebook first. Why? Well it allows you to see if the market demands it. It’s also much less expensive to produce since it’s a downloadable product. All you’re paying for is the time to produce it and perhaps the PDF setup if you outsource it. Then, if successful and if you can sell it out there on the market, then you turn that ebook into a physical book. The reason why I suggest doing the ebook first is that your profit margin is a lot higher. You’re going to make a lot more money on an ebook than you are off of a physical book.

Credibility also plays a key role. The difference between a physical book and an ebook is the credibility factor. A physical book gives you a lot more credibility for having that actual physical book. If you tell people that you’re an author, they’re going to look at you more as an expert and that’s amazing!

However, before I discuss the cheapest way to self-publish a book. You’ve got to be careful. You need to think long and hard about why you want to self-publish a book. What is your purpose for it? If your purpose is just to use them as brochures and also sell them to make the most amounts of profit on it, you’re not going to make much money from a book, so realize that upfront. Actually, a book is not anything but a lead generator. Think of it that way.

But a cheap recommendation I can give is Morgan James Publishing. That’s actually who I use. I like them because they’re s a hybrid for me. But best of all, they’re a New York publisher ! So, it gives you a good name. But also they can help you get in the book stores like Barnes & Noble, Amazon, and all those other places. You get the big publishing company feel, but also get the self-publishing kind of prices. So, that’s why I like them.

There is an upfront cost to using them, but I think it’s well worth it. But the best,  cheapest and most economical way to self-publish a book is going to be to look online. There are other places. But I suggest you just use Morgan James.

Another recommendation I could give as another choice if I was going to get a book published is pitching to Wiley. They are pretty inexpensive but not only that, they’ll actually pay me maybe 20 grand to give them my book! Maybe even more! So, I actually get paid with the book but I’m not going to make any money from the book. I also don’t have much leeway with what I want to do with it with Wiley. So, you’ve got to take that into consideration as well.

The other side to it is if you already have a book and want to make the most money possible from it in the cheapest way possible is to go to a place called Fulfillment Central. That’s FulfillmentCentral.com. You want to talk to Brenda at Fulfillment Central, and that’s Brenda. Her email address Brenda@fulfillmentcentral.com or Brenda@zimbardi.com. I would email her and say something along the lines of, “Hey, look, I want to get a book published,” and get them to publish for you. That’s probably going to be your cheapest way out. But out of all of the companies mentioned I would probably go with the one I’ve been going with for some time which is Morgan James Publishing. Go to MorganJamesPublishing.com to find out more details. Good luck!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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