Online and Offline Promotion

Many of my listeners have noticed the way I promote different products and events and have questioned why I choose more offline promotion for one thing and more online promotion for another. Well, the truth is, I like to incorporate traditional methods such as direct marketing via regular mail as well as the more modern methods.

 Basically, what I do is I look at the numbers and compare the results of previous campaigns amongst the various types of media I’ve used. If I noticed that I had a lot of success sending out postcards for a particular event, I may choose to go this route for future campaigns as well. I mean, there really is no one best way to promote something, so all you can really do is try different things and base future decisions on the results you’ve achieved in the past.

Granted, direct mail can cost a lot more than online marketing, but if you can afford it you can reach out to other demographics of people. I call it multi-step marketing. When I say “multi-step” I’m talking about using many forms of media to get your message across.  I’ve always done email and phone, but I find I’m getting more into direct mail for multiple reasons. I just think that it’s good to not only have one medium that I’m using, but using multi-mediums to make things happen. Direct mail is a lot more targeted and I figured some people’s email addresses change, some people just fall off for some reason, so I’m trying to rekindle some of that. I have noticed a lot of awareness from it.

Recently, when I promoted our Marketing Madness event I chose to do just that. We started out with a budget of 10k, but I think we ended up spending more in the neighbourhood of 17k sending out mailers to a list of 30,000 people. Now, of course you hope it pays off because as usual nothing is guaranteed, but sometimes you have to take chances.

Originally, I wanted to send out hand written postcards because I knew that they would probably pull better than typed script, but because of an assortment of problems and time restraints we ended up sending out a various array of awful neon colored postcards. I did this because I wanted them to stand out and get noticed amongst all the other mail that people receive. As of this writing, I can’t tell how well I did with this campaign, but I’m sure it will have been well worth it.

To learn more about the companies I have used and tested for my direct marketing campaigns I highly recommend you check out The Dirt at .  

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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