If I started over

Someone recently asked me that if I had to build my internet marketing business all over again, what would I do step-by-step to build my business. It’s a really good question and something that I really had to think about.

So, here is what I came up with.  I would probably set up my business a little bit differently. What I mean by that is I don’t think I would personally use my name in any of the marketing. If I would’ve done it at the beginning, I would’ve probably set up a pseudo name, kind of like Mark Twain when he wrote his books. I would come up with something like Mark Twain and be the Mark Twain of the internet for the sole reason that it would help me separate my personal life from my business life a lot better. Trust me, it is great to get your name out there, but the more successful you achieve, the more it starts to weigh on you and the more important it becomes to be able to separate one from the other.

Another thing I would do is come up with my own big ticket product. I’d want to be selling something. This is actually how I started out. I knew I was going to sell something big ticket. I actually got on the phone and I called people, found out exactly what they wanted to buy, and sold it to them. The quickest way to make money is find out what people want and give it to them.

Once I knew that I had a real winner, I set up a squeeze page. The first thing that I always do is set up an opt-in page or a squeeze page and drive traffic to it. That’s what I did at the beginning and that’s what I continue to do now. So, create an opt-in page and drive traffic to it. Get lots of people to sign up. What I would do after that is send emails daily to that list and send them offers and good content. Yes, I would deliver useful content. I would set up an autoresponder sequence that would set up content for them and then I’d have that working on an ongoing basis.

Something else I would do is sell other people’s products to that list at the beginning while I’m getting my products created. I’d find other people’s products every single day. I’d make it one of my habits to be looking for some other affiliate program that I could sign up for and send out to my list to make money from. After I did that, I would then dump money into getting more traffic to my squeeze page, the opt in page, to make things really start happening from there. The more people I get, of course, the more I can market to.

Meanwhile in the background, I’m working on my big ticket product, but not only that, I’m also thinking about working on my continuity. I think it’s really important to be able to build something like a membership site where I’m going to be able to charge people on a monthly basis. That’s kind of like a high level overview.

To summarize step by step, the first thing I would do is go and buy a domain. Then, I would set up an opt-in page.  I would make sure that everything was functioning properly and then get my autoresponder sequence set up. I would go to Google AdWords and set up a new campaign to bring in more traffic. You should consider doing this if you have the budget. It’s a great way to get things moving along fairly quickly. I would then get into a routine of writing and submitting at least one article a day. Those would be the two things that I would really focus on for the traffic side. In the mean time, I’m signing up for other people’s newsletters to see what they’re promoting and if what they’re promoting has an affiliate link and the product matches my niche, I would sign up to those affiliate programs and send out those emails to market whatever product they were selling to my list as well.

Build your list. And if you have to while you’re setting up your products, join other affiliate programs in your niche with products you can market to begin making money. Once you’re product is complete, you’ll already have a list of loyal customers hungry for new products and information you have to offer. It’s really a win-win! Just go for it!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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