The Fortune Is In the Follow-up

Following-up with your visitors is essential to increasing your conversion rate and of course growing your business. A lot of website owners fail to do this. They sit back passively and don’t aggressively follow-up with their visitors who have shown interest in their product. So, how do we know they are interested in what we have to offer them? Well, they opted-in to our list.

What’s that? You don’t have an opt-in box on your sales page? Yikes! You better drop everything and set one up right now.

Let me explain how important this is for your business…

If you have a sales page you must make sure you also have an opt-in box on that same sales page. Many people fail to do this either because they see no purpose in doing it or they think they’ll capture the names when people purchase. But what about those people who are sitting on the fence and unsure about making the purchase? You cannot neglect these individuals; that’s why an opt-in page on your sales page is essential to improve your sales.

If you do have an opt-in page on your sales page and you have a list of people who have not purchased your product whatever you do, DON’T IGNORE THIS LIST! You need to follow-up with these individuals continuously. After all, if they opted-in they are obviously interested in what you have to offer. You simply have to convince them that they need your product.

Basically what you want to do with this list is to take paragraphs from your sales page and produce emails with links going back to the order page for your product. You want to market like crazy so that these people will eventually purchase from you. Just because they didn’t buy the first time doesn’t mean they will never buy from you. Some people just need that extra push and some extra convincing. Don’t forget… “The fortune’s in the follow-up!” You have to follow-up with these people continuously. Some may buy sooner than others. If you continue to market to them eventually many of them will decide to purchase from you.

Actively market to your list so that you can increase your conversions and increase your earnings!

Warmest regards,

Matt Bacak

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