Part 2 – The Best Way to Sell Something on Making Money

In the first part of this article series I addressed the secret to gaining more sales by enticing your prospect with words. In part 2 I want to share more ways that you can have your prospects buy from you. I’ll share with you secrets to making them buy now and avoid delaying their purchase. This means more sales for you in less time. Why wait for sales? Learn the secrets to having your visitor say yes now!

So, another thing I highly recommend that you stress in your offer is what a great deal your prospect will be getting if they purchase right away. Highlight any more bonuses that they’ll get with your offer.   A lot of times at the top of my sales letters I have a headline, then a sub-headline, salutation and opening paragraph. With my opening paragraph  I like them to be short and straight to the point. I think that’s a good strategy.

Next is adding the credibility with the testimonials, and after that I do bullets. I’ve found that five to seven bullets works really well. Use benefit-driven bullets to tell the customer why they need to take action immediately. Then, add more testimonials because this builds even more believability and credibility. It also helps excite the prospects about the benefits that you’re offering and lowers your prospects anxiety.

Another excellent strategy that works wonders is offering free bonuses. Free bonuses always increase your sales. People love free stuff. You want to have a high perceived value listing all of your bonuses as this helps convert your prospects into customers. N

Next, offer a money-back guarantee. Whenever you do a money-back guarantee it really takes away all their worries and so it’s one of the surest ways to increase your sales. You tell them not to worry because they’re not taking the risk, you are. Then, after that I usually state the price and briefly tell the customer one more time exactly what they’re going to get, and then the payment information. Tell them exactly how they can make their payment – through Visa, Mastercard, Paypal… Sometimes what I’ll do is I’ll put a warning in there, of what happens if they don’t take action right now. This strategy works like a charm. However, a lot of marketers fail to do that. But if you do, you might want to think about putting a warning in there. Something like, “If you don’t take action right now, here’s what possibly could happen to you.” You want to make sure that you tell them what’s going to happen if they don’t take action right away.

Finally, the close. You want to tell them exactly what you want them to do. Don’t beat around the bush. Crappy sales letters that I’ve seen out there have very, very weak closes. You want to have a strong close with a call-to-action. I’ve been even as bold to say, “Here’s what I want you to do right now. I want you to put your hand on your wallet or grab your purse, pull out your credit card and then click on that link below.” Believe it or not, people will listen when you give them direct commands.

Another thing that you might want to think about if you don’t already have one is the P.S. at the end of the letter. It’s really proven that the P.S. is the second most important aspect of your letter besides your headline. There have been studies that show that when people read sales letters, they read from the top and scroll all the way down to the P.S at the bottom. So that’s also some things you need to consider to make your sales letter work for you and not against you. Build a strong benefits oriented sales page with a strong call-to-action and see your sales soar!

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

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