Part 2 – Setting Up Your Squeeze Page Using Autoresponse Plus.

In the last article I explained the importance of having of squeeze page and using the right autroresponder software program in order to make your squeeze page work well. Communicating with your list is essential to building a solid foundation for your business and in order to communicate with our list, you need a good autoresponder software program. One of my favorites is Autoresponse Plus. Today I’ll explain how to use Autoresponse Plus to properly set up a squeeze page that will allow you to easily communicate important messages to your list.

When you log in to your Autoresponse Plus, at the top you’re going to be able to see the autoresponder. So you’ll br on yhr strs where the autoresponders are. In the upper right-hand corner it’s going to say, “autoresponders”. And what you want to do is you want to click that and then create a new autoresponder sequence of messages. So you want to create a new autoresponder specifically. Let’s call it a new autoresponder bucket. This is where your visitors are going to go and subscribe to your list.

Once you create that new autoresponder bucket, you want to scroll your eyes all the way across the page where that bucket is. It’s going to say “form code” or “form”, and when you click on that, it’s going to give you all the necessary information for your form. But the reason I’m telling you to do that is because you’re going to need that form code so that your webmaster/squeeze page set up guy can gain access into your autoresponder.

As I said previously in the last article, I highly recommend He can actually handle the whole thing for you. They can design and set up your squeeze page for you in no time. Just let them know that you want to create an opt-in page or a squeeze page that can integrate with your autoresponder. Then pass them your autoreponder and any other pdf’s or attachments that your visitor will get once they sign up.

You’ll also need to give them your username and password. I trust them with my information and you should trust them with your information too.

If you want a sample of a working squeeze page, check out my site at Make sure that for your squeeze page that you create a good headline. Give your headline, content copy, images, codes, any files and access information to your webmaster so that they can easily complete the job for you. Don’t leave out any necessary information as this will only delay your job.

If you want to do-it-yourself, you’re going to need a piece of software. I personally use Microsoft Web Expressions. You can also use Nvu to do your squeeze pages. So, check out a sample of my squeeze page at Simply copy it. What you do is you just click on Control-A and copy the whole thing. You can use any web editor program like Nvu, Web Expressions or Front Page. Just copy and paste it inside any of those. The reason you’re going to do this is because that’s going to give you the format and outline that you need in order to make things happen.

Now what you can do is you can modify it like you would a Word document. So, you could simply retype in your own headline, images, content etc. Take out my stuff and replace it with your own. But definitely use that as a model for your own page.

Now, the one thing you’ll need to do is to make sure that the form is going to your form and not mine. So, basically what you do is you pretty much delete the form that’s on there and then go inside your autoresponder and grab the form code that you need and you have to put it inside there. It’s going to give you your login and password information. Just click there, log in and it’ll walk you through how to do it.

Once you get done with the page, what you’re going to have to do is you’re going to have to upload the page or FTP the page. If you are a member of my site you can find all of the tutorials of how to upload the page there. But just follow the instructions inside the private area and you should be fine. Once you do one squeeze page, the rest are a piece of cake. Now get out there and make it happen!

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

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