Matt Bacak’s Reasons Why a Double Opt in Email List is Crucial to Your Success

If you plan on becoming a serious online marketer with a large measure of success, building a double opt in email list is something you just have to do.  Perhaps you don’t know what it is, or how it works.  Once you understand, the strategy is easy to implement.  Unless you plan on building a list of targeted subscribers, you can’t expect to ever make massive money like many of the guru’s you have probably heard of.

A double opt in email list is essential to the success of your internet marketing career.  Essentially, this means that when someone gives you their name and email address, they must then click a link in the first email they receive from you verifying that they requested information from you.  This not only helps to protect you from spam complaints, it lets you know that these people are sincerely interested in what you have to offer them.  With a regular opt-in list, many people give you junk email addresses which are often accounts they have set up so that they can get a free report or other information from you, then they simply ignore it.  This means they may not pay attention to anything else you send them from that point on.

When you build a large double opt in email list, you have the opportunity to make a very lucrative income from that list for years to come.  By sending the subscribers on your list valuable, useful information, you will earn their trust, which has a lot of bearing on whether they purchase a product or service from you.  Once they do purchase from you and like what they see, you can market any updated or new products to this list of ‘friends’ you have built over and over again.  So, if you want to know more about a double opt in email list or anything related to internet marketing, just contact Matt Bacak!

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