How Long Does it Take to Make a Sale?

A student of mine created a website from scratch and it started to get noticed by the search engines. He began to get more traffic and had about 18 subscribers, but he hadn’t yet made a sale. So, he figured he would stop using pay per click to drive traffic, since his site was already indexed and he wasn’t making any sales anyways. He decided to just build his site organically. Although he had about 18 subscribers, some good traffic and offered a free ebook, he was frustrated that no one was buying anything on his site. So, the question is, was he doing something wrong or was there another reason for his misfortune?

Let me first start by saying that it is okay to stop using pay-per-click. However,  I’ve seen it happen many times myself  that  if you stop using pay per click completely, you will notice that your search engine rankings go down. So, what I recommend doing is not shutting down your account or pausing your account. You may just want to lower your budget to a ridiculously low level, like a dollar. A dollar a day, which is only 30 bucks a month. I highly recommend that you do this just to keep pulling yourself up higher in the search engines.

I analyzed his website and noticed a few things I would change and this should speak to everyone out there. One of the number one biggest website conversion rules is that the more times you make a visitor click, the lower your conversions will be. Said another way, the fewer times you make a visitor click, the higher your conversion rate. There are exceptions to the rule, but generally speaking that’s how it is.  The same thing goes for your opt-in page. The more times you give a visitor the option to click on many different links, you’re going to decrease your opt-ins. So, the fewer times you make a visitor click, you’re going to increase your opt-ins or increase your sales.

My suggestion to him and to everyone else is if you’ve got way too many different options for people to choose from on a sales page or opt-in page, you may want to change it up. If you’re building an opt-in page, make it simple. There should be one outcome and one outcome only and that’s only to grab people’s name and email address.  Don’t have any other links on there.

When I looked at his sales page, again I noticed that he had many ebooks listed and a whole bunch of other stuff for sale. Too many choices will cause people not to buy. My suggestion was this. Take a page, create it specifically to do one thing, one thing only, that is become an opt-in. And create another page that has one thing and one thing only, that is to buy one particular product from you, because a confused mind never buys or opts-in. So take these things into consideration if your site is suffering from these same problems. I can almost guarantee your conversion rates will increase.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

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