Creating Your Website – What You Need to Do to Make it LIVE!

If you have a domain but you find it difficult to load on the server don’t dispair. You’ll first need to purchase hosting so that you can host your website somewhere. Now once you’ve got your hosting account , you’ll be given a cPanel username and password. This basically allows you to have an HTML site. But in order to set up your site you’re going to need some software. What I would suggest is using a free software package called FileZilla. You can go to What you’re going to do is you’re going to download it. It’s a free piece of software and you download it to your computer. FileZilla is an FTP piece of software which will allow you to upload your files so that your website can be viewed on the internet.

If all of this sounds complicated it really isn’t. If you simply follow these steps I’m about to give you and if you take a look at the tutorial videos I have on member access area, you’ll be fine. Once you create your first website it gets easier. Also, you don’t have to do it yourself if you don’t have the desire to do so. Simply hire a college student in any graphic design program or go to any online freelance site like, or to have your website set up for you for very little. But if you want to know how to do it yourself you’re going to need three things really. You’re going to need your cPanel login from your hosting account, your domain and FTP access.

Now, just because you have a domain does not mean that you’re going to be able to do anything to your website or load anything up. What you need to have available is a place where all of your data is going to be hosted and stored. This is going to be your hosting account. So what you want to do, when you open up FileZilla are a few things. In the upper left-hand corner, it’s going to say “host.” And you’re going to type in your domain name there. Now, I would not put http:// or www in front of it. Simply type in the exact name of your site with the .com extension. Don’t put anything before your website name. So, let’s just say it was PromotingTips – that’s one of my sites. I would put in Then it will ask you to enter your host name as well. You’re going to put in the username and password for your cPanel hosting account. Don’t worry about the port. That’s not a concern. The system will know what it is immediately.

Once you’ve completed those steps you’ll then have to enter the Quick Connect. On the left-hand side of the screen you’re going to see all the files on your computer. You’re going to do a search to find the file that you want to load to your FTP site. Once you do that you’ll then see on the right-hand side all of the files for your website. When you log in, it’s going to give you a bunch of different files. You want to go into the “Public HTML” folder. There you’ll see, on the right-hand side, when you log into what’s called the remote site. This is your hosting account. Here it’ll say Public.html or Public_html. Click on that, and then you’re going to see where all of your files are going to be hosted.

What you’ll do next is you’re going to drag the file you want to upload to your website from your computer and drop it on to the actual area inside the Public_html. You’ll need to also note that typically, the main page is always your index page or your main homepage. So, the main page is always the index so you’ll be able to see it there. That’s typically how I do it.  But a word of advice, make sure that you enter your username and password in all lower case characters – with no spaces.  Once you do that, simply log in there and you’re going to look for how to FTP and edit your website. If you’re a member as I mentioned earlier you can view the complete video tutorials of how to set up your website on members area. I offer a file in there that’s going to show you exactly how it’s all done. That’s going to be able to help you a lot.

Remember, if you’re not inclined to do it yourself hire someone. They are an expert and would most likely get it done quickly. If you want to focus more on the marketing and strategizing of your business let someone else specialize in the setup of your site. A little help can sometimes move you further along much quicker so that you can focus on profits rather than tasks that just consumer your time. It’s really up to you.

Best Regards,

Matt Bacak

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