Email Deliverability – Part 2

Email Deliverability – Part 2


By: Matt Bacak

Today, I want to show you how to get your email address White Listed.

What exactly does getting white listed mean?

When someone’s email is white listed, it means that your emails will always make it through no matter what “spam filter” rules you break.

  • Everyone deals with Spam
  • Get white listed and make more $
  • Biggest factor: EMAIL ADDRESS

Getting white listed takes a lot of creativity. You have to make your potential customers want to see your emails.

Make your emails so good that your customers NEED to read them.

Ask them to white list in your email verification

  •   Make sure they white list you by making them know that they NEED to see your emails
  •  Create value with your emails
  • Discounts and Coupons
  •  Create Free Offers
  •  Let them know that you are going to take care of them

The number of emails that are sent out every single day is growing exponentially. You want to make sure your customers are getting your emails and their spam folders are not.

Now, we can talk about your subject line.

Your subject line in an email can kill.

A badly written subject line can either make or break your campaign. After you make a white list, you aren’t guaranteed an opened email. Many people decide whether or not they’re going to read an email by the subject line. Our subject lines need to catch the eye, but also establish trust with the recipient.

Make your emails look personal. These emails have the biggest impact and ensure the best deliverability. An idea for this would be to make your subject line look personal.

This can be achieved by not using the person’s first name in the email. Maybe leave the subject all lower-case. Make sure you keep up to date with updates and alerts from anti-spam/virus companies.

Ex: When Vista launched, spammers were spamming the launch of vista. At the same time, some marketers promoting vista got blacklisted. If you ever think you’ve been blacklisted, you can find out by going to…

Keep your emails as personal as you can and always make sure you keep trust with your customers. Never try to pull a fast one, once you lose someone’s trust, it is very hard to earn it back. Once you make sure your emails are making it to the customers, you need to make sure your emails actually get read.

Your Success = Your Email’s Open Rate

Remember, your subject line is the first thing that they see. The subject line is the most important part of your email. It will make or break the buyer’s decision on whether or not to open your email. Make sure your email’s content is your own and original. If they can find the content of your email somewhere else, they won’t want to open it.

Try to form a relationship with your buyers because a relationship with your customers is a key to making sure your emails are actually being read and not being sent straight to the trash can.

An example of this would be to create separate lists that relate to whatever they bought from you. Keep these groups separate to add a little more personal touch to your emails.

Stir up an interest to yourself as an individual. Some people have a special “spark” to themselves and leave people wanting more. People who don’t have this “Spark” have other ways of stirring up interest.

  • Surveys
  • Contests

Unfortunately, this is the last day of your eCourse on Email Deliverability.

The good news is that now you know how to optimize your emails for the optimum performance.

I hope you enjoyed this series.  Remember to white list my email so I can continue to send you more great information on email marketing.

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