Who Will Be The Next Internet
Marketer Of The Year? (2011)
Dear Friend,
As you may know,I got awarded the prestigious award “Internet Marketer of the Year“…a noble award considering I went against some of the most talented people on the planet…and I won.
So, what’s this got to do with you? Well…everything.
You see, I feel that it’s time to pass on the torch to the next up and coming Clickbank King and Internet Marketer of the Year…
…and that’s why I personally got permission to hand over the title to the #1 promoter of the “Mass Money Maker” launch.
You my friend, will have a chance to go against some of the top talent in the world, and show them who’s boss…in turn, you’ll be crowned Internet Marketer of the Year and hold the prestigious title as a Clickbank King.
We will have four awards going out for this launch.
Make sure you check those out too.