This video is now probably one of my favorites, might be because I relate to it since I once was an amateur boxer… so the analogies and video inspires me or because of the trials, struggles and challenges I’ve dealt with in my life on the journey to where I am today. I hope this […]
Merry Christmas!
On behalf of my family and myself, I’d like to wish you a very Merry Christmas. With Christmas upon us, I wanted to take a moment to tell you how thankful I am to have you as one of my loyal readers. There is no question the internet has the power to change so many […]
How to Promote Your Business Using Articles
How to Promote Your Business Using Articles By: Matt Bacak Promoting your business using articles remains one of the most effective ways of online marketing. It will not cease to be vital in marketing as long as people are still willing to consume written content. However, unless it is done well, your business would […]
Attention: Customers
I’m doing something special for my customers, something that I haven’t done in almost 3 years, so… …I’m looking for customers that did not get my past two “customer only” emails. These are the subject lines: subject: An Urgent Message To My Best Customers subject: OMG – Our Customers Have Gone Crazy! If you are […]
Don’t Quit!
I found this email I sent out back in 2005 and I wanted to share it with you…. ———- Forwarded message ———- From: Matt Bacak Date: Wed, Mar 16, 2005 at 1:00 AM Subject: Matt,I just had to share this with you…. Hi Matt, I just had to share this with you…. I read this […]
Random Fact About Bill Gates
Random Fact: Did you know that because Bill Gates’ Father was a wealthy lawyer, and because of that he was able to send Bill to private school. That private school had one of the only computers in the country and he was 13 years old. When he was 15 years old, he heard that the […]
Top 5 List Building Strategies
Top 5 List Building Strategies By: Matt Bacak There’s money to be made with a list whether you see it or not. That’s why there are even some companies that make their profit selling lists to people in specified niches and markets. A list is very valuable to any business because in that list […]
I hated every minute of it…
I just deleted 100k subscribers. Consider yourself lucky in a sense cause if your getting my emails… …if so, you made the official cut. btw. I also took down that site I emailed you about like I promised. I’m sorry if you missed out. — enough about that… I’m not sure if we have officially […]