If I had to start all over again, the only site that I would ever put up is a Power Squeeze™ site. From a sales perspective, realize that a confused mind never buys. This article will tell you how to put your websites in an order that will not confuse your target audience. Go Below […]
… put this into your BRAIN!
Did you know that there is alegal and ethical way to cheatyour GENETIC potential and goWAY beyond it? No…I’m not talking aboutsteroids, but something a lotmore powerful… …and you put it directly INTOYOUR BRAIN! ————————– Here’s the Scoop…————————– A friend of mine, who happens tobe a self-made millionaire, hasfinally come clean about how he’sable to […]
How to measure if your emails are getting through to your list.
If you are sending emails out to your list you know how important it is that they receive what it is you’re sending them. After all, your business is at stake and this communication with your list is crucial to your business. Now, obviously if someone buys something, you know they got your email. However, […]
Let’s socialize…
The Web 2.0 buzz is getting bigger every day. Let’s socialize web 2.0 style. Here are a list of Social Networkingsites that I belong to, join them andlet’s start socializing online. MySpace:http://www.myspace.com/powerfulpromoter Facebook:http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=675977989 Digg:http://digg.com/users/mbacak/ If you want to be my friend on AmazonLog into your Amazon account and go to: http://www.amazon.com/gp/pdp/profile/A2ZJJA8PATDPOQ Warmest regards, Matt Bacak
What is Squidoo and how can you benefit from it?
Squidoo is basically where you can go and build a site quickly. You can recommend information, you can recommend ideas and you can spread your ideas and make them available for the public to see. It can make you look like an expert really quickly. What it allows you to do is easily build a […]
I’ll let you know…
I’m about to release tickets to my Marketing Madness LIVE seminar soon but I’m putting the finishing touches on the website for you. I’m doing something a bit different this time. I’ll let you know soon. HOLD ON – While you wait… Inside my Brand new FREE CD called: (The CD I mentioned yesterday) “Traffic […]
Traffic and getting Tickets…
If the thought one second that I was talking about being in traffic on the road and getting tickets from a cop then you were dead wrong. Because, I have even better news. First, let’s talk about the tickets. In the next few days, I’m going to be releasing tickets to the public for my […]
How to *cheat* and win…
Did you know that there is a legal and ethical way to cheat your GENETIC potential and go WAY beyond it? No…I’m not talking about steroids, but something a lot more powerful… …and you put it directly INTO YOUR BRAIN! ————————– Here’s the Scoop… ————————– A friend of mine, who happens to be a self-made […]
…How "Aliens" can make you rich
Listen, I’m going to make this quick because I don’t know how much time I have left! A friend of mine just discovered and released something NEW… Something so profound, it can get you more wealth and prosperity than any marketing product or software you’ve ever seen. (In FACT, it’s what he believes to be […]
Local Search
If you’re looking from an SEO perspective for local search, it’s pretty easy. Just find names of counties and things like that and put them in your keywords. Think about what people are searching for. You can take Atlanta for example; I used to dominate “Atlanta internet marketing tips.” Why? Well, because there were a […]