Links drive direct traffic to your website. Links directly increase your website’s rankings. Link building is the art of attracting links that you want. Anybody can engage in link building. Links come from anywhere that you want them to come from. Links can come from…• Blog posts• Press releases• Text links• Links from websites related […]
“How to Book a Radio Interview”
If you want to be booked on a radio show then you have to provide entertaining, informative content. Think you don’t have the right content for a radio show? Think again. If you can answer “yes” to any of these then you can be a guest on a radio show.Can you save people time or […]
“How to pick the right radio shows to promote your product.”
Have you written a book and are searching for ways to promote it? Have you thought about the power of being a guest on radio shows? You can make huge amounts of money by promoting your book through radio shows. There are almost 11,000 radio stations in America. This gives you a huge market in […]
“SEO rules have changed. Do you know the new rules?”
Did you know that traffic generation from a SEO operation doesn’t work anymore because Google has changed? The changes just happened in the last few months on Google. In order to make the most money you need to understand these changes. Why should I make SEO priority? In one month 6.7 billion searches were done […]
“The 2 Types of Traffic Sources for Your Internet Website”
What is the difference between traffic and “targeted” traffic?You can pay money to get general traffic. However, if these people don’t want your product then you won’t make money. Targeted traffic will be interested in your product and will buy. Internet Traffic Myth: “If you build it they will come.”Just building a website does not […]
“The 3 Requirements to Making Money Online”
By now you probably know that you can use the Internet to completely change your life. You can go from being broke to being a millionaire. If you are armed with the right tools and take action then you can earn piles of cash on the Internet. Advertising is expensive. The cost of advertising on […]
News about Fat Jack Hosting
Fat Jack Hosting Clientele Getting in on the Ground Floor…of Clustering Technology
Attention: Network Marketers- I Can Help You!
This past week I was nominated for… “Network Marketing Coach of the Year 2007!” You might say network marketing, what the heck. That’s what I thought, Network Marketing – I’m not in that… But then it hit me like a ton of bricks some of most successful clients use my powerful strategies I taught them […]
“7 Tips to Getting Started with Radio Interviews”
Have you determined that you want to be a guest on radio shows? Have you realized that radio shows are a great way to promote yourself and your product? Do you want to grab this power and use it to its fullest advantage? If so, then awesome! You are one step closer to achieving the […]
“Call the Radio Station to Book an Interview!”
Call the radio station and book an interview by following these tips: 1.) Call the producers, not the hosts.2.) Log all your phone calls. Keep track of who you called and when you called. Use a database program such as Excel to keep track of radio station information. List names, phone numbers, and a log […]